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Allergy Alert: May contain Bantha hair.

All Strike on the Jedi Temple - Empire 198/200
Juleo27 - 12/17/2024 3:40:22 AM (Created: 12/17/2024 2:51:01 AM)
Average Rating: 9.00 (1) Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
MotF 21 Imperial 46 Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice 130 19 12 20 CE CE CE
GaW 26 Republic 41 Captain Rex, 501st Commander 80 16 13 30 CE CE
DT 5 Republic 15 501st Legion Clone Commander 50 16 10 10 CE CE
CW 10 Republic 15 Elite Clone Trooper Commander 30 18 10 10 CE CE
GaW 28 Republic 13 501st Clone Trooper 20 14 8 20 CE
GaW 28 Republic 13 501st Clone Trooper 20 14 8 20 CE
GaW 28 Republic 13 501st Clone Trooper 20 14 8 20 CE
GaW 28 Republic 13 501st Clone Trooper 20 14 8 20 CE
CS 8 Republic 13 Clone Trooper Commander 30 14 10 10 CE CE
DT 6 Republic 8 501st Legion Clone Trooper 10 14 5 20 CE
DT 6 Republic 8 501st Legion Clone Trooper 10 14 5 20 CE
Type: Theme
Activations: 11
Total HP: 420
Avg. Defense: 15.18
Avg. Attack: 8.82

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Strike on the Jedi Temple - Empire--
46 Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice
41 Captain Rex, 501st Commander
15 501st Legion Clone Commander
15 Elite Clone Trooper Commander
52 501st Clone Trooper x4
13 Clone Trooper Commander
16 501st Legion Clone Trooper x2

(198pts. 11 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0

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