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Is not as forgiving as Darth Vader.

Sith The Sith Shooters 199/200
HobbieKlivian - 11/30/2024 4:51:44 AM (Created: 11/25/2024 1:59:40 AM)
Average Rating: 7.00 (1) Creator's Rating: 7/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
CotF 11 Sith 52 Darth Malak 120 20 15 20 CE CE CE
CotF 15 Sith 36 Sith Assault Droid 60 17 9 20 CE
CotF 8 Sith 29 Dark Jedi Master 90 17 10 20 CE CE
KotOR 21 Sith 20 Sith Trooper Captain 40 14 8 20 CE CE
CotF 18 Sith 19 Sith Trooper Commander 50 14 9 20 CE
CotF 16 Sith 8 Sith Trooper 10 14 5 20
CotF 16 Sith 8 Sith Trooper 10 14 5 20
CotF 16 Sith 8 Sith Trooper 10 14 5 20
CotF 16 Sith 8 Sith Trooper 10 14 5 20
CotF 16 Sith 8 Sith Trooper 10 14 5 20
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: Limited Collection
Activations: 11
Total HP: 420
Avg. Defense: 14.91
Avg. Attack: 6.91

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--The Sith Shooters--
52 Darth Malak
36 Sith Assault Droid
29 Dark Jedi Master
20 Sith Trooper Captain
19 Sith Trooper Commander
40 Sith Trooper x5
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(199pts. 11 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
HobbieKlivian's Comment:
Ran by Meg Thomas against NR goes to NJ. Not terrible but the troopers have trouble hitting big targets with such low attack.

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