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Will grant you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fortress.

Republic Jedi Assault 199/200
Kaxel Vofer - 1/21/2010 10:31:00 PM (Created: 11/6/2009 7:18:00 PM)
Average Rating: 6.47 (19) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
JA 16 Republic 52 Master K'Kruhk 150 20 12 30 CE CE
GaW 29 Republic 47 General Skywalker 100 20 12 20 CE CE CE
JA 17 Republic 24 Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer 90 19 12 20 CE CE CE
RotS 14 Republic 23 Mon Mothma 30 11 0 0 CE CE
CS 15 Republic 11 Jedi Guardian 40 15 6 20 CE CE
CS 15 Republic 11 Jedi Guardian 40 15 6 20 CE CE
CotF 30 Republic 8 Mas Amedda 30 14 3 10 CE
JA 18 Republic 5 Youngling 10 15 2 20 CE CE
JA 18 Republic 5 Youngling 10 15 2 20 CE CE
JA 18 Republic 5 Youngling 10 15 2 20 CE CE
JA 18 Republic 5 Youngling 10 15 2 20 CE CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
Type: General
Activations: 12
Total HP: 570
Avg. Defense: 15.88
Avg. Attack: 4.19

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Jedi Assault--
52 Master K'Kruhk
47 General Skywalker
24 Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer
23 Mon Mothma
22 Jedi Guardian x2
8 Mas Amedda
20 Youngling x4
3 Mouse Droid

Preferred Reserves:
(Mon Mothma) 20 Youngling x4

(199pts. 12 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Kaxel Vofer's Comment:
Use all the Generic Jedi for the first wave second with the most powerful jedi, like Master K'Kruhk, and for the final strike use General Skywalker, Enjoy

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