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If you strike Bloo Milk down, it shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Bombad Gungan


Card Text

Whenever an enemy targets it, this character must attempt a save of 11. On a success, the attack is redirected to another character of your choice within 6 squares. If no other character is within 6 squares, the attack is negated.

Glossary Text

Whenever this character is targeted by an enemy, this character must attempt a save of 11; the save is not optional. On a failure, the attack is resolved normally against this character. On a successful save, the attack is redirected to another character of your choice (ally or enemy) within 6 squares, even if it would not normally be a legal target (for example, the attacker could end up hitting itself). If no other character is within 6 squares, the attack has no effect. Make the save to redirect the attack before the attacker makes its attack roll.

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