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Caution: May bring balance to the Force.

Barrel Through


Card Text

As this character moves, place each Medium or smaller adjacent enemy in a legal space up to 2 squares from that enemy's current position; This turn, this character cannot change any enemy's position twice. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.

Glossary Text

As this character moves, displace each adjacent medium or smaller enemy into a legal square up to 2 spaces away from it's original position on the grid. This character must move at least 1 square before changing the position of any enemy and it cannot change the position of any enemy twice in the same turn using Barrel Through. An adjacent enemy cannot be displaced if no legal square is available to place them. A character with Barrel Through can still make a normal attack on the turn it moves, as long as it moves its speed or less. Prior to using Barrel Through, this character must designate a legal space to end its move in. Other characters cannot enter this space while this character is using Barrel Through.

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