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Cosmic Balance


Card Text

Whenever a character deals (to an enemy) damage that is more than twice its printed Damage rating, a different enemy removes 10 damage

Glossary Text

While this character is in play, whenever any character (enemy or ally) deals an amount of damage to an enemy character that is more than twice the acting character's printed Damage rating, another enemy of the acting character (the damaged enemy's player chooses) removes 10 damage. If abilities (such as Shaper, Poisoned Blade or Gauntlet Knife) that temporarily increase a characters printed Damage rating are in effect, use the increased value for calculating damage dealt for purposes of this ability. Likewise, when abilities that allow a character to use another character's Damage rating (such as Mimetic Combat Processor) are in effect, use the the chosen character's Damage rating. Damage dealt is not limited by the amount of Hit Points remaining on the character being damaged.

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