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Republic Hidden Clone Assault 98/100
Unleash the Force - 10/14/2024 7:42:48 PM (Created: 10/14/2024 7:36:27 PM)
Average Rating: 8.00 (1) Creator's Rating: 8/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
CotF 21 Republic 23 Clone Commander Bacara 40 14 10 20 CE CE
CW 11 Republic 13 Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier 20 14 8 20 CE
CW 11 Republic 13 Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier 20 14 8 20 CE
CW 11 Republic 13 Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier 20 14 8 20 CE
CW 11 Republic 13 Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier 20 14 8 20 CE
CW 12 Republic 13 Galactic Marine 20 14 8 20 CE
MotF 37 Fringe 10 Sullustan Scout 20 14 5 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 7
Total HP: 160
Avg. Defense: 14.00
Avg. Attack: 7.86

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Hidden Clone Assault--
23 Clone Commander Bacara
52 Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier x4
13 Galactic Marine
10 Sullustan Scout

(98pts. 7 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Unleash the Force's Comment:
This squad is especially good on the Teth Courtyard map, especially if they start on the side with the door. The clones are safe with Bacara's Commander Effect and the AT-TE for cover. They can fire at their opponents for several rounds before they get close enough to fight back, at which point the grenadiers can use their grenades. The 12 points left after the clones can be filled up with any suitable character(s). I chose the Sullustan because he has stealth.

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