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We love this game. Let's start there. And the players keeping the game alive are awesome and doing great with the V-sets. However, how many are bummed that they cannot just dust off the Rebel Storm, Clone Strike, etc, sets and build squads using them along side the current characters? Here is an attempt at doing just that...by using the old characters and changing as little as possible to make players want to use them... Note: if a character is listed in black text with no link, then I did not feel a change was needed to it. (ex: Battle Droids, Battle Droid Officer, Clone Trooper, etc) I included them only to keep the sets whole. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions/critiques/etc. These are just my interpretations. (PS...I tried to create custom sets for each old WOTC sets, but the custom set creator is not working. If it ever does work, I will import them all.) Rebel Storm V2RS1 Bothan Spy V2RS2 C-3PO V2RS3 Chewbacca V2RS4 Commando on Speeder Bike V2RS5 Elite Hoth Trooper V2RS6 Elite Rebel Trooper V2RS7 Han Solo V2RS8 Hoth Trooper V2RS9 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight V2RS10 Luke Skywalker, Rebel V2RS11 Obi-Wan Kenobi V2RS12 Princess Leia, Captive V2RS13 Princess Leia, Senator V2RS14 R2-D2 V2RS15 Rebel Commando V2RS16 Rebel Officer V2RS17 Rebel Pilot V2RS18 Rebel Trooper V2RS19 (same as above) RS20 Wookiee Soldier V2RS21 Darth Vader, Dark Jedi V2RS22 Darth Vader, Sith Lord V2RS23 Elite Snowtrooper V2RS24 Elite Stormtrooper V2RS25 Emperor Palpatine V2RS26 General Veers V2RS27 Grand Moff Tarkin V2RS28 Heavy Stormtrooper V2RS29 Imperial Officer V2RS30 Mara Jade, Emperors Hand V2RS31 Probe Droid V2RS32 Royal Guard V2RS33 Scout Trooper RS34 Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike V2RS35 Snowtrooper RS36 Stormtrooper RS37 (same as above) RS38 (same as above) RRS39 Stormtrooper Officer V2RS40 Sandtrooper on Dewback V2RS41 Bespin Guard V2RS42 Boba Fett V2RS43 Dengar V2RS44 Duros Mercenary V2RS45 Ewok V2RS46 4-Lom V2RS47 Gamorrean Guard V2RS48 IG-88 V2RS49 Ithorian Scout RS50 Jabba The Hutt V2RS51 Jawa V2RS52 Lando Calrissian V2RS53 Mon Calamari Mercenary V2RS54 Quarren Assassin V2RS55 Greedo V2RS56 Bossk V2RS57 Tusken Raider V2RS58 Twilek Bodyguard V2RS59 Twilek Scoundrel V2RS60 Wampa V2Clone Strike V2CS1 Aayla Secura V2CS2 Aerial Clone Trooper Captain V2CS3 Anakin Skywalker V2CS4 ARC Trooper V2CS5 Captain Typho V2CS6 Clone Trooper CS7 Clone Trooper CS8 Clone Trooper Commander V2CS9 Clone Trooper Grenadier CS10 Clone Trooper Sergeant V2CS11 Agen Kolar V2CS12 General Kenobi V2CS13 Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu V2CS14 Gungan Infantry V2CS15 Jedi Guardian V2CS16 Ki-Adi-Mundi V2CS17 Kit Fisto V2CS18 Luminara Unduli V2CS19 Mace Windu V2CS20 Naboo Soldier V2CS21 Padme Amidala V2CS22 Plo Koon V2CS23 Qui-Gon Jinn V2CS24 Quinlan Vos V2CS25 Saesee Tiin V2CS26 Yoda V2CS27 Asajj Ventress V2CS28 Battle Droid CS29 Battle Droid CS30 Battle Droid CS31 Battle Droid Officer CS32 Battle Droid on STAP V2CS33 Count Dooku V2CS34 Dark Side Acolyte V2CS35 Darth Maul V2CS36 Darth Sidious V2CS37 Destroyer Droid V2CS38 Durge V2CS39 Dwarf Spider Droid V2CS40 General Grievous V2CS41 Geonosian Drone CS42 Geonosian Overseer V2CS43 Geonosian Picador on Orray V2CS44 Geonosian Soldier V2CS45 Jango Fett V2CS46 Security Battle Droid V2CS47 Super Battle Droid V2CS48 (same as above) CS49 Aqualish Spy V2CS50 Aurra Sing V2CS51 Devaronian Bounty Hunter V2CS52 Gran Raider CS53 Ishi Tib Scout V2CS54 Klatooinian Enforcer V2CS55 Nikto Soldier V2CS56 Quarren Raider V2CS57 Rodian Mercenary V2CS58 Weequay Mercenary CS59 Wookiee Commando CS60 Zam Wesell V2Revenge of the Sith V2ROTS1 Agen Kolar, Jedi Master V2ROTS2 Alderaan Trooper V2ROTS3 Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight V2ROTS4 AT-RT V2ROTS5 Bail Organa V2ROTS6 Captain Antilles V2ROTS7 Chewbacca of Kashyyyk V2ROTS8 Clone Trooper ROTS9 Clone Trooper ROTS10 Clone Trooper Commander V2ROTS11 Clone Trooper Gunner ROTS12 Jedi Knight V2ROTS13 Mace Windu, Jedi Master V2ROTS14 Mon Mothma V2ROTS15 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master V2ROTS16 Polis Massa Medic V2ROTS17 R2-D2, Astromech Droid ROTS18 Senate Guard V2ROTS19 Shaak Ti V2ROTS20 Stass Allie V2ROTS21 Tarfful V2ROTS22 Wookiee Berserker V2ROTS23 Wookiee Scout V2ROTS24 Yoda, Jedi Master V2ROTS25 Battle Droid ROTS26 Battle Droid ROTS27 Bodyguard Droid V2ROTS28 (same as above) ROTS29 Darth Tyranus V2ROTS30 Destroyer Droid V2ROTS31 General Grievous, Jedi Hunter V2ROTS32 General Grievous, Supreme Commander V2ROTS33 Grievous's Wheel Bike V2ROTS34 Muun Guard V2ROTS35 Neimoidian Soldier V2ROTS36 (same as above) ROTS37 San Hill V2ROTS38 Separatist Commando V2ROTS39 Super Battle Droid V2ROTS40 (same as above) ROTS41 Wat Tambor V2ROTS42 Boba Fett, Young Mercenary V2ROTS43 Chagrian Mercenary Commander V2ROTS44 Devaronian Soldier V2ROTS45 Gotal Fringer V2ROTS46 Human Mercenary V2ROTS47 Iktotchi Tech Specialist V2ROTS48 Medical Droid V2ROTS49 Nautolan Soldier V2ROTS50 Sly Moore V2ROTS51 Tion Medon V2ROTS52 Utapaun Soldier V2ROTS53 (same as above) ROTS54 Yuzzem V2ROTS55 Zabrak Fringer V2ROTS56 Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice V2ROTS57 Dark Side Adept V2ROTS58 Darth Vader V2ROTS59 Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord V2ROTS60 Royal Guard V2Universe V2 UH1 Clone Trooper UH2 Clone Trooper on BARC Speeder V2UH3 Elite Clone Trooper V2UH4 Flash Speeder V2UH5 Obi-Wan on Boga V2UH6 Battle Droid UH7 Darth Maul on Speeder V2UH8 Hailfire Droid V2UH9 Nute Gunray V2UH10 Super Battle Droid V2UH11 Super Battle Droid Commander V2UH12 Abyssin Black Sun Thug V2UH13 Acklay V2UH14 ASP-7 V2UH15 B'omarr Monk V2UH16 Dash Rendar V2UH17 Dr. Evazan V2UH18 Gonk Power Droid V2UH19 Guri V2UH20 Kaminoan Ascetic V2UH21 Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab V2UH22 Lobot UH23 Nexu V2UH24 Ponda Baba V2UH25 Prince Xizor V2UH26 Rancor V2UH27 Reek V2UH28 Rodian Black Sun Vigo V2UH29 Shistavanen Pilot V2UH30 Tusken Raider on Bantha V2UH31 Vornskr V2UH32 X-1 Viper Droid V2UH33 AT-ST V2UH34 Baron Fel V2UH35 Dark Side Marauder V2UH36 Dark Trooper Phase III V2UH37 Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter V2UH38 Grand Admiral Thrawn V2UH39 Nightsister Sith Witch V2UH40 Noghri V2UH41 Stormtrooper UH42 Stormtrooper Commander V2UH43 Admiral Ackbar V2UH44 Bith Rebel V2UH45 Chewbacca, Rebel Hero V2UH46 Dressellian Commando V2UH47 Han Solo, Rebel Hero V2UH48 Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun V2UH49 Nien Nunb V2UH50 Princess Leia, Rebel Hero V2UH51 Wedge Antilles V2UH52 Kyle Katarn V2UH53 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master V2UH54 New Republic Commander V2UH55 New Republic Trooper V2UH56 Young Jedi Knight V2UH57 Nom Anor V2UH58 Warmaster Tsavong Lah V2UH59 Yuuzhan Vong Subaltern V2UH60 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior V2Champions of the Force (in progress...) COTF1 Bastila Shan V2COTF2 Jedi Consular V2COTF3 Jedi Guardian V2COTF4 Jedi Sentinel V2COTF5 Old Republic Commander V2COTF06 Old Republic Soldier COTF7 Dark Jedi V2COTF8 Dark Jedi Master V2COTF9 Dark Side Enforcer V2COTF10 Darth Bane V2COTF11 Darth Malak V2COTF12 Darth Nihilus V2COTF13 Exar Kun V2COTF14 Massassi Sith Mutant V2COTF15 Sith Assault Droid V2COTF16 Sith Trooper V2COTF17 (same as above) COTF18 Sith Trooper Commander V2COTF19 Ulic Qel-Droma V2COTF20 Barriss Offee V2COTF21 COTF22 COTF23 COTF24 COTF25 COTF26 General Windu V2COTF27 Jedi Padawan V2COTF28 COTF29 COTF30 COTF31 COTF32 Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master V2COTF33 COTF34 COTF35 COTF36 COTF37 COTF38 COTF39 COTF40 Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith V2COTF41 Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith V2COTF42 COTF43 COTF44 COTF45 COTF46 COTF47 COTF48 COTF49 COTF50 COTF51 COTF52 COTF53 COTF54 COTF55 COTF56 COTF57 COTF58 R5 Astromech Droid V2COTF59 COTF60 Bounty HuntersBH19 Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter V2BH20 BoShek V2BH37 Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter V2BH49 Utapaun on Dactillion V2BH52 Young Krayt Dragon V2Alliance and EmpireAE2 Aurra Sign, Jedi Hunter V2AE38 Boba Fett, Enforcer V2The Force UnleashedTFU1 Darth Revan V2Legacy of the ForceLOTF10 Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side V2Knights of the Old RepublicKOTOR13 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith V2KOTOR17 T3-M4 V2KOTOR25 Gungan Shieldbearer V2KOTOR26 Gungan Soldier V2The Clone WarsCW1 Darth Sidious Hologram V2The Clone Wars Starter SetCWSS1 CWSS2 CWSS3 Clone Trooper Commander V2CWSS4 Count Dooku of Serenno V2CWSS5 CWSS6 Showdown at Teth PalaceSTP1 Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assassin V2Galaxy at WarGAW1 Asajj Ventress, Strike Leader V2GAW30 Jedi Master Kit Fisto V2Masters of the ForceMOTF7 Kit Fisto, Jedi Master V2MOTF8 Master Windu V2
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I commend your effort, sir.
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I feel that CS Darth Maul, CS Count Dooku, TFU Darth Revan, and most of the RS Uniques could all afford to get an upgrade.
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Agreed and getting to them...it takes me a bit to look thru all the stats and ensure just enough synergies without making them too broken. Dooku and Maul are a little harder because there are so many to have to work around.
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To give you guys an idea how dauntingly fun this is...I just did a search for characters from any faction from point value 8 to 12...and it came up with 299 characters...
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Updated to add the various Dooku/Tyranus characters...and Asajj Ventress characters. Hoping to tackle the Mauls next...then on to the light side Jedis.
Also...if you want a fun exercise, just use the "compare" under "characters" and use Aayla Secura (Clone Strike #1) compared to Johun Othone (OR from Always Two There Are #1). I'm pretty sure Johun is VERY undercosted... (and not just comparing him to CS figs...look at all the other guys in that range...)
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I think MotF's General Solo is also in desperate need for this. Though with him, the main thing is significantly reducing his cost, because he actually does give you a lot. He's just too pricey. Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master from Universe is a similar sort of situation.
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imyurhukaberry wrote:Also...if you want a fun exercise, just use the "compare" under "characters" and use Aayla Secura (Clone Strike #1) compared to Johun Othone (OR from Always Two There Are #1). I'm pretty sure Johun is VERY undercosted... (and not just comparing him to CS figs...look at all the other guys in that range...) I think the issue is that Aayla was massively overcosted for the competitive game because of power creep, long before the V-sets came along. Don't blame it all on Johun- he's a little undercosted, but most of the power creep was in WOTC, and the V-sets have tried to level the playing field and allow different squads and factions to compete.
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I agree mostly...and definitely not just pointing at Johun...I just noticed how lopsided the comparison was and then realized how good he was for his points. I think the V-sets have done what they set out to do...and yes, the old WOTC characters versus the later ones showed significant PC. This little exercise is showing me more of how far the game and characters have come. It does make it challenging, but very fun to do.
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Clone Strike is done (for now) Hoping to go thru Revenge of the Sith next, then to Rebel Storm.
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imyurhukaberry wrote:Clone Strike is done (for now) Hoping to go thru Revenge of the Sith next, then to Rebel Storm. Once again, I commend you sir.
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Revenge of the Sith is done (for now) Moving back to Rebel Storm...
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Been looking forward to RS
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can we make these official for tournament play?!? these look soo much fun to play and i think it nessesary to update these older pieces as they just collect dust in our collections or they just end up as proxy's for v-set pieces. it'd be fun to build squads without having to resort to using mostly v-set pieces to be competitive.
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These are not meant to be "official" in any capacity, but rather just my idea on how to make them playable. There could be hundreds of ways to update the old minis.
That said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to put this idea into the V-set designers and see if they'd want to tackle an official updating of all the old sets. Not necessarily using any of my custom characters, but what they'd do on their own. I gave it my best shot, but they might be able to come up with better updates...and then make them official for sanctioned play. (they could use any of mine if they want, makes no difference to me...this is just what I'd use at home to play the old guys!)
In the meantime, feel free to playtest them and see how they do. I'd be interested in seeing feedback.
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Rebel Storm is complete. Moving on to Universe...
Also, I don't have a group out here to play test these tweaks. So if anyone would like to take on that challenge for me and report back what you think was not enough...just right...or too much...please and thank you!
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SLOWLY getting thru Universe. These guys are a bit more involved as more of them are used more often.
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The circle is now complete. The student has become...er...well...the set of Universe is now complete anyway.
Not sure when I'll get to Champions...but I'll see what I can do. I believe most of that set has been redone with Vsets...so that should make it an interesting set to get thru. Stay tuned...
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Curious if anyone has tested any of these changes...? If you can, please let me know how it went. I would suggest making a squad with the old figure first and playing it. Then same squads, both sides, but with the updated character. (as can with points) Do not use too many updated characters in a squad, as it won't be focused enough to test individual differences. Thank you in advance!
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Where does the time go?! COTF...now we get to the really interesting story pieces...
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