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Not much bigger than a womprat.

Stifling Attack


Card Text

On this character's turn, adjacent enemies cannot use special abilities that respond to its attacks

Glossary Text

Adjacent enemies attacked by this character on this character's turn cannot use special abilities that respond to this character's attacks (or damage from its attacks) for the rest of the turn. Enemies cannot use special abilities such as Parry or Soresu Style Mastery to avoid damage, and special abilities that reduce damage likewise have no effect. The opponent may not use special abilities like Djem So Style or Enraged Reactions that respond to being hit by an attack, or like Sith Reflexes that respond to taking damage. They may still use special abilities that trigger as a result of being defeated, such as Avoid Defeat or Self-Destruct 20. They may also still use Force powers that respond to attacks or damage from attacks.

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