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Galactic Escalation Tournament Squads, Pairings, and Results Thread (Playoffs) (Fall 2024) Options
Posted: Monday, November 18, 2024 7:05:37 AM
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Congratulations to our top 3 players from each division in the Fall 2024 Escalation tournament!

Outer Rim Division:

1st: Overley28
2nd: thereisnotry
3rd: DarthMaim

Core Worlds Division:

1st: gandalfthegreatestwizard
2nd: urbanjedi
3rd: NoffyD

It has been a really fun time getting to this point! There have been many changes in the standing throughout the tournament and it has now come down to this. The playoffs will be 350pt games with a 2 hour time limit and 18pt gambit. Without further ado, here are the players and squads competing in the first round of the players:

Outer Rim Division:


--Extreme Replusiveness--
52 Master Thon
56 Revan, The Prodigal Knight
48 Nomi Sunrider, Legacy of the Light Side
46 Ven Zallow, Jedi Master
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
28 Mira of Nar Shaddaa
25 Juhani
18 Force Nexus
14 Old Republic Senator
11 Teethree (T3-M4)
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 XT-6 Droid x2

(346pts. 15 activations)

Frigid Outpost


--Gonna open up a Kana troopers 350--
56 Revan, The Prodigal Knight
49 The Jedi Exile
36 Atton "Jaq" Rand
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
29 Carth Onasi, Old Republic Soldier
29 Satele Shan, Hero of Alderaan
25 Gnost-Dural, Jedi Master
24 Kana Terrid, Jedi Apprentice
23 Jace Malcom, Old Republic Trooper
14 Old Republic Senator
11 Teethree (T3-M4)
6 Mouse Droid x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 XT-6 Droid

(341pts. 15 activations)

Map: Starport District


--A Gathering of Darth's 350--
62 Darth Revan, Sith Lord
50 Darth Bane, Sith Master
48 Darth Malak, Sith Lord
48 Darth Zannah
37 Kas'im, Sith Blademaster
36 Lord Kaan
27 Darth Bandon
14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit
3 Mouse Droid
6 Rodian Brute x2
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 XT-6 Droid x2

(346pts. 16 activations)

Map of choice = Frigid Outpost

Core Worlds Division:


--4: through the lattice of his cell--

100 Maul and Savage, Master and Apprentice
40 Silri
33 Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
31 Mother Talzin
24 Old Daka
23 Merrin, Nightsister of Dathomir
46 Nightsister Hunter x2
19 Talia, Nightsister Hunter
16 Sith Witch
8 Nightsister Zombie x2
3 Mouse Droid
3 XT-6 Droid

--Map Choice: Ravaged Base

Map: Great Library


--the darkness of his beard--
100 Dooku
43 Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter
42 General Grievous, Hero of Hypori
39 Quinlan Vos, Double Agent
35 Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
33 Aurra Sing, Assassin
26 Moralo Eval
14 San Hill, Chairman
9 Red Hand Syndicate Spy
5 Muun Guard
4 Battle Droid

(350pts. 11 activations)

Map: Frigid Outpost


--The Escalation No One Expects 350--
57 Lord Hethrir
41 The Inquisitor, Jedi Hunter
45 Second Sister (Trilla Suduri)
35 Darth Vader, The Emperor's Fist
35 Third Sister (Reva)
33 Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith
32 Ninth Sister (Masana Tide)
27 Wilhuff Tarkin
10 BB-9E
8 Bothan Saboteur
5 Raxus Prime Trooper
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(331 pts. 12 activations)

Ravaged Base is the map

Posted: Monday, November 18, 2024 7:13:14 AM
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1st round of playoffs matchups:

Overly28 vs Bye

gandalfthegreatestwizard vs Bye

thereisnotry vs NoffyD

urbanjedi vs DarthMaim

After winners are determined this round, we will have a top 4 and proceed to semifinals in the 2nd round of playoffs.

You all have 1 week starting today (Monday November 18, 2024) until Monday November 25, 2024 by midnight to get your games in. May the force be with you! For those going against Darth Bye Week....destroy him with impunity Razz
Posted: Monday, November 18, 2024 10:11:03 PM
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thereisnotry defeats NoffyD on Starport District, 281-229 (2-1)

I won the map roll and Anthony set up on the right. Gnost Dural had no CEs to steal since all of the enemy CEs were for sub-factions, not factions (I'll forever be kicking myself for not recognizing that problem while I designed him), so his measly +2 Attack CE was functional for this match. All of Anthony's pieces had Cunning/Opportunist, as well as MaulSavage's CE, which came to +8/+20 on top of all of their regular buffs. Scared

Round 1: We both moved our people forward, but there was no attacking. Anthony made me nervous by moving one of his cloaked Hunters down to the bottom door by the Loading Dock area, which gave him a long LOS all the way into the Flight Control room, which is where my people wanted to gather. That forced me to leave that small door closed because otherwise I'd start losing pieces quickly. However, I did move Atton up beside the big ship in the middle of the room, preparing for some tricky maneuvers in the coming rounds.

Round 2: Anthony went first and moved a mouse. I activated ABM and moved Atton up to try to shoot at the Hunter who was staring menacingly in my direction. However, that Hunter had Stealth, and if I wanted to move forward far enough to attack I would've left him way out of position, so it wasn't worth it; instead, Atton shot the mouse droid and hid behind the ship again, locking the big door in gambit. We spun some fodder. Anthony's Hunter felt vulnerable so she retreated back to join her friends. Daka was preventing his squad from being disrupted by ABM, but it still had an impact, since anyone further than 6 squares from Daka was disrupted (no Cloaked, no dmg boosts, etc). There was more advancing people up, but not really any offense on either side yet. At the end of the round I advanced both Carth and Revan far into the big room so that I could try some nasty tricks in the following round, hoping to get some shots through the bottom door, near the place where the Nightsisters were gathering.

Round 3: Anthony won init and let me go first. Carth used Surprise Move to tuck into a safe-ish position behind a wall. [I had been hoping to win init so that I could've made Anthony go first, because then I could've used SM to put Carth in position where he could get a pile of shots on Talzin since she doesn't have Cloaked and most of his other people do. But since Anthony made me go first, I had to scrap that plan.] I moved my Uggie. Anthony spun some fodder. Now I put my secondary plan into action: I ran my Mouse forward to open the small door, then I moved Atton up to draw a nasty LOS on the XT-6 and then Talzin...with ABM on, he's shooting for some sweet 40dmg shots. It worked, but Talzin used Bubble twice, so she was only down to 50. But still, the threat was initiated and combat had begun. Atton locked the door that his Mouse had opened. A Zombie used Taka's CE to charge in and kill my Uggie, which created another Zombie. Now I used another sneaky plan (you can't claim that I was passive in this game!) to open the big door at the bottom of the map with Jace, and then Carth spent a FP to move 8 squares to shoot an un-activated Merrin, at +17s for 40dmg...I just need to not roll a 1. Yep, I rolled a 1! This was the first of several times this game that I missed the killing shot on a key piece. So Merrin lived with 40hp. That allowed her to retaliate against Carth and kill him (with Talzin's cannon shot CE for the final hit). More fodder moves by Anthony. Then I tried yet another sneaky trick: I used T3 (who had locked the door on the west of the gambit room) to flame both of the Zombies that were near Satele, and then open a different door. This opened the door next to Satele, who could use Force Dash to charge in and make 4 attacks against a helpless Silri. I needed 4s to hit, and I naturally rolled a 2 on my first attack, so Silri only took 30dmg, and then I poured the other 2 attacks (both 4s) into the Hunter, who was also beside her. Satele then died helplessly to hits from Silri's 40dmg whip, and then a 30dmg punch from a Zombie. Talia used the Invis Potion on Asajj. Now I tried my last nasty trick of the round: I opened the big door at the bottom of the gambit room, then I ran Revan up 12 squares (taking 30dmg on an aoo from MaulSavage), to hit the remaining Hunter and then Repulse just about everything. Merrin, the Hunter, and two Zombies died, while good damage was done to MaulSavage, Daka, Silri, and Talzin. Revan was now standing in the middle of the Nightsisters with nothing but 4 fp and a hope. Rebellions are built on hope...but this was not that faction. Revan died at the end of the round after valiantly failing his LS defense saves to Asajj's 50dmg hits. 117-83 for Anthony.

Round 4: I won init, so Atton moved 8 to try to kill both Daka and Talzin. [Was this too aggressive? Perhaps. But I was down and I honestly thought I was going to lose, so I had to play aggressively if I wanted to have a hope of coming back.] He did kill Daka, but Talzin survived at 20hp with more Bubbles of life. Asajj then eliminated Atton (failed Avoid Defeat roll). I turned on ABM again and spun a piece. On my next turn I tried another nasty trick, using Master Speed with Gnost Dural to try to kill the Sith Witch, who was blocking my shots to Talzin. Naturally, I rolled a hit and then missed the twin and the fprr, so Jace had to finish off the Witch. The witch went down and the first hit on Talzin worked (Bubbled so only 10dmg on her) and then guessed it...he missed the killing shot...Talzin survived yet again, this time at 10hp. MaulSavage made Gnost Dural pay, bring him to 50hp (but taking 50dmg back from a Djem So crit). Silri then tried Drain Life but Gnost was lucky...and then he was more lucky when she missed both of her attacks. I moved more of my people forward, to prepare for my next nasty trick. Talia used Invis Potion, which would've allowed her and Asajj to get in on Gnost Dural, but I ran T3 down there to use Targeting on MaulSavage and lock the door in their face. [No Invisibility Soup tricks for you!] All of this was to set up a nice 40dmg cannon shot for Jace who still needed a 10 to hit, but yeah...he rolled a 6. 153-141 for Anthony, but at least I got gambit with the Exile.

Round 5: I won init and used Jace to take 3 shots (for the kill??) on Silri...he hit the first and then missed both of his chances for the killing shot. I sacc'ed my XT-6 droid to give him a cannon shot. Same result! Demoted. Court-martialed! Sent to the BIN OF ETERNAL DARKNESS!! Talzin zapped both Gnost Dural and Jace. Asajj moved in to kill Gnost Dural, and he died (nothing on the Djem So). T3 said "Enough of this!" and moved up to flame a whole pile of people: Silri (finally dead!), Talzin (finally fp left for Bubbles of life), Asajj to 90, MaulSavage to 110, and 20 on himself. He then locked the door in front of him so that he would hopefully live a bit longer. It was not looking good: MaulSavage at 110, Asajj at 90, Talia at 60, vs my minor attackers. Talia opened some doors so that Maul could push Jace to 10hp. I moved Bastilla into gambit, along with most of the rest of my squad. I finally had the lead now, 230-181, but he still had a lot of beef left on the board.

Round 6: Anthony won init and killed T3 with MaulSavage, then pushed Jace to death (I was still up, 230-215). I was still in gambit and he wasn't, and I calculated that he didn't have the ability to kill any more of my pieces other than Kana Terrid, so I tried to hide her safely in gambit behind my Senator and the Exile...but Asajj just ran right past my Diplomat (d'oh!) and then failed her Pheromones save (whew!). Bastilla hit Asajj with a crit...failed Parry save...she tried to fprr, but the Exile used Force Defense, so it landed. Then Bastilla hit again, bringing her to 10hp. I really wanted the kill on Asajj, so I then used the Exile to use Repulse 3, which killed my Senator and put 30 on both Bastilla and Kana, but it also guaranteed the kill on Asajj and put 30dmg on Talia. After gambit, that brought me to victory, 281-229.

Wow, this match was insane! I was behind and losing until Round 5, when I was finally able to secure some significant kills--Daka, Talzin, Silri--all of whom just wouldn't die before that. The Nightsisters' damage output (+8/+20), along with their other tricks (charging, cloaked, etc) were extremely intimidating to play against. And to make matters worse, the dice failed me just about every time I tried to use a smooth nasty tactic to score a key kill! If we played this match a few more times I'm pretty sure that Anthony would win most of those other games. But I got lucky this time [despite being very unlucky with those #$#@!! vassal dice!] and barely squeaked out the win. Thanks for the game, Anthony!
Posted: Monday, November 18, 2024 11:09:14 PM
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Wow... I don't think I EVER have a right to complain about dice again.
Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 6:38:45 AM
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Darth maim and I are playing Friday at 7pm easrern
Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 12:05:42 PM
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I doubt I'd win if we played again Trevor, but thanks for the compliment, those dice rolls were pretty brutal.
Posted: Saturday, November 23, 2024 8:32:37 AM
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DarthMaim defeats Urbanjedi ( 385-264 ) on Ravaged Base ( 3-1 ).

Jason won the map roll, so I chose the right side and set-up in the middle to upper right and he set-up in left upper with a few guys in the middle.

Rnd 1: I win init and go first. We both intuition, he with Reva, me with Zannah. We both got gambit, he in the middle next to the lifts, me in the Command Center.

Rnd 2: I win init and go first. We both intuition, same guys as rnd 1. We both were being cautious, and he kept his forces back, near the lifts, me in the Command center. He did manage to bring Vader and a few others to the door at the Command Center ( Coordinated movement is good on his team ), and with some door shannanigans, Vader greater mobiled in destroying a Rodian and a mouse, mobiling back away in the hallway, which closed the door. Reva moves into the outside area ( coordinated movement got her to the door ), so she pushes an uggie to death. Exar Spirit moves to within 6 of Reva ( DFA ) was turned on in rnd 1. Kas'im "Leaping Assaults" to base Reva and hits on the first (30 dmg after missed parry ), and the 2nd attacked missed. Revan "Master Speeds", and hits for 30 dmg on Reva ( missed parry ), and he swaps in Bane, who Star Echos and LS assaults Reva and defeats her. ( 2 missed parry saves ). Bane then LS assaults Vader, and he activates Telekenesis, and Bane fails it ( even with FPRR ), so no dmg to Vader Scared. Jedi gets gambit, I do not.

Rnd 3: I win init. Zannah intuitions to come inside from the outside, in case BB-9E wants to do any door shannanigans. Bane attacks Vader, and this time, makes his Telekenesis save. 2 attacks hit ( 2, 19's for 40 dmg each { Juyo Style } and 2 missed parries ) and 2 missed attacks ( no Djem so due to Dun Moch Style Mastery ). XT-6 gets sacc'ed to give Zannah her turn to LS assaults on Vader, and she of course, misses her TK save, and then gets hit from Djem so, but she SSM's the hit. Vader attacks Bane, who LS defenses 1 and takes 20 dmg, on the other. Here's where I decided to release the "Nuke". Revan Master speeds to the hallway below the Command Center, where all the action was taking place, swapping in Kaan. XT-6 gets sacc'ed to move Exar to within 6 of Vader, Second Sister, The Inquisitor, and his Bothan Saboteur. Kaan explodes. Vader saves ( takes 40 dmg ), and Second Sister ( takes 80 dmg ) and Inquisitor ( takes 70 dmg - DA save ) and the Bothan dies ( many Bothans have died in many different causes Wink ). Both Zannah and Bane save and both take 20 dmg after F bubble and LS prot. Second Sister moves in with F dash and makes quick work of Bane, who fails his LS defense saves, and Bane's day is over, but not until he Rules of 2, moving Darth Bandon in to where Bane once stood, giving him all his Force powers. Kas'm LS assaults Vader, hits Vader for 30 dmg, and makes his TK save, but then takes 20 back from Djem so, but then Vader fails his last parry to end his day on the battlefield. Malak comes to the party to add his mark and fries Second Sister for 30 dmg, ending her day, as well. Lord Hethir comes in and Unleashes Force hell, and Kas'im, Bandon, and Zannah all save and taking the lower dmg ( LS prot and F bubble respectively ). BB-9E fails and is defeated. Raxus Prime troop blasts an uggie. The Inquisitor attacks Kas'im and Kas'im's day in the battle was over. Rnd ends with Jedi getting gambit, and I don't.

Rnd 4: I win init. Revan spends 2 Force for MS and to move further, to base The Inquisitor with Ambush, hits on the first for 40 dmg, only to be Riposted for 40 dmg back at him, then hits for another 40 dmg ( failed parry ), and down went the Inquisitor, ending his day. Revan swaps Malak in and he lights up Hethir for 30 dmg. Hethir once again unleashes hell ( using Ninth sisters Force thanks to "Waru" ) and an Uggie dies, Malak saves taking 30 dmg, Bandon takes 60 dmg ( even after 2 FPRR's ), Zannah saves and takes 10 dmg after F bubble. Zannah moves to base Hethir and activates LS assault and hits 2 times for 60 dmg, ending Hethir's day on the battlefield. Lumiya Reckless assaults to Zannah, but misses the 1st attack, hitting the second for 30 dmg., so she lives to continue fighting ( whew! ). Malak zaps Lumiya for 30 dmg. Round ends with Jedi getting gambit and me not.

Rnd 5: Surprise! I win init. Zannah activates and attacks Lumiya 2 times, for 60 dmg ( she had only 50 hp left ), so she went down. Raxus kills a Rodian brute. Then Ninth Sister moves and attacks Zannah, but misses rolling a 3. Then Bandon moves in to attack the Ninth sister foolishly, missing on the first attack, spending a Force pt to hit on the 2nd, then Ninth Sister Counter Pushes Bandon to death. Rnd ends with Jedi and I, both getting gambit.

Rnd 6: I win init. Malak activates and zaps Ninth Sister with S Lightning for 30 dmg, and her day is over. Jedi attacks Malak with his uggie, and moves him to get him out of the way for Tarkin to try and blast Zannah, so the uggie dies. Tarkin moves to attack Zannah ( taking 20 dmg from Malak on the AOO ), getting to Zannah and hitting with Cunning, but she SSM's the attack, so she lives. Zannah activates rolling a 20, to do 40 dmg on Tarkin. Then she hits on her 2nd attack, killing Tarkin. Revan moves to attack Jedi's last guy the Raxus Prime Trooper, but rolls a 1( doh! ). Revan laughs, re-rolling to kill the trooper, ending the game.

Wow!!!!!! What a slugfest of a battle. Obviously, the keys to my victory were winning init every rnd, and being able to swap Revan in and out of combat, replacing him primarily with Bane, who did a lot of dmg thanks to Star Forge's Echo. It's such a great combo! Another key was Kaan's Thought Bomb doing 70 dmg on The Inquisitor and 80 dmg on The 2nd Sister, as they both missed their saves even after FPRR's. Still another key was my guys surviving 2 unleash of the Forces's from Hethir, with only 1 of my character's taking the full 60 dmg! Both Jedi and I agreed that was huge. Lastly, Zannah should not have survived this battle, as Lumiya moved in with Reckless Assault with Opportunist and Lightwip, and she missed on her 1st attack, hitting on the 2nd, which left Zannah at 30 hp, which really hurt Jedi's chances. A really fun game. Always a pleasure Jedi ThumpUp
Posted: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 6:26:11 AM
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2nd round of playoffs matchups:

Overly28 vs DarthMaim

gandalfthegreatestwizard vs thereisnotry

After winners are determined this round of the semi-finals, we will have a top 2 and proceed to the final match and determine the overall GE champion for Fall 2024!

Seeing as this is a holiday this week and people are enjoying time off with family and friends, you all have 2 weeks starting today (Tuesday November 26 2024) until Tuesday December 10, 2024 by midnight to get your games in. May the force be with you!
Posted: Thursday, November 28, 2024 7:34:59 AM
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gandalf and I are playing our semi-final match this afternoon (Thursday, Nov 28 at 3:00 pm Eastern time).

If you want to see my dice betray me in epic fashion (again), you're welcome to come and watch. ThumpUp BlooMilk
Posted: Thursday, November 28, 2024 5:08:40 PM
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Trevor crushed me 404-132. I'll let him write up a report if he wants to since he won
Posted: Thursday, November 28, 2024 10:16:11 PM
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thereisnotry defeats gandalfthegreatestwizard, 404-133 (3-0)

Joe won the map roll so we played on Frigid Outpost. I set up on the right. He had no Accurate Shot, so my Stealth characters were safe in the 'normal' setup area on the right. The rest of my people were careful to remain out of LOS during setup. Gnost Dural stole Dooku's reroll CE, but it never came into play. Quinlan Vos stole Revan's MotF2 and Force Attuned CE...and that one certainly came into play!

Round 1: No attacking happening. Lots of advancing toward the middle, as per the standard approaches on this map.

Round 2: I won init and let Joe go first. He blasted the door at the bottom of his hallway outside of gambit. Bastilla activated ABM early because I didn't want San Hill to be able to push somebody forward into a dangerous position. I saw a chance to kill his Red Hand Syndicate Spy (and his only door control piece), so I started setting things up to make that happen: T3 opened my bottom door outside the gambit room. Soon afterward, Jace ran way up, only to have the Senator move up and cannon-shot him for an attack needing a 6 to kill the Spy. Reminiscent of last week's dice, I missed the attack! lol Seriously, whoever makes and updates this Vassal mod needs some serious talking to.... Asajj ran up to put 60dmg onto Jace (remaining in cover and with Cloaked). Cad Bane then used FA to charge in and kill Jace (no other targets). After the evil Seps were out, I used Master Speed to run Gnost Dural up to open the bottom door in the gambit room. Then Revan used Master Speed to run 18, then Repulsed, killing the Spy (finally! lol) and pushing Asajj out into the open and also hitting my own Gnost Dural for 40dmg. Carth then stepped down and lit her up for 60dmg, then Atton came in and finished the job. With my two key shooters sitting out there with Shoot Me signs on their chests, Atton decided to lock the door in front of himself. 62-23 for me.

Round 3: I won init again. I had a difficult choice here: make a cool Repulse that leaves Revan with 0fp, or bravely retreat him into the gambit room so that he can fight another day? I pulled him into the gambit room...but not far enough! Now Quinlan was able to move up 6 spaces and use LS Throw 2, WITH Ataru Style Mastery, and WITH Force Attuned! So he had the potential of making EIGHT attacks on Revan. +20s for 30, vs 28 Defense. Here we go....miss, hit (Deflected), 1 (Internal Strife! fprr...hit, Deflected), crit. So Revan survived with 90hp. [That would've been a lot worse if Quinlan hadn't needed to fprr and could instead Throw again via Force Attuned. And all that because I didn't do that basic thing I always coach people to do: ask myself what my opponent's best response would be.] I quickly killed the battle droid and locked the door with more of that, please! With both of the bottom doors now locked, the Seps started migrating their way around to the top of the map. At the end of the round, Atton moved away, leaving the bottom door in front of Carth to open. Carth then lit up Quinlan who had no cover, to make 6 attacks; he ended up dealing 90dmg, leaving Quinlan alive with 20hp. I then opened a door so that Satele could charge forward with Dash to hopefully deal 120dmg to Aurra Sing (took 40dmg from Dooku's Jedi Reflexes)...missed my first attack because I'm a boss. She lived with 30hp. ABM turned off because Bastilla needed some coffee or bloomilk or something like that from Starwarsbucks. 84-23

Round 4: Joe wins the init, so the 30hp Aurra tried to kill my 70hp Satele, but she successfully caught the killing lightsaber blow on her hand, just like in the movie, so she lived. Bastilla returned from her break and resumed her meditation. Satele killed Aurra. Dooku killed Satele (failed to catch the lightsaber this time). T3 charged forward to use Flamethrower on the Muun Guard, Dooku, and Grievous, who were all grouped up in the little room to the northwest of gambit. At this point I had a choice: play cut-throat minis and lock the door in Dooku's face, or play with honour and leave it open, potentially risking my beloved droid to harm or even death? For honour! Cad Bane (honourable guy that he is) stepped up to shoot at T3, but his Power Shield held. Then Moralo Eval tried it too, but he missed. Atton found a sweet LOS to kill Moralo. Carth ran forward, and was then cannon-shotted by the Senator, doing 30dmg to Grievous. Revan charged forward to Throw 2 at Grievous, bringing him down to 10hp. 166-52

Round 5: Joe won init. Quinlan Vos was about to die to Gnost Dural, so he tried to beat him to the punch with another 4-attack LS Throw (via Ataru Mastery)...Gnost soresu'd 2 of the hits, so he lived with 10hp. He then walked up and calmly dispatched the traitorous fallen jedi. Then T3 flamed Grievous to death, along with dealing damage to Dooku and Cad Bane. He once again kept the door open because he's the OG. San opened the door for Dooku, who laid 40dmg onto Revan (down to 50hp). Atton moved up to triple on the 60hp Cad Bane, and hit all his attacks, but San Hill was a Hostage Shield, so Cad survived with 20hp. Cad then Furiously Assaulted, killing Gnost Dural and also Revan (with a crit and a failed Deflect). Carth bravely moved up and did no damage to Dooku, even with the Senator's help. Kana zapped Cad to death. The Exile moved up toward Dooku. 304-133

Round 6: Joe won init, so Dooku used Chain Lightning on Carth and Kana...but the Exile cancelled it with Force Defense! T3 and his friends then piled on and eventually finished Dooku. 404-133

I was worried before the game, because a Grievous Spinning Blade Attack had the potential to decimate my squad. And I was saved by the dice when Quinlan had to use his fp to reroll instead of making another LS Throw 2, which almost certainly would've killed Revan--major mistake by me there! But apart from that, Bastilla proved to be the game-changer in this match, despite stepping away for Starwarsbucks at some key moments. If the Seps could've kept their Charging Fire, movement CE, and damage boost, I think I would've been in for a moon of hurt. Thanks for the game, Joe! It's always a pleasure.
Posted: Friday, November 29, 2024 11:11:16 PM
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Does Con Artist work if the original CE is supressed? I can't find the FAQ.
Posted: Saturday, November 30, 2024 3:53:58 AM
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I have always played that it does not, but that's not an official ruling.
Posted: Saturday, November 30, 2024 4:55:15 AM
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Laura is correct- if the CE is suppressed, the Con Artist can't benefit from it.

In my game against Trevor, Bastila's ABM was suppressing the commander effects of my commanders and also stopping my characters from receiving commander effects (ABM does both), but that didn't stop Quinlan Vos from getting Revan's CE. That's because ABM- like Disruptive- stops characters (enemies and allies alike) from receiving only enemy commander effects. (I didn't know all the specifics of that during the game, but I looked it up after reading your post- there was a long thread hashing it out in 2013 shortly after Con Artist debuted.)
Posted: Saturday, November 30, 2024 7:02:53 AM
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gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:
Laura is correct- if the CE is suppressed, the Con Artist can't benefit from it.

In my game against Trevor, Bastila's ABM was suppressing the commander effects of my commanders and also stopping my characters from receiving commander effects (ABM does both), but that didn't stop Quinlan Vos from getting Revan's CE. That's because ABM- like Disruptive- stops characters (enemies and allies alike) from receiving only enemy commander effects. (I didn't know all the specifics of that during the game, but I looked it up after reading your post- there was a long thread hashing it out in 2013 shortly after Con Artist debuted.)
Yes, this is always how I've played it. Con Artist is a very different beast than the other CE-stealing stuff. Basically, it treats Quinlan Vos as if he was on MY squad (therefore not disrupted by ABM) and qualified for the CE (in this case, "Allies whose names contain Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo or Juhani [OR QUINLAN VOS] gain...").

And therefore, Quinlan could "steal" an enemy Thrawn's swap CE so that Thrawn could swap Quinlan with one of the Imperial Stormtroopers. Quinlan definitely shouldn't steal that CE.
Posted: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 7:54:13 PM
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Overley28 (284) beats DarthMaim (196) [2-1] on Frigid Outpost

We both had the same map so I "lost" map roll and setup on right side. I am doing most of this from pure memory as halfway through the game, the Vassal server crashed on us like a previous game this tourney.

R1: Mainly positioning here, nothing too crazy. I was very scared of Kaan bomb so made sure to keep my big guys far from each other.

R2: More positioning and it basically ended with Maims Revan running super far and dropping off Zannah who assaulted and got 1 attack through. My Revan went and tripled onto Zannah and then repulsed (only hitting her) and pushing her back, a few got SSM and a bubble in there as well. She moved back up and assaulted again and I believe only hit 1 of those as well. Bane ran and got to Juhani and he killed her after multiple failed blocks. Mira took some shots at Bane and I forgot about Malak's "booming voice" CE and Bane was able to Soresu with some fprr all my shots (Mira and Mira Cannon from Senator).

R3: Maim went with Zannah and Revan defensed both attacks. Revan then attacked back and repulsed her back again, leaving her at 10 hp after a bubble. T3 was then able to flamethrower to finish Zannah. Bad guy Revan ran up to good guy Revan and dropped off Bane. Bane went and attacked good guy Revan and finished him off. Some more movement and I then used charging assault with Thon to hit Bane who had no force left after a few assaults and fprr. Then used the senator to cannon Thon and finish off Bane. Kasiim tried to leaping assault into T3 but Thon used force defense to cancel that.

R4: Maim won with Master Tact and let me go first so I used charging assault with Thon to attack Kasiim who tried to use her force protection and Thon again cancelled it. that left Kasiim with 1 fp and 30 hp so I sacked an xt to cannon Thon w/ senator and finish off kasiim. Bad guy Revan ran to Zallow and hit him for a bunch leaving him at 40 hp and swapped a rodian brute next to zallow. I was able to use recovery and nexus to get healed back up with Zallow. Not much else happend this round, lots of fodder movement at the end.

R5: Bad guy Revan ran 20 squares and swapped in a thought bomb to try to kill Mira. Mira made the save of 15 (Exar ghost) to live with 30 hp. Nomi/Thon were out of range by 1 square so Kaan couldn't quite get everyone. Mira and Zallow used fp to expel the ghost with one of them succeeding in there and Malak ran to finished off Mira. With not enough damage output to make a difference that was about the game.

Overall great game here. This was a super tight one and a lot of strategy. I started in the lead, he killed my Revan and some fodder and he took a sizeable lead. Getting to kill Zannah was a turning point. Then draining Bane down to 0 fp and having free reign to finish him off was an even bigger deal. Thons force defenses really sealed it to finish off Kasiim.
Posted: Thursday, December 5, 2024 5:11:26 AM
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We have our final matchup set for this Galactic Escalation!

Congrats to Overly28 and Thereisnotry! It is not easy making top 2 in this format! ThumpUp

Our final matchup will be between Thereisnotry and Overly28. If you both can get the game in within 1 week starting today (December 5, 2024) and ending Thursday December 12th, that would be good, but if there is schedule conflicts just try to arrange a time that works best for you both.

May the force be with you both! BlooMilk ThumbsUp
Posted: Thursday, December 5, 2024 9:31:52 AM
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Galactic service announcement: Micah and I have scheduled our game for tomorrow (Friday) evening, starting at 6:00 pm Central (7:00 pm Eastern). Visitors are welcome.
Posted: Friday, December 6, 2024 7:24:03 PM
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Overley28 (380) defeats TINT (199) on Frigid Outpost

I won map roll so TINT took right side.

R1: tint won initiative and let me go first. I went with Mira to shoot down the top of the map and hit revan. First attack defensed after a fprr and then next attack crit on him. Lots of positioning after and I get gambit.

R2: tint wins initiative and more fodder is moved tint kills 2 uggies who had blown open doors. Satele moves and with thon being so large I had to move him near a pit to move up the board and also forgot satele has the sight force Satele does that and force thon/nomi off the edge. Thon fails 3 rolls and dies, nomi saves pit and dismount saves to stay alive. I turn on ABM while Tint does not, my t3 hits satele for some damage. I get gambit.

R3: I win init and let tint go first who then puts on ABM. T3 opens the door and mira goes to hit Satele leaving her at 30 hp. I forget that tint had turned on abm and could not use my senator cannon shot to kill satele.....Carth gets twin onto Zallow who evades and fprr evades the twin. Jace then hits Zallow for 30 more. Tints revan decides to go and run past nomi and zallow who both him him and he repulses to finish off t3 and an xt droid. damaging mira and zallow in the process. I get gambit

R4: I win init and my Mira uses her grenades to finish off revan. Tint was able to kill an xt and my senator. I was locked out with the double override for this round so lots of spinning for me. Both ABMs shut off this round. I get gambit.

R5: I win init and have enough fp to turn on ABM with bastilla. Tint uses satele to finish off mira and then places kana terrid in the way of my juhani to get to satele. Tint uses an xt to shoot at juhani who misses the finishing shot. Juhani takes the opportunity to try and finish off atton who makes his avoid defeat saves. Tints abm turns back on and I blow up some doors to stop being locked out. Nomi, trying to get Kana terrid out of the way uses her leap to triple. Fails phermones twice, even with a fprr and mettle, leaving her at 50 hp. Tints t3 hits juhani and leaves her at 10 hp. my revan runs and uses LS throw on kana terrid and fails 1 phermones save but gets the 2nd attack to hit. Ven zallow goes and uses force push to finish her off, then force attuned to finish off atton as well. Gnost dural and exile get into gambit near my revan and zallow. Both get gambit.

R6: I won init...Tint rolls a 1 and i roll a 2....Nomi uses her leap again and is able to finish off satele. Gnost Dural tries to wack revan with twin but is defensed and 2nd missed. Exile then hits zallow for 30. The last round and this round the nexus was healing revan and zallow 20 hp so that was a huge help. Revan went and tripled into dural and djem so and missed his attack while I made my telekinesis save and then used force attuned to LS throw and finish him off. Zallow misses both attacks and hits 1 with a fprr on the exile. Jace leaves a thermal imploder next to zallow, juhani, and revan. Tint keeps his abm on while i am out of fp to do so. both get gambit.

R7: Juhani tries to wack the exile before she dies and misses both and a fprr and then falls to Jace's thermal imploder. T3 flamethrowers my revan. carth takes shots at my revan and leaves him at 30 hp. Revan healed off the nexus and finished off carth. Nomi brought jace to 20 hp. Zallow went and healed off the nexus who was removed as it had no fp left. Zallow went at left the exile at 50 hp. exile moved to try to hit revan and got hit by an AOO by zallow. the exile hit revan but it was defensed thanks to survival expert. His senator cannoned jace to hit for 40 on nomi. Both get gambit.

R8: I win init and finish off the exile and we call it there.

Overall good game. losing thon in round 2 had me very worried. Rounds 4 and 6 were the important initiatives to win so that helped the cause. This was a fun one and want to thank Mando for organizing this and putting it on! Always enjoy the ability to play Minis!
Posted: Monday, December 9, 2024 2:40:40 AM
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Congrats Overly28 on the win and becoming our newest GE champion! ThumbsUp
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