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Challenge: Beat the Meta Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:02:41 AM
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Simple game. Post a squad that will have an advantage against *each* of the previous 3 squads that were posted. Explain how your squad will have an advantage over each of them.

Commentary is allowed, but don't let it get out of hand. People need to be able to easily identify what the last 3 squads were.

Bonus points if you can do it without Reinforcements.
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:03:38 AM
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Squad #1:

58 Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi Master
27 Poe Dameron
25 Callista, Force Spirit
25 Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight
25 Rey
10 Jagged Fel
10 TC-70 Protocol Droid
9 General Dodonna
8 R7 Astromech Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 10 activations)
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:04:32 AM
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Squad #2:

--Seps Hex--
105 Hex Droid x3
27 Lobot
19 BX Commando Droid Spotter
16 Battle Droid Sergeant
16 Geonosian Overseer
9 Battle Droid Officer
8 R7 Astromech Droid

(200pts. 9 activations)
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:05:10 AM
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Squad #3:

--Uggies that can shoot--
37 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
21 Admiral Yularen
17 Clone Commander Gree
16 Queen Amidala
14 Elite Clone Trooper Commander
9 ARF Trooper
8 Mas Amedda
78 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist x26

Preferred Reserves:
(SC Palpatine) 20 Blizz
(SC Palpatine) 30 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist x10

(200pts. 33 activations)

Post a squad that can beat squads #1-3. Explain how it will do so.
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:14:48 AM
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Squad #4:

--Overwhelming and Bastila--
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
33 Vima Sunrider
29 Kerra Holt
27 Lobot
50 Rakghoul Warrior x2
15 Momaw Nadon
8 Wicket
5 Army of Light Trooper

(200pts. 9 activations)

I'll go first.

The first two squads (Rey and the Hexes) are tank squads. Vima and the two Rakghouls are tankbuster pieces. Momaw and Kerra to kill lots of Spaartis while Bastila shuts down the important CEs of both Rey and the Spaartis. Wicket's there to help people hit their attacks. Lobot and AoL Trooper are barely minimum door control. Lobot will generally bring fodder and more door control, but can bring in some emergency tech when needed as well (such as the Czerka Shield Tech vs the Hexes).

Now post a squad that will beat Squads #2-4
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:22:04 PM
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Squad #5:

--Zero CE Swarm-and Shields- Killer--
51 Yoda on Kybuck
33 Captain Rex
29 Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight
27 Lobot
23 Foul Moudama
15 Momaw Nadon
13 Czerka Shield Technician
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 8 R7 Astromech Droid
(Lobot) 5 Killik Drone
(Lobot) 4 Loth-cat
(Lobot) 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 12 activations)

I'll go second, too.

The Shield Tech is mainlined but then bring in a 2nd against the Hexes. Two shield techs should swing the game strongly to the Republic's side, espeicially considering the lack of movement for the hexes.

Against Bastila and the OR, no CEs are being disrupted, and the Republic is a huge winner in terms of movement. OR will have trouble keeping up. Overall firepower in the two squads is pretty comparable, but the movement should give the Republic the win.

Against the Spaartis, Yobuck and Momaw are expected to do the heavy lifting. Lobot options could potentially be Distraction pieces. Of squads 2-4, the Spaartis are probably the toughest matchup for this Republic squad, but they should be able to pull it off as long as Yobuck gets a good run through the Spaartis.

Now post a squad that can beat #3-5
Posted: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:58:24 AM
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Looks like no one else wants to play. I'll give it another go anyway.

Squad #6:

--Boba, Warb, Klatassassins--
50 Boba Fett, Assassin for Hire
40 Warb Null
85 Klatooinian Assassin x5
12 Krath Death Witch
8 R7 Astromech Droid
5 Killik Drone

(200pts. 10 activations)

Vs Spaartis: Warb is 28D from distance in cover so they can't hit him outside of 6 squares. Once they are within 6, he's still 24D with Shii-Cho and Rolling Attacks can roll through them.

Vs OR and Republic: Both of those squads are largely Jedi with little to no shooter defense. Boba and the Klats should have a field day. 30hp Klats can't be killed in one gallop from Yoda.

This time the advantages are not as strong, but I think this squad gets at least some advantage over all 3 of the others.
Posted: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 10:23:28 AM
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I think the best Separatist team I ever built could hold their own and win the day against the three previous:

Squad #7
--Hunting With Grievous (winner of the Canadian Regional 2015)--
63 Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike
27 Lobot
30 BX Commando Droid Spotter x2
56 BX Commando Droid Sniper x4
12 Gha Nachkt
8 Battle Droid Officer
4 Mouse Droid x2

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 20 Blizz

(200pts. 13 activations)

Against Bastilla:
The BXs are beefy enough to not care about the overwhelming, also can't overwhelming against a stealth target you can't hit. Bastilla's CE disrupting is annoying but Grievous can go for the out-activate, charge in and then swap to the Jedi Hunter version and show her his light saber windmill.

Against Yoda/Aayla/Rex:
Spotters are a shooters worst nightmare so Rex is out, and even if he does get to shoot it eats up his whole turn to kill one Droid. Yoda will want to strafe but once again BXs don't go down easy and can survive and attack of oppurtinity back hard. Intuition helps set up to manipulate the board and I can spam fodder to win the activation game.

Against Fett and Klats:
Grievous has that perfect sweet spot 30 Damage to mow down all of the Klats in one turn, and if they try to spread out his Snipers have 30 base as well and can end/beginning of round reposition to set up for some one shot kills and survive their self destruct. The HP of the BXs and Grievous's damage reduction will help negate self-destruct and spotters are this teams worst enemy.

I think played well it would be three pretty easy fights for the Confederacy, and as is it's one of the only things my droids still have going on with all the reserves, Huge and Geonosian hate going on.

Should be easy to counter my team with these rules, bring on the ion cannons hahaha

Now beat squads 5-7!
Posted: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:41:49 PM
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Squad #8:

--Ghost Crew's Major Evasion--
51 Kanan Jarrus
35 Hera Syndulla
27 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commando
19 EV-9D9
19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando
16 General Crix Madine
13 Glitterstim Dealer
9 General Dodonna
8 R7 Astromech Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 10 activations)

Vs Yobuck, Rex, and Aayla.
Kanan, Leia, Hera are shooters against a Republic's lack of shooter defense. Dodonna allows out-activation. Tough matchup but should have a slight advantage. Luke gets to 100dmg on the move.

Vs Boba, Warb, Klats
Out-activate and then move in all 4 attackers. Pick off Warb and Fett from a distance while evading on a 7. Then move in get the Klats one at a time while adjacent but have to suffer the SD damage.

Vs Seps
EV-9D9 shuts down their Intuition. They're totally immobile vs the Mobile shooters of Kanan and Hera. Survival Expert lets Hera and Kanan make their Energy Shield saves. Once close, Kanan can Sweep to get the Sniper/Spotter combo at the same time. Crix can shut down the CEs if he's close enough.
Posted: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 6:05:34 PM
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Squad #9

--Final Frontier--
50 Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith
37 Grand Admiral Thrawn
75 Nightsister Hunter x3
18 Moff Nyna Calixte
8 Mas Amedda
12 Ugnaught Demolitionist x4

(200pts. 11 activations)

Vs Boba, Warb and Klats
Nightsister hunters with their plasma bolt, deadeye and accurate can neutralise defensive capabilities and can rout distancing issues. If they are forced to miss it becomes easier to take the shot, meaning they could easily take out the Klats within a single round because of double, and if the witch isn't played carefully due to commander effect range restriction, the defence bonus can be crushed, and with thrawn being able to both take the first turn and drop swap vader if things get too hot for the hunters, all that needs to be done is sit back and play a long game at extreme distance. (if Warb closes and gets really unlucky by being next to a hunter and rolls crap, he may loose everything due to bludgeon.

Vs Seps
Same issue with the Klats recreated in the snipers and spotters just with an extra 20 hp to deal with. Grevous may be a challenge but If played right vader could tank him quite easily with the drop swap. Hunters pick off the officer and the spotters, and the snipers become easy prey if not kept well. Mouse droids can be annoying because of the commander buff range increase, but they do not take a lot of punishment. Blizz may be an issue and if Gha can repair a spotter or sniper the challenge will be significantly increased, but nothing a bit of careful play can't fix.

Against the Nightsisters the survival expert is nullified rendering that bonus useless. This squad has a more than likely chance of killing FF off, but if some lucky rolls are made Dodonna will be almost no challenge to take out, making it slightly easier to take on with less round activations. a lot of stealth gives the nightsisters a buff to attack. The chance of beating GCME is slim but not impossible and simply requires decent rolls and keeping the distance. Jarrus will be the one that will however most likely kill off the NS hunters unless vader can come in for a nasty whack.

Overall not a squad I expect to do well, but still one that can be played to a very powerful standpoint if done correctly and the hunters stay alive.
Now do 7-9
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:50:34 PM
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Posted: Monday, July 16, 2018 12:08:41 PM
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Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 7:57:05 PM
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Squad #10, yes I'm bringing this back

--Sith Slayers--
50 Darth Bane, Sith Master
50 Darth Cognus
42 Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate
18 Dark Force Nexus
12 Sith Ordnance Specialist x2
20 Sith Recruit x5
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 XT-6 Droid
2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess

(200pts. 14 activations)

Vs Seps, this squad doesn't care about their shooter defense and has some of its own against the BX Droids, plus plenty of movement to track down the Wheelbike.

Vs Rebels, this squad outactivates it and outbeefs it. Kanan won't be able to do very much against Doctrine of Fear, and the Sith don't care about Disruptive.

Vs Imps, the Hunters are not tanky enough to stand up to Sith. Thrawn could hamper them with Ysalamiri, but then he would be up close and in danger.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:10:02 AM
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Squad #11. Ok, here's my stab at it:
--Tank this!--
50 Boba Fett, Assassin for Hire
41 Black Krrsantan
32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker
31 Morrigan Corde
27 Lobot
5 Killik Drone
9 Rodian Brute x3
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess

(200pts. 11 activations)

Yes, there is a far superior version to this squad ( that uses Jabba/Bib instead of Talon/Lobot, but I think this squad will get the job done vs squads 8, 9, and 10. (Btw, the Jabba squad would utterly squash the Sith squad because of more damage and Tight Security.) Here is how I envision these match-ups playing out:

Vs #8 GCME: This is probably the most difficult of the matchups, though I think it's still 60/40 in Talon's favor. Talon already out-activates the Rebels, so any reinforcement options can work. Perhaps a solid attacker (Klat Assassin isn't bad, doing 40dmg vs Jedi and SD for 20) with some extra door control. Morrigan ignores Evade and stays safe via Agile. Boba will have to settle for doing 30dmg per round (evade on 7s will statistically avoid 2 of his 3 attacks) until a target gets close enough for all 90 dmg to stick. Black K won't have much to do until people get close, when he will become a beefy menace that is hard to avoid.

vs #9 Final Frontier: Talon already outactivates, so reinforcements can be flexible, but I'd personally lean toward several activations because Thrawn really doesn't like being heavily out-activated...and probably include an R7 since Uggies are Thrawn's only door control...if Boba can snipe them before they can blast any significant doors, then his squad will be able to control the map quite effectively. Talon's intuition CE + Morrigan's charging fire can eliminate a Hunter at just about any point. The Hunters also don't have enough damage output to severely threaten Boba and Black K. Once Vader is in LOS, he's in severe trouble.

Vs #10 Sith Slayers: Reinforcements will be 4 or 5 activations, perhaps including Wicket (to counter Cognus' Doctrine of Fear). Morrigan denies SSM/Evade and has the movement to keep away. Black K has Parry (because almost all of the Sith's damage is melee), and when enough damage does get past his Parry, he'll be doing unpreventable damage. Boba focuses his attention on anyone he can see, but especially Darth Bane if he can (since his best defense is merely LS Defense). Order of priority is Cognus (because of Doctrine of Fear combined with Distraction), but if we can get LOS on Darth Bane early then it should be very easy to bring him down in 1 round. Eventually, it'll be just Tulak vs a wounded Black K, and that matchup favors the wookiee.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 4:42:19 PM
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Squad #12

--The UnForce Five--
30 Shedao Shai
30 Supreme Overlord Quorreal
28 Tsavong Lah, Warrior Elite
27 Nen Yim
22 Dovin Basal Keeper
22 Khalee Lah, Warrior Progeny
19 Eighth Cortex Shaper
15 Yammosk War Coordinator
7 Shamed Intendant

(200pts. 9 activations)

Squad #9

Probably the Easiest to navigate through. Bring in Yun-Ne'Shel Preist and Dooje with Q and Executor with the
8th. Vader doesn't scare me at all and this squad loses an activation to attack me farther than 6 squares away due to the Dovin Basal. Steal Swap and let the good times roll.

Squad # 10

This is where the unintentional fun begins. Super Beefed up Vong thanks to Tulak Hord CE steal, Giving my Unique Vong without a Force Rating (all of Them) +4/+10 and Identical Forces for the Boardwide swaps. Yep (Got'em Coach).

Bring in Preist (scarification) with the 8th and Advanced Agent (cunning) and a Dooje with Q. Go after Bane and Cognus wearing them out then clean up Tulak

Squad #11

Yun Ne' Shel Preist and Dooje with Q and Executor with 8th.

My chance with this squad is that there aren't many shooter options, so farther than 6 you lose an activation to attack or are lucky with the rolls. Morrigan, not surprisingly is the threat and Primary Target. Defeat her early and the match-up swings to me. BK doesn't terrify me with the low defense and my auto Damage. Boba has to get closer and then he is the same boat.

Would really be fun

Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:52:34 PM
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Black k
Rodian Brute
Killik drone
Gran Raider

Rodian Assassin

It beats squads #1-up til now:
Why does it win?
Jabba. The end.

Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2022 9:36:56 AM
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jen'ari wrote:
Black k
Rodian Brute
Killik drone
Gran Raider

Rodian Assassin

It beats squads #1-up til now:
Why does it win?
Jabba. The end.

Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2022 4:05:58 PM
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Squad #14
--Slug Exterminators--
63 Rey and Kylo, Force Bonded Allies
45 Luke Skywalker, Rescuer
42 Garm Bel Iblis, Ruthless Tactician
29 Ganner Rhysode
13 BB-8
5 Porg
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 7 activations)

vs "Tank this!", Garm shuts off the movement from Talon (unless you want to risk getting activated). Luke's Shien stands him in good stead against shots from Boba or Black K, and Reylo's Anarchist will make them a little less scary if they get in close. Morrigan is a problem, but with Levitation Luke has a shot to be able to get to her and take her out in a phase. Garm's reinforcements could bring in Leia, Chief of State who can use her Negotiation to neutralize Boba and Reylo when opportune.

vs "The UnForce Five", Garm brings in Danni Quee with his reinforcements! Jamming the Yammosk within line of sight makes it difficult for the Vong to make use of their Shaper +10 and other CEs/boosts they might bring in. The Yammosk can steal Garm's CE, but with Anarchist and Interference I can still get mileage out of Levitation. The Vong will still be auto-hitting and making me auto-fail saves, but I think the NR have at least some advantages against them.

vs Jabba, Garm's CE cripples the Jabba/Bib movement tricks, which is a decent chunk of their power. Leia, Chief of State would probably come in again as well with reinforcements. With Tight Security on Jabba, winning init with Tactician +8 might not help a lot, but Leia can stop Boba from exterminating my squad. Anarchist is always handy, if only so Jabba needs to bring in Sy Snootles for reinforcements.
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