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Drink it in your moment of triumph, just don't overestimate their chances.

Yuuzhan Vong Iron Sha'kels 205/250
Mando - 8/22/2022 9:09:26 PM (Created: 2/18/2014 12:08:40 AM)
Average Rating: 8.33 (12) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
INV 6 Yuuzhan Vong 44 Commander Sha'kel 100 17 10 10 CE CE
DotF 55 Yuuzhan Vong 30 Shedao Shai 70 19 10 10 CE
GH 58 Yuuzhan Vong 30 Supreme Overlord Quorreal 70 18 8 10 CE CE
AaO 60 Yuuzhan Vong 28 Zenoc Quah 70 16 6 20 CE CE
INV 8 Yuuzhan Vong 27 Minos, Yuuzhan Vong Warrior 70 17 9 10 CE
EA 45 Yuuzhan Vong 18 Yuuzhan Vong Consul 50 16 10 20 CE CE
DotF 60 Yuuzhan Vong 15 Yammosk War Coordinator 70 16 -- -- CE
WaS 45 Yuuzhan Vong 13 Yun-Ne'Shel Priest 30 16 1 10 CE CE

Preferred Reinforcements: (23/20)
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE Type
GH 55 Yuuzhan Vong 9 Domain Shai Warrior 40 14 3 10 CE S. O. Quorreal
DIP 7 Yuuzhan Vong 9 Dooje Brolo 10 12 2 0 CE CE S. O. Quorreal
GH 60 Yuuzhan Vong 5 Zonoma Sekot Scout 20 12 2 10 CE S. O. Quorreal

Preferred Reserves: (0/20)
No preferred reserves have been added.
Type: Competitive
Activations: 11
Total HP: 600
Avg. Defense: 15.73
Avg. Attack: 6.10

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Iron Sha'kels--
44 Commander Sha'kel
30 Shedao Shai
30 Supreme Overlord Quorreal
28 Zenoc Quah
27 Minos, Yuuzhan Vong Warrior
18 Yuuzhan Vong Consul
15 Yammosk War Coordinator
13 Yun-Ne'Shel Priest

Preferred Reinforcements:
(S. O. Quorreal) 9 Domain Shai Warrior
(S. O. Quorreal) 9 Dooje Brolo
(S. O. Quorreal) 5 Zonoma Sekot Scout

(205pts. 11 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Mando's Comment:
Shakel can get up to a 31 def in cover. Minos can get up to a 27 def in cover with evade. Good luck shooting my guys when you are within 6 of Shakel. If you aren't adjacent Shakel, he essentially has a 35 def in cover. Minos could essentially have 31 def in cover with evade. Shedao Shai could essentially have a 33 def in cover with evade. The Yun-Ne'Shel Priest really makes the squad tanky and gives Avoid Defeat to Minos, Dooje Brolo gives Amphistaff to someone also and is a great distraction.

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