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TN set-16 mini vassal tournie Options
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2018 4:29:26 PM
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TN guys (Ultra, Baine, Shmi, and myself) are playing a mini round robin with 2 highest playing a finals tournie.

Some of the rules are: No vong, you have to use a vset 16 piece, and you can switch squads every match (so we get more chances to play different stuff).

We are posting Play Reports after games.

I am trying to play Shmi and ultra tonight, so hopefully we will get 3 games in tonight.
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2018 8:10:26 PM
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My OR Revan/Malak squad lost to his Fringe Boba/Talon/Ben Kenobi/DJ squad.

He outplayed me, and had a small upper hand because I had to come to him. I had a chance if I did not roll a 1, made my wrist cable save, won a crucial init, didn't move Malak that one time, and started my Loth Cat in a safer position. All I needed was a little bit of luck and I would have had it.

OR had lots of movement but not a lot of long movement. which made the difference. I was fast but did not have enough offensive movement to "catch them"
Posted: Friday, August 31, 2018 5:45:51 AM
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1st match1

Karde Tricks

Boba AFH
Old Ben
Talon Karde
Human BG

Vs A Revan/Malak squad featuring AoL

Revan Supreme Commander
2 Jedi Generals
2 Uggies
2 Xts

Reserves was a Mirilian Jedi

I won map, so we played on the Rancor pen, he set up everyone on th right side, on the bottom, I set Boba/Ben/Tal0n/Human BG and Salacious up top. And DJ, Mira, and Wicket on the bottom

Round 1
I activate Bobba early, and get 2 sniper shots and kill an Uggie, and the Loth Cat, we position our pieces after that, neither of us get gambit.

Round 2

Bobba kills his R7,Mirra kils an Uggie, I toss Obi-Wan in, and he drops 40 on a General, He runs his Mirilian up, and drops 80 on Mira, I BG half of it so dead BG, and Mira at 30, we both get Gambit.

Round 3

Big Round here.... He wins init, and chooses to go after Bobba Fett, instead of Killing Mira, he takes 2 aoo's from Mira she hit one, and missed the other, but, good Ole Salacious Crumb swings and gets a Crit! He then sacks an Xt, and uses Revans Battle Control again to move his pieces around, and put some distance between us.

The next activation was the key one tho, I activate Bobba, who is down to 40 HP now, kill the General who attacked him, then hit Farfalla, who made his RE save, then I Wrist Cable the Mirilian who is in the Bubble, and she fails her save and can't move.I then activate Obi-wan, who kills his other General.

Round 4

I win another big init, and am able to kill Malak and the Mirilian on this turn, and after that, Craig calls it done.

Wicket was huge in this game, it made me able to roll anything other than a 1 and it was hitting, on top of that DJ was able to drop 40, , with a 10 attack, and Salacious Crumb was able to drop 70!

Dj wasn't very useful in this match and map, but he got gambit every round besides round 1, and hit 2 attacks, the only 2 I made, so I can't be to upset.

Old Ben was able to do what I wanted, he based the opponent and just forced some action against him while he took out some pieces, Very sneaky damage output and defense.

Posted: Saturday, September 1, 2018 8:09:33 AM
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Played Bronson on his map Rhen Var

My Squad

--Battle Yoga--
45 Han Solo, Corellian Legend
32 Jaina Solo Fel, Jedi Master
25 Head of State Jagged Fel
25 Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight
23 General Wedge Antilles
15 Keeper of the Whills
10 Luke Skywalker, Force Spirit
10 R2-D2, Galactic Hero
9 General Dodonna
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

His Squad

--Things of A Dark Nature 2--
100 Revan, Returned
32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker
22 DJ
10 Droopy McCool
8 R7 Astromech Droid
8 Wicket
5 Salacious Crumb
9 Rodian Brute x3
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 12 activations)

I started on right and he on left, he put Droopy in Gambit.
First round was positioning.
Second round I moved Wedge down and killed a Rodian that was holding a door open. I had Jaina in gambit and Han behind her up in the top right of the gambit room.
He had Revan in bottom hall area of gambit room and everyone else kind of lined up in the hallway to the left of Gmabit room.
I won init 3rd-5th rounds. which was nice for me and really changed things since he had a Leaping Assault to kill Han set up at one point but had to be mindful of Jaina's Double, twin, cunning (didnt use Tactician to do it either)
3rd round he moved Revan over to the side where Wedge and R2 and an uggie were. I moved Wedge away and he killed R2 and a ug getting rid of almost all my door control.
I movedpieces around to get ready for round 4, including an uggie hiddden by lots to be able to blow open the bottom door.
he moved a pieces in position as well

4th round
I won init and moved Jaina down to kill DJ. Revan moved 10 and twinned Jagged, who did take his AOO and hit twice. for a whopping 10 damage....... shien styled one and Jagged was at 20.
I moved Leia adj to Revan and LT 2 him but her measly 9 attack missed both.
He moved Talon down and I shot him twice with Wedge and once with Han he was at 10.
At the end of this round it was me with 33 and him with 65.

5th round I won init.
I thought I can triple Talon and will probably get the 9 that I need to kill him and drop Revan's damage output to 80.
Or i can Jaina GMA double twin cunning some Revan to DEATH!! well not death but for some good damage.
So, I did the Jaina thing, and in my excitement left her within 6 of Talon..... could have easily moved her over 1 out of range, but whatever, first roll. a 2, second roll an 18, he bubbles, i absorb. next roll, a 1... next roll anther 18 he decides to not bubble this time.

He goes, decides to Leaping Assault, I absorb it and it is game. We thought about and he could have killed Leia instead of leaping to kill Han, and than ran Talon away, but I could have killed wicket and a rodian, we would have both had Gambit so we called it there.

I won 65-33.

I should have just tried to kill Talon to get to over 100, but I thought seeing Jaina and Leia facing off against Revan made for a better visual haha. Revan was beast.
Posted: Saturday, September 1, 2018 5:01:31 PM
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I am still alive toolbags
Posted: Monday, September 3, 2018 6:42:20 PM
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Played Deaths_Baine, got slaughtered.

--Maul and the Ghosts--
51 Kanan Jarrus
45 Old Master, Maul
43 Ahsoka Tano, Champion of the Rebellion
28 Ezra Bridger, Padawan
25 Sabine Wren
15 Sith Holocron
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(210pts. 7 activations)

VS. his Republic squad

Obi-wan, general with flight and gives out extra
Mace Windu, LotLS
Anakin, new one
Qui-Gon, FS
Mas Amedda

Played on Smuggler's Base.
2nd round I kill his ug and force push R2 to death.
thats about all I did.

Mace killed every single piece in one round. He killed Ahsoka in one round of attacking, killed Ezra in one round of attacking, killed Maul in one round of attacking. We had time for a final round and he killed Kanan with one rond of attacking.
The guy did like 400 damage in 4 rounds. haha.
He was unstoppable. Qui-Gon giving him first go in 2 rounds really sucked since I had won both initiatives and might have done some damage on someone.

Maul is still the most anti melee piece of all time. He Slaughters everyone. and Trevor kept on calling him stupid, but I just kept feeling how awesome he was. haha. He should slaughter some people.
We went back to a critical part in the game where he thought I made a mistake and we replayed it from there a bit... I did do 40 more to Mace that way, but it killed Kanan faster.
Maul's meager twin attack with Juyo just couldn't risk it so he tried to push people to death. had Obi-Wan to 40 and ran Maul up hoping he would survive the onslaught from Mace at full HP, and then win init (no more Qui-Gon) so I could push Obi-wan to death.
No chance, haha full HP Maul was murdered where he stood. It was Rebels vs Obi-Wan bad. 2 crits, maul didnt have a chance to talk at all.
Posted: Monday, September 3, 2018 6:53:32 PM
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Critdupid as I have now dubbed him should not even exist as a piece. A piece that...with a little luck.... (LOL ) can kill a full hitpoint corran horn on a riposte and just killed a kanan, maul, ezra, and sabine in one turn each shouldn't be in the game. especially when he has force absorb, reflect, 150 hitpoints renewal 2, etc....
Posted: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:02:30 PM
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hahaha I thought I was slick killing r2. forgot he could go 10 squares.
than I should have focused everything into him but with Qui-gon giving you initiative and everyone dieing, I dont know what else I could have done haha. tried to win by killing annie, Obi-wan, and Qui-gon. but man he slaughtered quick.
The Butcher of the Light Side
Posted: Monday, September 3, 2018 10:29:21 PM
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Thoughts on my set 16 showing.
I don't know how much it will affect anything right now.

I think there are a lot of missed opportunities in the set.

Where is the power? What can be played competitively right now?

Jania solo fel is great! But jagged has base 10 work crappy attack rating ... Great chance to make him a tiny bit better. Give him cunning from jaina, bam instantly better.

Kas'im....... Why is it a ce??? Why range 6?
Why shoot your great ideas in the foot? Make it camaraderie.

Anakin hwnf. Base 10 attack????? Gives out precision??? I would have loved to have seen giving out deceptive. Who is going to use precision?

Old Kenobi

Sheev palps has some power I can't his best "place"

Is anything different from a competitive stand point?
I don't know, I am not seeing it right now.
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 5:20:27 AM
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Shmi15 and theultrastar played last night.

I am awaiting a play report
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:18:49 AM
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Ultrastar won
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:21:16 AM
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Deaths_Baine wrote:
Ultrastar won

very informative. #genconreporting
Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 2:05:44 PM
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I guess since I am the only one who got his games in, I won.
Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2018 9:36:10 AM
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hey I asked about the last two I have. but our schedules just don't match right now.
Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2018 9:59:14 AM
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no timeline tournaments are super lame, you guys suck
Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2018 2:26:01 PM
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jen'ari wrote:
no timeline tournaments are super lame, you guys suck

I voted for one day!
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