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Rebel Rebel Army: Summary 494/500
Lightsaber - 7/26/2024 12:13:12 AM (Created: 7/26/2024 12:06:19 AM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
GH 26 Rebel 44 Chief of State Mon Mothma 70 15 0 0 CE CE
AaO 24 Rebel 39 Commander Luke Skywalker 80 17 10 20 CE CE CE
MCA 17 Rebel 34 Kyle Katarn, Rebel Hero 80 18 11 10 CE CE
MotF 16 Rebel 34 Lando Calrissian, Rebel Leader 70 17 8 20 CE CE
GH 25 Rebel 25 Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander 50 15 6 10 CE CE
BH 10 Rebel 21 Rebel Captain 40 15 8 10 CE CE
SnV 21 Rebel 19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando 60 15 8 10 CE CE CE
OtOR 11 Rebel 19 Rebel Commander 40 17 6 10 CE CE
LTA 17 Rebel 18 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) 80 16 8 10 CE CE
GH 29 Rebel 18 Jan Ors 60 17 6 10 CE
CotG 25 Rebel 18 Major Bren Derlin 60 17 7 20 CE CE
AE 19 Rebel 18 Rebel Leader 50 16 10 10 CE CE
TR 10 Rebel 16 Rebel Officer with Atgar P-Tower 80 11 8 30 CE CE
IE 4 Rebel 14 General Rieekan 50 15 9 10 CE CE
RS 16 Rebel 13 Rebel Officer 30 15 7 10 CE
LTA 20 Rebel 12 See-Threepio (C-3PO) 30 16 0 0 CE CE
CotG 23 Rebel 11 Bothan Spymaster 30 15 5 10 CE
LotF 14 Rebel 9 General Dodonna 30 13 3 10 CE CE
TFU 11 Rebel 8 Juno Eclipse 40 13 5 10 CE
AE 15 Rebel 8 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit -- -- -- -- CE
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
RS 18 Rebel 5 Rebel Trooper 10 13 5 10
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AaO 29 Rebel 5 Tantive IV Trooper 10 13 7 10 CE
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE

Preferred Reinforcements: (30/30)
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE Type
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma
AE 14 Rebel 3 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist 10 13 3 10 CE COS Mon Mothma

Preferred Reserves: (0/30)
No preferred reserves have been added.
Type: General
Activations: 50
Total HP: 1330
Avg. Defense: 13.94
Avg. Attack: 5.45

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Rebel Army: Summary--
44 Chief of State Mon Mothma
39 Commander Luke Skywalker
34 Kyle Katarn, Rebel Hero
34 Lando Calrissian, Rebel Leader
25 Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander
21 Rebel Captain
19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando
19 Rebel Commander
18 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)
18 Jan Ors
18 Major Bren Derlin
18 Rebel Leader
16 Rebel Officer with Atgar P-Tower
14 General Rieekan
13 Rebel Officer
12 See-Threepio (C-3PO)
11 Bothan Spymaster
9 General Dodonna
8 Juno Eclipse
8 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit
50 Rebel Trooper x10
40 Tantive IV Trooper x8
6 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist x2

Preferred Reinforcements:
(COS Mon Mothma) 30 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist x10

(494pts. 50 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Lightsaber's Comment:
The collection of all 5 squads! Imperials, beware! The extra 6 points are due to the 6-act limit ("I Don't Know" is 96, two other squads are 99). Leia transforms into Hoth Commander and probably gains Stealth.

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