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Sith Galactic Escalation (350) 380/400
Lightsaber - 10/3/2024 12:55:54 AM (Created: 10/3/2024 12:49:44 AM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
JvS 4 Sith 71 Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger 140 22 15 20 CE CE
KotOR 14 Sith 69 Darth Sion 110 17 11 20 CE CE
GH 7 Sith 54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord 110 18 12 20 CE CE CE
LTA 6 Sith 50 Darth Cognus 120 20 13 20 CE CE
LotOR 2 Sith 44 Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal 130 20 13 20 CE CE
Ven 57 Sith 30 Vergere 80 19 9 20 CE CE
PotDS 3 Sith 18 Dark Force Nexus 0 0 -1 -1 CE CE
RTP 30 Sith 17 Vongerella, Dark Jedi 60 17 8 20 CE CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
SnV 10 Sith 4 Sith Recruit 10 12 2 10 CE CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 15
Total HP: 820
Avg. Defense: 14.47
Avg. Attack: 6.13

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Galactic Escalation (350)--
71 Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger
69 Darth Sion
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
50 Darth Cognus
44 Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal
30 Vergere
18 Dark Force Nexus
17 Vongerella, Dark Jedi
24 Sith Recruit x6
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(380pts. 15 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0

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