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10 out of 10 clone troopers agree, "Bloo Milk's the drink for me!"

Republic Yoda's Dynamic Duo 100/100
yodarulz - 7/9/2009 10:39:00 PM (Created: 7/9/2009 10:39:00 PM)
Average Rating: 7.05 (60) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
JA 14 Republic 55 Grand Master Yoda 150 22 15 20 CE CE CE
JA 34 Fringe 45 Jensaarai Defender 90 21 12 20 CE CE
Type: General
Activations: 2
Total HP: 240
Avg. Defense: 21.50
Avg. Attack: 13.50

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Yoda's Dynamic Duo--
55 Grand Master Yoda
45 Jensaarai Defender

(100pts. 2 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 5
yodarulz's Comment:
The Jensaari can take a beating, and Yoda can give one. Record 9-2 in DD.

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