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Rebel Hoth Generator's Protectors 199/200
Kaxel Vofer - 1/21/2010 7:02:00 PM (Created: 7/30/2008 7:15:00 PM)
Average Rating: 6.63 (24) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
BH 12 Rebel 38 Rebel Snowspeeder 60 16 8 20 CE
TFU 6 Rebel 26 Golan Arms DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery 120 12 10 20 CE
BH 10 Rebel 21 Rebel Captain 40 15 8 10 CE CE
TFU 8 Rebel 17 Han Solo of Hoth 80 18 8 20 CE
TFU 9 Rebel 17 Hoth Trooper Officer 40 17 7 10 CE CE
UH 48 Rebel 16 Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun 60 17 8 10 CE CE
RS 16 Rebel 13 Rebel Officer 30 15 7 10 CE
TFU 22 Rebel 13 Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun 40 13 6 10 CE
RS 8 Rebel 7 Hoth Trooper 20 15 5 10
RS 8 Rebel 7 Hoth Trooper 20 15 5 10
RS 8 Rebel 7 Hoth Trooper 20 15 5 10
RS 8 Rebel 7 Hoth Trooper 20 15 5 10
RS 8 Rebel 7 Hoth Trooper 20 15 5 10
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
TFU 7 Rebel ?? Han Solo in Carbonite -- -- -- -- CE
Type: General
Activations: 15
Total HP: 580
Avg. Defense: 15.57
Avg. Attack: 6.21

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Hoth Generator's Protectors--
38 Rebel Snowspeeder
26 Golan Arms DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery
21 Rebel Captain
17 Han Solo of Hoth
17 Hoth Trooper Officer
16 Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun
13 Rebel Officer
13 Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun
35 Hoth Trooper x5
3 Mouse Droid
Han Solo in Carbonite

(199pts. 15 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 1
Kaxel Vofer's Comment:
I use the Han in Carbonite, and Han of Hoth to the unfrozen Han, and to rescue him, the Rebel SnowSpeeder.

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