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Rakghouls: "All your Ugnaughts are belong to us."

Mandalorians Canderous+Boba 200/200
DavenIII - (Created: 7/29/2008 6:13:00 PM)
Average Rating: 7.00 (14) Creator's Rating: 9/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
LotF 53 Mandalorians 57 Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander 120 20 13 20 CE CE
LotF 54 Mandalorians 48 Canderous Ordo 120 17 10 30 CE
KotOR 56 Mandalorians 23 Mandalorian Captain 50 18 8 20 CE CE
KotOR 60 Mandalorians 19 Mandalorian Scout 50 17 8 10 CE
KotOR 60 Mandalorians 19 Mandalorian Scout 50 17 8 10 CE
KotOR 60 Mandalorians 19 Mandalorian Scout 50 17 8 10 CE
TFU 48 Fringe 5 Caamasi Noble 10 12 0 0 CE
TFU 48 Fringe 5 Caamasi Noble 10 12 0 0 CE
TFU 48 Fringe 5 Caamasi Noble 10 12 0 0 CE
Type: General
Activations: 9
Total HP: 470
Avg. Defense: 15.78
Avg. Attack: 6.11

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

57 Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander
48 Canderous Ordo
23 Mandalorian Captain
57 Mandalorian Scout x3
15 Caamasi Noble x3

(200pts. 9 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 1
DavenIII's Comment:
Canderous gets 6 Attacks at 10 attack with Accurate Shot Nobles provide moving cover for the Cloacked Scouts which can then stand infront of Canderous. Scouts are all getting a mobile quad attack for +12/20 a pop against activated targets.

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