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Is more powerful than any Jedi!

Separatists Sexy Seperatists 200/200
HobbieKlivian - 12/23/2024 5:16:56 AM (Created: 12/23/2024 4:57:15 AM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
CotF 41 Separatists 61 Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith 130 19 14 20 CE CE CE
LotF 10 Separatists 49 Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side 120 21 15 20 CE CE
STP 1 Separatists 43 Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assassin 110 20 12 20 CE CE
AE 2 Separatists 41 Aurra Sing, Jedi Hunter 130 20 12 10 CE CE
CS 41 Separatists 3 Geonosian Drone 10 12 1 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 6
Total HP: 510
Avg. Defense: 17.33
Avg. Attack: 9.00

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Sexy Seperatists--
61 Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith
49 Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side
43 Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assassin
41 Aurra Sing, Jedi Hunter
3 Geonosian Drone
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 6 activations)

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