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Congratulations to our top 2 players from each division in the Spring 2024 Escalation tournament! Core Worlds Division: 1. spryguy1981 2. thereisnotry Outer Rim Division: 1. N3rd 2. gandalf It has been a really fun time getting to this point with many changes in the standings. The playoffs will be 350pt games with a 2 hour time limit and 18pt gambit. Without further ado, here are the players and squads competing in the first round of the players: Core Worlds Division:thereisnotry: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/251929/heroes-of-endor-350--Heroes of Endor 350-- 100 Old Ben Kenobi 44 Luke Skywalker, Hero of Endor 38 Chewie 38 Han Solo, Rebel General 27 Ferus Olin 25 Sabine Wren 21 Lando Calrissian, Infiltrator 19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando 18 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) 12 See-Threepio (C-3PO) 5 Pirate Breachman (347pts. 11 activations) Map: Frigid Outpost spryguy1981: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/254437/professor-lukes-drama-class--Professor Luke's Drama Class-- 100 Revan, Returned 48 Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero 45 Han Solo, Corellian Legend 34 Jedi Master K'kruhk 33 Mara Jade, Galactic Hero 23 General Wedge Antilles 18 Bazel Warv, Jedi Knight 18 Lor San Tekka 15 Eryl Besa 10 R2-D2, Galactic Hero 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess (349pts. 12 activations) Map: Ravaged Base Outer Rim Division:N3rdSl4y3r: --Din Not See That Coming (350)-- 67 The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) and the Child 54 Cad Bane 54 Montross 50 Boba Fett, Assassin for Hire 42 Embo 32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker 28 Mira of Nar Shaddaa 8 R7 Astromech Droid 5 Killik Drone 6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2 (346pts. 11 activations) Map: Frigid Outpost http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/252056/din-not-see-that-coming--350-gandalfthegreatestwizard: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/252124/when-all-the-world-was-young--when all the world was young-- 100 Old Ben Kenobi 44 Luke Skywalker, Hero of Endor 43 Ahsoka Tano, Champion of the Rebellion 38 Chewie 38 Han Solo, Rebel General 21 Lando Calrissian, Infiltrator 19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando 18 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) 12 See-Threepio (C-3PO) 11 Admiral Raddus 5 Pirate Breachman (349pts. 11 activations) Map: Great Library
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Firs the first round of playoffs, we will have the #1 from Core Worlds matched against the #2 of Outer Rim, and the #1 from Outer Rim matched against the #2 of Core Worlds. So the matchups are:
spryguy1981 vs gandalf
N3rdSl4y3r vs thereisnotry
Winner of each matchup will proceed to the final game to determine the overall winner! You have until midnight of Friday 4/19/24 to get your games in.
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Congrats to the 4 of you! Please let us know when you guys are playing. I would love to be an observer on vassal. May the Force be with you.............
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spry and I will be playing at 8pm eastern on Friday the 19th of April
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thereisnotry and I will also be playing at 8pm eastern on Friday the 19th of April.
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N3rdSl4y3r and I will also be playing at 8pm eastern on Friday the 19th of April.
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Spryguy1981 (3) defeats gandalfthegreatestwizard (1) 382-357 on Great Library
This game had 9 rounds of play so I'm foggy on details. I will post a report as it comes to me.
Round 1 was positioning. He took 2 shots at Revan who Shien'd them away. Both got gambit.
Round 2 Revan put 80 on Luke, took 40 in return and activated Luke and Ben. Ahsoka brought Revan down to 40. I brought up the host of Bodyguards and K'Kruhk killed Luke.
Round 3 he killed Revan with Ahsoka, R2 came up and distracted Chewie's disruptive allowing Mara to kill him. Wedge and Han put 50 on his Han. Eryl Besa moved 14 to base Lando and K'Kruhk Leaping Assault killed Leia.
Round 4 He came after Han with Ben and killed him. K'kruhk and Eryl killed Lando, Ahsoka brought Mara down to 10 and Taco died off of a BG. He noble sacrificed on something. Wedge put 20 on Ben. Luke then came in with Ataru to try and get Ben. He took him down to 80. Mara killed Ahsoka.
Round 5 Ben put 60 on Luke and took some damage from Wedge. Mara and K'kruhk came back towards Ben.
Round 6 Ben killed Luke and K'kruhk/Wedge got Ben down to 30.
Round 7 Ben backed off and healed 30 rest of my guys camped gambit. The game shifted here as he moved Ben out of gambit to avoid the potential killing blows.
Round 8 He came back to gambit but Mara pushed him out of gambit, rest of my squad held back.
Round 9 He moved up the rest of his squad and Wedge/Mara killed R2, He hit K'kruhk who was down to 20. Game ended as both of us went over 350 with my score being the higher of the two.
This was an intense back and forth game that saw some overall good rolls from both sides. I think there was only 1 crit rolled in this entire game and it was an inconsequential one on Lando who would've died anyways without the crit. This may be the first time there hasn't been a crit parade. Lots of 18's and 11's though. Great game with Joe. Enjoyed playing him. Onward to the finals with n3rd and a super scary Talon squad.
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N3rdSl4y3r defeats thereisnotry 361-329 (3-1) on Frigid Outpost
TINT took the left side and swapped out Luke (Twin), Leia (Stealth), and Han (Accurate).
Round 1: We start moving up the map. Leia makes her breach save and takes 10dmg. Everyone gets into position, and rounds ends with no gambit. [0-0]
Round 2: We start to move the fodder. Sabine blows the door at the bottom of the gambit room. Luke jumps into the war room, and Boba moves to attack. Luke has to use 2 force points to make his evade saves, but no damage goes through and 3PO cloaks everyone. Mira blows the door leading into the right side of the main gambit room. Old Ben runs in and Jedi mind tricks Montross, but Din is protected by Talon's pets from Myrkr. Din moves up and shoots at Old Ben, who makes his SSM saves. Chewie runs up and opens the top door to gambit, which gives Han a shot on Montross. Both hit and both beskar saves fail, leaving him with 70hp. Embo charges into Chewie and hits for 40dmg. Luke runs into gambit to end the round. [0-18]
Round 3: Luke starts off and runs up putting 80dmg into Embo, leaving him with 10hp. R7 runs up the back to open the door on Han and Leia who had shut themselves in the barracks together. Embo charges in a breaks up the party and takes out Leia. Old Ben activates Din with another Jedi mind trick, and then runs past to take out Montross who fails even more beskar rolls. Sabine moves into the main to protect everyone from rigged detonators. Mira, seeing her plans foiled, whips out her blaster and puts 60dmg on Old Ben. Ferus runs up to bodyguard Ben. Han takes out what is left on Embo, while Boba flies into the bottom of gambit. Bane flies in and takes out Ferus with a crit dealing the decisive blow. Chewie joins the action and kills an uggie and hits Talon for 20dmg. We both grab gambit. [59-135]
Round 4: I win init and Bane moves adjacent to Chewie and kills him, and then is able to deal another 60dmg to Old Ben leaving him with only 10hp. Luke jumps over to whack Boba and leaves him with 30hp, he also triggers an AOO in order for Old Ben to get protective. Newly enraged Old Ben steps up and takes out Cad Bane. Din uses cable grab a whistling birds to take out Old Ben, Breachman, and hit Han. Boba flies over Sabines mines and is able to take her out. Han runs across the top and takes out Boba. Mira is back to the only explosive expert and lobs 2 grenades at Luke for 40dmg. The rest of the fodder moves and we both collect gambit. [245-260]
Round 5: I win init and Mira stumbles around 3PO and grenades herself twice when taking out Luke. Han runs in and kills the kilik, but Din evades his next shot. Din runs up and takes out Han. Everyone else moves into the center room, and we both collect gambit. [343-311]
Round 6: Din and Talon are so distracted by 3PO that they cannot figure out how to take out Lando. Lando and R2 bring Talon down to 10hp. Both get gambit, which puts me over 350. [361-329]
Was a great and real close game. There was good back and forth the whole game, and when the dust settled the Rebels just couldn't quite stay with it. Thanks thereisnotry for making some time to play. Looking forward to play Spry next week!
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Here's last night's stream of the Semi-Finals. I think this was one of our best streams to date! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2FahvphzLs
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What an amazing set of games! Congratulations to spryguy1981 and N3rd for making it to the finals!
Final matchup:
Spryguy1981 vs N3rd
You have a week to get your game is starting today (4/20/24) and ending by midnight on Sunday (4/28/24). Looking forward to seeing what squad reigns supreme! Amazing job to both players for making it this far
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Spryguy1981 and I will be playing Friday (04/26) at 8pm eastern.
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[I don't want to detract from the purpose of this thread by putting my comments here, so I've instead started a new thread in the General forum, processing my thoughts after playing the new Rebel Heroes of Endor in this event.]
Best of luck to Matt and Drew! Those are 2 really cool squads, and I'm honestly not sure which one has the advantage. I'm looking forward to watching the match!
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Darth Life got in the way and spry and I had to reschedule to tomorrow at 10am eastern.
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Any chance that you guys are streaming the final?
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N3rdSl4y3r defeats spryguy1981 376 - 363 (3-1) on Ravaged Base
spryguy won map and I took the left side. Luke set up in the command center.
Round 1: We mainly position up the board. Most of spry's team gets into the command center and he opens the door to the commanders office to set up for next round. Embo gets to the lift at the end of the round. Gambit for both [18-18]
Round 2: Mara intuitions next to the in the commanders office. Talon jumps into the lift with Mira. K'Kruhk spends to run faster to get to Boba and misses. Bazel phases through the wall and hits Boba for 30 dmg. Montross moves up and takes out Bazel, who sends 20 dmg to Boba as a parting gift. Boba flies up to shoot Mara and hits a crit, she fails the evade and both rerolls. Boba leaves her with 20 hp after another failed evade. Lor San Tekka runs up to set up Revan for his big reveal. Revan decided use the rest of my team for me and runs up to use a double Sith Sorcery with Faith in the Force. Embo, Kilik, Din, Bane, and an Uggie are all activated, while Mira is able to make it through. Mira sees that "somebody has to save our skins" throws some grenades at Revan and Tekka for 40dmg a piece on them. Mara runs in and kills Boba. Han, Luke and Wedge start to move into the action, and R2 runs down the middle hall to lock Mira and Talon in the lift. [54-86]
Round 3: Spry wins his 3rd initiative. Mara and K'Kruhk move up with intuition, while Cad Bane tries to fly away. Mara jumps over to kill the fleeing Cad Bane. Mira blows the lift door and tosses a grenade, which hit Eryl for 20 dmg. Montross flies up to base Revan and uses missiles, so that he can kill Tekka. Tekka makes the first save and dies on the second. Revan and Montross take some damage, and Montross takes some more from an AOO from Revan. Revan follows Montross, but misses both attacks. Luke comes running in and hit Mira for 60dmg. Din cable grabs to set up a Whistling Birds, this takes out Mara and hits Eryl, K'Kruhk, and Revan. Embo runs all the way around everyone and charges at Revan, but Revan makes both Shien saves. Wedge snipes and uggie and Eryl finishes off Mira. Talon is able to shoot at Eryl and kill her. Han hits Montross for 20dmg, leaving him with 30hp left. K'Kruhk runs into the lift to whack Talon for 30dmg, but not before taking 40dmg from Montross on a AOO. Gambit for spry. [120-189]
Round 4: I finally take an init and Embo backs away from Revan with Talon's CE, then Montross takes out K'Kruhk. Han takes out Montross, which clears to path for Revan to leave Talon with 10hp. Embo charges at Luke and Din follows up, which sends Luke to the scoreboard. Wedge takes out a kilik [202-248]
Round 5: I win init again. Din cable grabs into the lift, and after two failed Shien saves takes down Revan. Wedge deals the final shot to Talon, and Kneesaa kills an uggie. Embo charges into the lift and hits Wedge for 20dmg. Han kills the R7, while R2 jumps in the other lift. [302-327]
Round 6: Embo hits Wedge for another 20dmg and runs into the other lift with R2 for gambit. Han joins the party in the lift and hits Embo for 20 dmg. Din cables grabs and flamethowers Wedge and an uggie. R2 locks Han, Embo, and himself in the lift. [346-345]
Round 7: Embo is able to kill R2, which opens the door allowing him to escape to the other lift. Han hits a shot on Din, who kills Kneesaa with a counter push. Din cable grabs to gambit and put 60 dmg into Han. [376-363]
This was a super fun and super close game. I won some very key initiative rolls at the end of the game and was able to just barely edge past spry. Thanks for the game spry, and thanks to Mando for setting up the tournament. I had a lot of fun playing a variety of teams. This escalation tournament format has been very exciting.
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congrats N3rd on the win! this is a very hard tournament to get 1st place in, so major kudos for you for winning the Galactic Escalation 2024 Spring Tournament! Next tournament in this format will be in the Fall of 2024. I liked how the divisions worked out this time around and will keep that going for the next tournament and hopefully we can get even more people to sign up! Thank you to all who participated in this years tournament! was very fun and lots of lead changes in the standings and close games.
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Mando wrote:congrats N3rd on the win! this is a very hard tournament to get 1st place in, so major kudos for you for winning the Galactic Escalation 2024 Spring Tournament! Next tournament in this format will be in the Fall of 2024. I liked how the divisions worked out this time around and will keep that going for the next tournament and hopefully we can get even more people to sign up! Thank you to all who participated in this years tournament! was very fun and lots of lead changes in the standings and close games. Hey Mando! We would be remiss to not thank you for organizing this really fun and amazing tourney format not just once, but twice a year! You put the "Man" in Mando ( sorry I know I'm being a tad cheeky  ), but seriously though, shout out to you for keeping this thing going, especially during the slow parts of the year. Looking forward to playing again in the Fall. May the Force be with you my friend, always........................
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gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote: Thanks Gandalf
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Write up is in, but go watch the stream for the real thing. Thanks to DarkDracul for streaming that. Also thanks to Mando for setting up the tournament. Final thanks to the spectators for helping with some rules interactions on the fly.
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