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Good Trade List (Post your +1's here!) Options
Posted: Friday, July 8, 2011 6:17:32 AM
Rank: Moderator
Groups: Member , Moderator

Joined: 1/30/2009
Posts: 6,457
Location: Southern Illinois
This is the Good Trade List for trades made using Bloomilk.

Link to the Old Good Trade List

Link to the Even Older Good Trade List.

* Please post only one trade thread to help keep the trade forum a little cleaner. Users with multiple threads will find those threads locked.

* No bumping in less than 48 hours. Bumping means making a post to your own trade thread less than two full days (48 hours) after the last post by any patron (yourself or others). Therefore, you should never post to your own trade thread unless there have been absolutely no posts to it for at least 48 hours.

* Please do not PM or E-Mail good references, they should only be posted in this thread. A reference can be left so long as at least one Star Wars miniature is involved in the trade and the trade was completed using Bloomilk.

* The point of posting on the GTL is to show that you are satisfied with your trade partners end of the deal. I can't add a +1 for you on this list based on you being satisfied with your partners end, I need the public confirmation of their satisfaction with you. If you haven't received feedback, send your partner a PM. Some people aren't aware it's here, also some just plain forget. A gentle reminder is often all it takes!

* A good reference can be withdrawn so long as it is done within 30 days of the original post.

* A good reference should only be left for trades completed using a mail system or other delivery service (IE: US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, DHL, PayPal, Western Union, etc.). All In-Person or Face-To-Face trades will not count as good trade references as they do not reflect upon whether you can do the following:

--> Communicate well with your fellow traders via the internet. Communication is the key to becoming and remaining a good trader, so please keep your trade partners informed!

--> Package your part of the agreed trade properly by using a box (not a padded envelope), good packaging material, and a top loader or similar product to protect the card(s).

--> Ship as expected, whether it was to be shipped first, simultaneous, or after receiving. Remember the person with the lesser amount of good trade references must ship first, unless other terms have been negotiated. Traders with an equal amount of good trade references should simul-send.

* An exchange of addresses is considered to finalize and consummate an agreed trade. Shipping and any other details should be worked out in writing before exchanging addresses.

* A "+1" reference should be left for a single trade regardless of how many figures were involved in the trade. The only time a "+2" or higher should be posted is when more than a single trade was made between both parties and multiple packages were shipped.

* When posting good references for multiple traders, please leave the list of names on a single post rather than 2 or more consecutive posts. Please make the list in alphabetical order.

* Usernames listed in RED are on the Permanent Bad Trade List (BTL). Anyone on the 90 day BTL will show up in ORANGE. Please see the Bad Trade List for more details. It is also recommended that you do not simultaneous send or ship first to someone that is listed on the Permanent Bad Trade List to reduce your risk of being scammed. Remember to always check the Bad Trade List (BTL) before trading. It is recommended that you check the GTL and BTL on and other reputable trading sites as well as here on Bloomilk. (note: the GTL on WotC has not been actively managed for a long time)

* It is highly recommended that you read through the threads here on WOTC for more details on what constitutes a good trade and good trading practices.

The following things will land you on the Bad Trade List:

* 90 Day Warnings
- Canceling a Confirmed Trade (after addresses have been exchanged)
- Failure to Simultaneously Send (Simul-Send) (within a 72 hour period of the agreed day)
- Poor Packaging (leading to damaged mini's and/or stat cards)
- Multiple Infractions will results in additional 90 Day Warnings
- Slow Shipping (more than 3 weeks for Domestic or 6 weeks for International)

* Bad Traders
- Cloning (identity theft or similar likeness)
- Face-to-Face Trading (leaving Good Refs for in-person trades)
- Scamming (failure to honor a deal after receiving shipment or money)

Ratings are per account:

The only instance in which trade references can be transferred from an existing account to a new account is in the case of a technical issue that cannot be fixed for some reason, and requires the creation of a new account.

- The request must be submitted to the trade forum moderator, another mod or Shinja
- The problem with the account must be verified by a moderator or Shinja
- The identity of the person behind the account must be verified to a moderator or Shinja

Members are not obligated to honor references from prior accounts (or other sites) when negotiating shipping arrangements (send first, last or simul-send), though they may do so at their own discretion (and risk).

(That said, a well established prior trade history with high ratings and no BTLs has always been considered a good indicator of reliability. Ultimately, traders should come to an agreement on shipping arrangements before confirming trades, and decisions to send first or simul-send are up to the traders until an agreement is confirmed.)

If members have any questions about this, I encourage you contact me (swinefeld).

All transactions are the sole responsibility of the parties involved. Bloomilk, it's associates, and advertisers assume no responsibility for any trades or sales arranged through these boards.

+10 = Name BlooMilk
+20 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk
+30 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+40 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+50 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+60 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+70 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+80 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
+90 = Name BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk

And when we get beyond that we'll figure something else out.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or if you see I've made a mistake please don't hesitate to PM me!

Bloomilk's current Trade Forum Moderator: swinefeld
Posted: Friday, July 8, 2011 6:19:13 AM
Rank: Moderator
Groups: Member , Moderator

Joined: 1/30/2009
Posts: 6,457
Location: Southern Illinois
11MB StarWalker +5
501 Trooper +1
666 +2

Aaron-Wan-Kenobi +4
Aces High +13 BlooMilk
Achiriaco +5
adamb0nd +10 BlooMilk
AdmiralAckbar +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
AdmiralSnackbar +1
AdmiralBossk +58 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Admiralmotti89 +32 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Aerex +1
Affliction +7
ajw49ers +16 BlooMilk
AK Adam 118 +9
Alek +1
ALittleOnTheLightside +7
Alphamoose +1
Amsnow +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Anakin777 +2
AnakinStarkiller99 +1
andrewalanpolk +4
AndyHatton +10 BlooMilk
Anoni05 +4
Archdeluxe +6
ARCTrooper-A79 +4
arctrooper24 +1
armoth37 +10 BlooMilk
armoredgear7 +2
ArtemisCFrog43 +42 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
asaraludu +9
asnakeinmygt +5
atmsalad +1
atraangelis +5
Awesome +23 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Azman +4
Azrikel +11 BlooMilk

Bacaras 66 +19 BlooMilk
bagman22 +11 BlooMilk
Balls +7
baneofthesith +19 BlooMilk
Bantha Rock +1
beast +1
beautimusinc +17 BlooMilk
BHenry76 +2
Biggsy +45 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
BigJosh147 +3
billiv15 +2
Billy Dooku +2
Bkchi +32 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
blainesmom +1
blondy +4
BlueBane +2
bluedionysius +11 BlooMilk
Bluefleanut +4
Blys 66 +1
Boba52 +10 BlooMilk
Bobafatt +38 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Bobafett1138 +3
Boba Fett +7
Boba Fettuccine +14 BlooMilk
BogaRider +1
Bokkendo +12 BlooMilk
bo_mastar +26 BlooMilk BlooMilk
BossMaroni +1
BountyHunterH +3
bradu +11 BlooMilk
brown2k +1
Brutilus +1
buttcabbge +4
Butter 1 +6

C3P01971 +32 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Cadacarta +3
Cad Bane +2
Caedus +4
caedus918 +8
canderous_ordo1991 +23 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Capin_Ahab +53 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Captain_Trips +1
Care666 +1
carlosdyc +1
CarnorJax +23 BlooMilk BlooMilk (Was Carnorjax1)
carter1628 +18 BlooMilk
cassekiel +35 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Cecil Poppycock +11 BlooMilk
celticindian +1
Centipede +9
CerousMutor +3
ChadB +17 BlooMilk
ChadtheBad +13 BlooMilk
Chargers +4
ChewbaccaBigfoot +1
chiech22 +25 BlooMilk BlooMilk
ChuckaFett +46 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
cicrush13 +172 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
cmears +1
cmurphy50 +2
Coalharth +4
coldspider +9
coloradog1 +2
Commander8 +4
CommanderScrappy +10 BlooMilk
corranhorn +19 BlooMilk
Corvus +11 BlooMilk
Crapface +8
Crashh Niner +3
creme_brule +89 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
crix +3
csseahawk No Bloo Milk
curler88j +31 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
cykur +1
cymonguk +2

dahatchetjeedi +7
DalsianDon +38 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
dark_jedi21 +3
DarkLordVerjal +8
Darman +4
DARPH NADER +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth 2face +10 BlooMilk
Darth Baker +15 BlooMilk
darth bane +5
DarthBane53 +56 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth Cerberus +26 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth Davis +19 BlooMilk
Darth_Ewok_Fett +19 BlooMilk
DarthGM +1
darth_grendel +3
darth_ionix +6
Darth_Ire +2
DarthJak +74 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth Jim +3
DarthJoe8 +29 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth_Jon +2
Darthbinks1 +1
DarthKurt +8
DarthMalus +12 BlooMilk
Darth_Massey-Sith_Lord +2
darthmatch +6
DarthMatter +38 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth Nicholas +1
Darth Noob +17 BlooMilk
Darth_O +5
Darthosaur +3
Darthpijamas No Bloo Milk
Darth Percocet +88 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
DarthRAD +25 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Darth Ravin +1
Darth Sal +27 BlooMilk
DarthSarcasim +2
darthsausage +2
darthserge15 +12 BlooMilk
Darth_Sharatec +5
darthsithis +9
darth smith +2
darth taurnil +1
Darth Ted +6
Darth tron +2
DarthWoody +9
darthzack +1
DarthZar94 +2
Darth Zikon +8No Bloo Milk
Dead Horse +45 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
deadjim06 +4
deadlydevanx +7
Death by Wookie 89 +8
Deaths_Baine +8
DeathStryke +1
Defender390 +18 BlooMilk
Demosthenes +29 BlooMilk BlooMilk
den25 +6
Dengardude +2
derf +1
Derus +3
Desslok +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
ddt123 +1
dharmabum +3
Dhoomraider +3
DigitalSage +17 BlooMilk
Dimetrodon +8
Disturbed1 +1
Disturbed-Iggy +1
djohnson578 +7
Djstarr05 +33 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
dnemiller +1
DocBosch +5
Docz +10 BlooMilk
dojimaster +17 BlooMilk
donnyrides +3
DonStamos +1
Doogle126 +21 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Dooku +19 BlooMilk
Draconarius +14 BlooMilk
drakelee +1
Dr. Destructo +14 BlooMilk
dreadtech +33 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Dr Mech
droidadmiral +3
DTM +7
durge22288 +1
Durge4-LOM +1
Durge Dude +28 BlooMilk BlooMilk
dvader831 +1
dyingtoserve +1

Echo24 +1
editor +13 BlooMilk
eMouse +21 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Ender Dios +1
engineer +1
erictedders +18 No Bloo Milk
Eroschilles +1
estaswick +2
evader +4
EvilYeti +5
Evman678 +9
exarkunmini +3 No Bloo Milk

falcon +41 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
fenix3000 +1
Fett-87 +5
fettman120 +29 BlooMilk BlooMilk
flamewing333 +3
FlyingArrow +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Flyingshadow +7
forcepush71 +1
forsythem1 +12 BlooMilk
Fredwood +6
freedom +1

Galactic Funk +12 BlooMilk
gamefreak51889 +4
GeckoChimaera +4
Gemini1179 +3
general Aberle +1
General Ed +6
GeneralGrievous +32 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
General_Grievous +2
Ghent07 +5
gizmotronix +1
gokuccolo +12 BlooMilk
gold34 +18 BlooMilk
GOPWookiee +1
Gotti69 +2
Greatfrito +1
Greedo 2.0 +1
gregoryF +9
Guardian_A +1
Guitarded +18 BlooMilk
GumboRugby +6
GunganBatmanClone +1

Guns1inger +20 No Bloo Milk

Gunn +2
gwek +26 BlooMilk BlooMilk

Hans olo +10 BlooMilk
hanz souloh +1
Hatemonger +4
helsinkii +3
henr1477 +7
hhglick +6
High Council Three +11 BlooMilk
Hinkbert +3
hoffman +1
hollywood421 +2
homer fett +8
homer_sapien +2
homestar45 +6
Hothie +84 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Human Black Sun Vigo +1
hung4treason +5
Huntman +1
Hydrowhip +22 BlooMilk BlooMilk

Ice Dragon +7
Igadoon +1
I.J. Thompson +1
imperialknight1 +10 BlooMilk
Imyurhukaberry +77 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Incom1138 +1
Intruder +2
iowaboy63gr +3
IronLung +9
Ithai +4
iowaboy63gr +1

jacob c +1
jak +68 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk (formerly DarthJak)
janeskimmilk +1
janson +1
Japache +1
Jarosa +6
jasker2k +1
jason1977 +15 BlooMilk
jaster2k +3
jawajive +3
jbnimble +6
JEDI1015 +1
jediabiwan +5
JediCartographer +5
Jedi Christian +28 BlooMilk
Jedijacen +1
Jedi Kyle +6
jedi_master_j +11 BlooMilk
jedimaster0805 +4
JediOompaloompa +12 BlooMilk
Jedi_Partisan +5
jedispyder +1
jellobiafra79 +1
jerrin noir +7
Jester007 +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
JetJaguar3 +1
jexxnarine +1
JFisto +5
Jimmigration +22 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Jindy +1
Jinks +1
jlbm347 +1
J.L. Robert +6
joelker41 +2
Jonnyb815 +2No Bloo Milk
Jordan +1
Joruus_Cbaoth +2
josh +2
Joshkj +1
joverfield +28 BlooMilk BlooMilk
judgeito +5
Jugular +11 BlooMilk
Juice man +7
JusticeLordFlash +11 BlooMilk

Kakarot +5
Kalos +10 BlooMilk
Kamon +2
Katarn07 +2
kuden24 +1

Kaxel Vofer +8No Bloo Milk Cursing ThumbDown

keet fisto +3
KeiranHorn +2
keith +8
Kenobiken +3
Ken_Watson76 +34 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
kenred2 +63 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Keoki +10 BlooMilk
Ketchup is a Vegetable +5
kevin187 +10 BlooMilk
KevinR +9
kezzamachine +7
kfc's waiting for you +6
kimble29 +1
Kingsknight +7
kitfisto10 +1
klecser +3
kjb272 +1
knappskirata +6
kobayashimaru +1
KrackMF666 +2
krazykay11 +9
KrosanNo Bloo Milk
kzappa +6

Lachesis +3
Lackey +5
lafemme1014 +9
leif g +1
LeftiesWillRule +22 BlooMilk BlooMilk
lestiff416 +1
lifelike +2
lilninja93 +1
Lily_Wan +69 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Limey +1
LittleCity +23 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Lobotnik +6
Loda +3
Lord Azaes +15 BlooMilk
Lord Ball +16 BlooMilk
Lord Eternus +3
lordfluffy13 +6No Bloo Milk
LordLoudog +14 BlooMilk
Lord ZOS +5
Lt_V +4
ltcoldfire +3
ludd gang +1
Lukey84 +8
Lyrek_Galstan +2

m4st3ry0d4 +8
madd +1
MAINEiac +3
Makosharkz +2
MaliciousCrumb +1
Manchild 61 +12 BlooMilk
mandaloreressurector +2
Mandalore Da Beast +21 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Mandalorian Commander +13 BlooMilk
MandaloreTheFirst +4
Mandoman +1
Mando-Matic +1
marinewolfohbc +1
markedman247 +43 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
markiemark44 +5
Masq +1
MasterWolf +2
Mathias-Ordun +1
Maul-Ordo +15 BlooMilk
max_rebo +4
Mcross +2
mcrounds +1
Megatron +1
menothsfire +1
mercenary moose +4
michaeltaylor +3
MiCK +3
Mickey +57 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Miehle +61 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
MikeTheMan1 +1
milky86 +11 BlooMilk
MinnesotaMiller +1
Minkzx +2
Mitth'raw'nuruodo +5
mjacobson +7
mjfsith +4
mmshanks +2
MOBI_wan +2
MoCrush +4
Monni316 +5
Monsterkhan007 +3
Mordantos +4
mpedersen +9
Mr Skywalker2001 +1
MrSmileys +9
mrtasty3 +1
mstone1538 +16 BlooMilk

NateSMZ +1
navillusnadnerb +1
nb246 +2
nchommowun +4
Neifi +6
neowars +2
nerfherderpictures +3 No Bloo Milk
NeverTellMetheOdds +4
new_rep_wiz +1
nickm1290 +1
Nickname +2
Nightwalker +10 BlooMilk
nightwing +3
Ninjawa +1
Nirvanafly +1
Nokkelen +2
northface +28 BlooMilk BlooMilk
NoSorumbo +1
nrwsw1 +5
nuksaa +76 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
nuttz +5

082397ar +1
obiwan1knight +1
obsidian7788 +1
odysseus13 +13 BlooMilk
Omnus +6
Onyx +4
Opan Windu +9
Oscarlindo +2
owaller3 +2
owls +1

Panda +1
PapaBear +1
Paradan +2
ParkPlayerJD +7
pastorbudwine@mac com +7
Patar7 +2
PatonPawic +1
pegolego +89 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Pericles +17 BlooMilk
peter424 +2
PhageLab +4
Phenix 2099 +2
Phyles +7
philn1i1 +2
phishnuggets +7
PhoenixDarksider +1
Pilky234 +2
Pinsther +8
Pinto975 +2
piratepastor +11 BlooMilk
pitcherstar +7
pkirby +26 BlooMilk BlooMilk
plungingforward +1
pntkd2 +4
PooDoo +1
Prestige Worldwide +7
psxjedi76 +1
Pyrrhic Victory +1

Quizabuck +1
quizrat +1
Qu the Forlorn +2
qvos +1

R2D2 +2
R5Don4 +1
Rabid Wookiee +15 BlooMilk
Raelity +1
rage +1
Rancors-r-us +2
Rand Thye +2
RannKonnar +2
Ratt03 +2
rattousai +3
rawrxthetrex +2
raylinthegreat +16 No Bloo Milk
Raynn +1
Remjer +1
RenKov +3
revanchist66 +8
revandarth +16 BlooMilk
Rikalonius +3
Riplakish555 +7
Robin +6
roblyon +5
RocWrangler +2
rogansler +1
RogueThirteen +19 BlooMilk
Roland Alistar +1
Rogue Saber +10 BlooMilk
royalfuzzynut +27 BlooMilk BlooMilk
RR_Telg +1
Ruhk +17 BlooMilk
Rundummy +7
ryan +3

saber1 +38 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
SaBoNim +1
sack1085 +28 BlooMilk
Samm547 +7
sammyrocker5150 +2
Sanschel +2
Sashlon +1
scottjones +6
scourge +13 BlooMilk
sdexam +10 BlooMilk
seibermaki +7
Sexy Rexy +1
ShAdOwTrOoPeR +1No Bloo Milk
Shane914 +1
sharron +2
shatterpoint7 +18 BlooMilk
Sherpa +1
shiger +2
Shinja +6
Shockfett +8
SignerJ +2
Silustrae +3
SithflyonBasilisks +34 No Bloo Milk
sithlord54 +48 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
SithlordRPGA +8
sithmaster +77 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Sith Slayer +3
sithstalker +6
skeeve3000 +1
Skilanky64 +9
Skywalker2B +1
slobiscuit +2
slvader77 +9
smartin73 +2
soggybottomboy2469 +44 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
sol +11 BlooMilk
solo25 +2
spacefarmer +2
Space Jawa +3
spectre82 +1
speedace +5
spryguy1981 +4
SquelchDog +87 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
Squid89 +8
Stardog0 +6
starhawks +1
Stark +1
starwarsaholic +2
stcwill +2
stearns81 +21 BlooMilk BlooMilk
stephengroy +4
StevenO +1
sthlrd2 +1
Stilla +6
sting +6
Stizzy +1
StoneThrowingEwok +24 BlooMilk BlooMilk
strate_jakit +5
Strongdor +1No Bloo Milk
StSparks72 +1
sushibite +5
sunwrought +1
super_fly +1
suretoast +17 BlooMilk
SurrealFiddle +1
SWGWeti +6
swi0707 +1
swinefeld +110 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
swmimperial130 +7
swmtrader +33 No Bloo Milk
swrogue57 +19 BlooMilk
swsf17 +7

Tait Ransom +3
takaboi +3
Talisker55 +6
talk2j2 +1
talon33 +1
tarkin +2
tdhanens +9
techdog +7
Technotrooper +3
Teller +3
TenEyedMan +11 BlooMilk
theamazingkevin +5
TheAwesomeSlapstick +8
Thechrisjohnson +5
TheCelestialWarrior +6
TheChosenOne +3
thecokebear +4
theDaRkLoRdoftheSiTh +1
thegreatjohndoe +9
thehoffman +1
TheHutts +5
The Kidder +1
The Madman +22 No Bloo Milk
TheNickers +20 BlooMilk BlooMilk
TheShadowReaper +27 BlooMilk BlooMilk
thestarkiller +5
theultrastar +3
theycallmejosh +3
thrawnman69 +3
thunderchunky11 +14 BlooMilk
TimmerB123 +5
Tirade +11 BlooMilk
tkuz5 +3
todd +2
toffeemankev +1
tolzsolt +1
Tonythetoyman +21 BlooMilk BlooMilk
Topher Champion of the Force +11 BlooMilk
Totengraber +2
TOWNN21 +3
TPBunghole1 +4
tpiro82 +1
t prince +3
TreebeardTheEnt +22 BlooMilk
trick624 +14 No Bloo Milk
TSex +1
Turkish +4
tvknight415 +2
twinjedi +58 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
twinrevans +36 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk

uggie demo +19 BlooMilk
ulises451 +6
Uniclonus +5
UofLHoops +1
uptonfish +3
Urbanjedi +54 BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk BlooMilk
UrbanShmi +1
Urza Planeswalker Jedi Master +22 BlooMilk BlooMilk

vaderlover2010 +2
Valon Sasaki +5
Vegeta1978 +4
velox +12 BlooMilk
VietnamBob2473 +13 BlooMilk
Vilrin +5
vince21No Bloo Milk
Vinneydude11 +1
Von Bickle +25 BlooMilk BlooMilk
volvagia14 +11 BlooMilk
Vulcanjedi +2

walrusthe1 +2
wampafang +16 BlooMilk
wannabe mexican +10 BlooMilk
Warlord_Hett +12 BlooMilk
waylander311 +10 BlooMilk
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wulfric +27 BlooMilk BlooMilk
wynand +1

Xeonaught +4
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xutus +1
Xwingmaster529 +5

yggral +2
yodaccm +10 BlooMilk
YodaIsMySon +1
Yoto Yoto +6
ytwars +1
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zakar melik +4
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Posted: Friday, July 8, 2011 6:23:09 AM
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BlooMilk reserved
Posted: Friday, July 8, 2011 6:24:30 AM
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BlooMilk reserved

OK then, you may start filling this one up. ThumpUp
Posted: Friday, July 8, 2011 8:53:30 AM
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Copied from stray post

mpedersen wrote:
Jedi Christian +1
Posted: Saturday, July 9, 2011 9:48:40 AM
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creme_brule +1
Posted: Sunday, July 10, 2011 6:41:49 AM
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+1 for m4st3ry0d4. Great honest trader with quite a few antique goodies for trade. Drool
Posted: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:10:55 AM
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+1 for AK Adam 118.

And with that, I believe my Bloo days are at an end. I'll be giving the rest of my orphans to Miniature market next time we're in St Louis. Thank you to Shinja and to all of the wonderful people here on this friendly site. Good luck to you all.

Posted: Monday, July 11, 2011 9:26:15 AM
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+1 for LittleCity

Sorry to see you leave hothie!
Posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 1:23:31 AM
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+1 to Darthbane53
Posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11:02:46 AM
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creme_brule +1
Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:49:25 AM
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+1 to DarthBane53!
Posted: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:06:45 PM
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+1 m4st3ry0d4

Fast payment, a pleasure to deal with
Posted: Friday, July 15, 2011 2:22:51 AM
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+1 for LeftiesWillRule. Good communication and prompt, safe shipping.
AK Adam 118
Posted: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:45:50 AM
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+1 Hothie. he dealt with me changing the deal several times and didn't fuss.
Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2011 9:40:40 AM
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+1 for Makosharkz
Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2011 11:54:23 AM
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+1 DjStarr05
Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 9:20:08 AM
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+1 to rundummy, good trade all the way from Australia!
Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:40:56 PM
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+1 to creme_brule, sorry for the late +1. Very good trader, thanks
Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:10:46 AM
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+1 to creme_brule great trade. Quick turn around. wonderful experience.
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