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Gencon 1st Place Play Report Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 6:38:15 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 8/29/2017
Posts: 278
2017 Gencon Champs :)

I have a couple squads that I felt I can play pretty well, but ultimately I decided on Daala very, very last minute. I felt my worst match-up was Jangolore and Luke/Leia.

--"Roger Stone of SWM V2" 2017 Gencon Champion--
27 Admiral Daala
20 Admiral Piett
16 Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
28 Imperial Officer x2
14 Stormtrooper on Repulsor Sled
26 Elite Scout Trooper x2
11 Captain Needa
8 Mas Amedda
20 Imperial Dignitary x4
5 Killik Drone
25 Raxus Prime Trooper x5

(200pts. 20 activations)

Squad Notes
1. I had 4 Diplomats for pinning, blocking movement, creating AoO's, to help against melee and especially Yobuck squads.
2. The 5 Raxus Primes with Wall Climber do a great job at killing tech and providing the extra damage per round that every top squad needs.
3. Pallaeon is mainly here for versatility, but his bubble is extra help against Jedi and especially Bastilla squads.
4. The Repulsor Sled is a must have and ensures that you can kill most of your opponents door control/key tech early as opposed to later.
5. The EST's are your heavy hitters and deal the most consistent damage out of your group.
6. Needa is not necessary, but helpful in bad matchups, IE low act Luke/Leia and Jangolore. If out activated swap out for Ozzel.
7. The 2 Imp Officers provide the extra versatility/fire power you need. When facing accurate shooters you out activate you can swap one for the Scout Trooper Officer to give your EST's Super Stealth. The ability to double cannon shot the Sled, a single Raxus, EST's or even a Diplomat should not be under valued.
8. THE KILLIK!!! My only Door Control/Relay Orders piece. Since all of the Troops have Charging Fire losing him is not detrimental, but my goal was to blow at least one key door before he died.

Round 1: Left Side Outlaw City: Swapped 1 Imp Officer for the Scout Trooper Officer
--Jason Kiernens 11th Place Gencon Squad "Jangolore"--
56 Jango Fett, Mandalore
38 Mandalore the Resurrector
37 Cassus Fett
28 Kelborn
13 Mandalorian Infiltrator
12 Mandalorian Counter-Intelligence Officer
12 Mandalorian Demolitionist x2
3 Mouse Droid
(199pts. 9 activations)

R1: I trade the Sled for the Mando Infiltrator.
R2: I play cagey, sitting my EST's in cover with SS. He throws Jango at me and probably would have survived the round, but because I killed his Infiltrator he had to use the Resurrector to open the door he flew through. The Resurrector was within 6 of Jango so he did not get his Solitary bonus. Jango goes down...
R3: I assault the middle, get the Resurrector in this round.
R4&R5: I chase down his remaining forces losing few of my own


Result 3-0

Round 2: Left Side Outlaw City: Swapped Needa for Ozzel
--Deri Morgans 2nd Place Gencon Squad "ehh..."--
45 Han Solo, Corellian Legend
34 Jedi Master K'Kruhk
29 Ganner Rhysode
27 Lobot
23 Anakin Solo
23 General Wedge Antilles
9 General Dodonna
7 Felucian
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
(200pts. 9 activations)

R1: I work Raxus and a couple Diplomats through the bottom rooms and the rest of my guys top side. He plays very conservative, except with k'kruhk, because he is worried about the sled.
R2: I roll Reserves, bring in another Sled and another Raxus. I make a play mistake with Pallaeon and allow K'Kruhk to assault him, missed 1 attack puts 30 on Pallaeon. End of the round I go for Annakin with 1 sled, but only put 80 on him. Shoots and Kills Pallaeon... I position 1 diplomat to make it so Annakin would have to take an AoO to do his big repulse. I kill K'Kruhk near the end.
R3: He kills the sled and decides not to risk it with Annakin. Goes with Han to try to take out some guys but doesn't get much. I am able to take out Annakin before he blows.
R4/R5: Without Annakin I am able to overwhelm him and get the 3 before time runs out.


Result 3-0

Round 3: Left Side Outlaw City: Swapped Needa for Ozzel
--Matt Sprys Gencon 3rd Place Squad "Luke Set the Pace, Kyle Finishes the Race"--
55 Luke and Leia on Speeder
34 Kyle Katarn, Rebel Hero
25 Sabine Wren
18 Jan Ors
16 General Crix Madine
14 General Rieekan
12 See-Threepio (C-3PO)
9 General Dodonna
8 R2-D2
3 Mouse Droid
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(200pts. 12 activations)

R1: I move most of my guys into that bottom room and rob Spry of any place to land the speeder. He puts L&L in Gambit where I can get a line on him. I am rolling 16's so my chances are decent. I am able to get 80 damage to stick on L&L. I move my sled in my back field as a deterrent to strafing and to where I can reach L&L if he moves them.
R2: He takes out a scout and I position Pallaeon to open the door. No shots stick this time.
R3: He kills Palleon, my mistake and a pretty bad one. I wait until the end and give a last ditch effort on L&L, finally kill her and I feel great about my trades.
R4: Make my way up trying to get shots on his guys he starts using Kyle to put some damage on. I waste the sled for very little gain.
R5: Spry keeps his guys close forcing me to play around the disruptive bubble, diplomat+distraction, Evade and mines. I am able to drop Jan
R6: Finally able to take down Kyle, but I am losing a lot of Raxus and Diplomats
R7: We are told to finish the round and I am only up by 9 with no characters in Gambit. I was foolish and never got gambit this game... Fortunately there was 1 ugnaught near my 3 diplomats. I kill him and win by 2 pts, but if we go an additional round I belive I could have got the full win. He only had 3p0, Rieken, Dodo and Sabine. Sabine cant do enough damage to kill the EST and obviously cant kill the 3 diplomats.


Result 2-1

Round 4: Right Side Outlaw City: Swapped Needa for Ozzel
--Greg Hollis 7th Place Gencon Squad "Guys and Dolls"--
44 Luke Skywalker, Hero of Endor
34 Kyle Katarn, Rebel Hero
28 Mira of Nar Shaddaa
21 Lando Calrissian, Infiltrator
18 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)
18 Jan Ors
14 General Rieekan
12 See-Threepio (C-3PO)
9 General Dodonna
(198pts. 9 activations)

R1: Positioning and I get gambit
R2: I wait to out activate then send the sled in to take out some tech and put some damage on his big guys. I position my diplomats to create AoOs and protect my EST's.
R3: He is able to take out most of my Raxus, the sled and putting some damage on the EST's, but without dropping the EST's or diplomats he cant recover from losing Luke and Kyle within round 2 and 3.
R4/R5: Mira and the commanders go down and are unable to take take anyone else with them.


Result 3-0

Round 5: Left Side Outlaw City: No Change
--Lilly Wans 5th Place Gencon squad "Moving Agency"--
48 Cin Drallig, Jedi Battlemaster
39 Quinlan Vos, Double Agent
30 Serra Keto
29 Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight
23 Foul Moudama
10 Droopy McCool
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(199pts. 10 activations)

R1: Positioning, we both get round 1 gambit
R2: Sled goes in and puts the hurt on some guys, raxus and EST's shoot at who they can.
R3: I focus on Cin, R2 and Foul with the sled and shooters.
R4: I lose some raxus and the sled, but finish off foul, Cin and R2.
R5: I widdle down Quinlan and finish off aayla.
R6: Chase down the last few just before Lilly could get to 100, she ended with 95 points I believe


Result 3-0

Semi Finals: Left Side Outlaw City: Swapped 1 Imp Officer for the Scout Trooper Officer
--Paul Moores 4th Place Gencon Squad "Three Kings"--
58 Mandalore the Vindicated
56 Jango Fett, Mandalore
38 Mandalore the Resurrector
28 Kelborn
8 R7 Astromech Droid
12 Mandalorian Demolitionist x2
(200pts. 7 activations)

R1: He monopolizes gambit with all of his movement abilities. I send the sled after jango, a big mistake choosing jango rather than trying to kill the R7 and put damage on someone else. I miss Jango and foolishly tried to re-roll with needa missing and killing needa. I keep Raxus to where he would have to fully commit with Jango in order to kill them, making trading Jango for 30 points not ideal.
R2: He acts out then I move in and try to put some damage on Jango. I manage to dent him, but not even close to killing. He takes out a prime trooper and a diplomat and I get the demos.
R3: I poor on the damage onto jango leaving him with 20hp. I lose more raxus and diplomats...
R4: He runs Jango away in an attempt to keep up the points advantage. I am able to run a Raxus over and roll high enough to finish Jango off. I put some damage on the resurrector.
R5: I run out of raxus and diplomats, but am able to finish off the resurrector with a couple of attackers left. Time is called and I am down by 4 with both of us getting gambit. I am able to attack the R7 and win one of my hardest, closest most fun matches of the day by 4 points.


Result 2-1

Finals: Right Side Outlaw City and UPSIDE DOWN!!! LOL: Swapped Needa for Ozzel
--Deri Morgans 2nd Place Gencon Squad "ehh..."--
45 Han Solo, Corellian Legend
34 Jedi Master K'Kruhk
29 Ganner Rhysode
27 Lobot
23 Anakin Solo
23 General Wedge Antilles
9 General Dodonna
7 Felucian
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
(200pts. 9 activations)

R1: Making me play upside down actually threw me. He started left and mainly went through the bottom door. He got K'Kruhk into Gambit and I got the sled in Gambit. I played cagey, probably more than need be, because I didnt want to lose people early to accurate shots from Han.
R2: He through Kruhk at me to try and cause havoc and get me to kill him so Ani could do his thing. I waiting to out act and through the sled at his guys trying to kill wedge. I made I play mistake by putting him next to salacious crumb so I didnt get the cannon shots and rolled a 1 on the charge to miss wedge. I had to kill the felucian in order to get shots on his guys since I dont have accurate. Now I have to be very warry of anis bomb effect.
R3: I win init and try to net gun a group of his guys. Most passed the saves with the exception of the Lin and like 1 other guy that didnt matter. He throws kkruhk at some guys and I think gets a raxus or two. Then swings Ani in to blast all of my guys, but forgets about palleon so he only gets a diplomat and puts 60 on kkruhk. I put a bunch of damage on his guys.
R4: I am able to finish of kkruhk and ani and get my 3rd round of gambit which puts me well up on points. There wasnt anyway he could make up the points in the next round with my characters costing such a small amount. Definitely one of the strengths of running a swarm squad for sure.

Thoughts: I was dissapointed with only running 4 rounds, but Deri assured me it was a well played match and we had nothing to feel ashamed about. The game was well in hand by the time we had wrapped up.

Result 2-0

Final Thoughts: I am just so happy to have done as well as I did. I will post more thoughts later when I get the time. My apologies for taking so long to complete this, I absolutely despise writing play reports. It always feels like I am gloating... not a fan of that.
Posted: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 11:45:29 PM
Rank: Human Force Adept
Groups: Member

Joined: 7/11/2015
Posts: 10
Fantastic description and very instructive. I've had a lot of fun.
Cassus fett
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 6:21:23 AM
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Awesome report. What were the other squads you were considering?
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 12:08:03 PM
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Cassus fett wrote:
Awesome report. What were the other squads you were considering?

I felt I can play a version of Cad/Durge/Assaj well enough to make top 4, but it auto loses to Jango fett mandalore squads. I do my best to not play squads that have auto losses, as I feel that in most bad match-ups you can play out of, but there is no way around auto losses.

The Squad I really struggled with last minute was a Yobuck Elite Rebel Commando squad that used the 4 main ERC's. I finally decided against it because I didnt feel I could get enough 3 point wins with it, and I was not certain I could make top 6. Even though I felt most matchups I could play out of, and that the squad had practically no auto losses.

In a competitive tournament you have to take what you think can get to the final tables, regardless of its bad matchups. If it has bad matchups, you have to think about the odds that those bad matchups can either make the top tables or will even show up. I settled on Daala because I didnt think Jangalore could make it to the top tables and I didnt think anyone would play L&L on speeder.

Even though I was wrong on both accounts I did not just forfeit in my mind. Sometimes you make bad meta calls, but you cant just give up. You have play your best even when you should lose...
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 2:54:00 PM
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Location: Kokomo, IN
I was sitting there when you were trying to decide what to play and was so hoping for yobuck and clones instead of dalaa as I think my squad would have matched up much better against that and also, I know how well you play dalaa. Congrats on making the right call!
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 3:44:04 PM
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gholli69 wrote:
I was sitting there when you were trying to decide what to play and was so hoping for yobuck and clones instead of dalaa as I think my squad would have matched up much better against that and also, I know how well you play dalaa. Congrats on making the right call!

Thank you! You are right though, it would have been a tighter match for sure!
Posted: Friday, October 13, 2017 1:54:58 AM
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Joined: 5/12/2012
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Location: Kokomo, IN
Maybe we can get together sometime and play out the could have been matchup. I'm on vacation this coming week and don't really have too many plans other than Thursday.
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