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I have a good feeling about this.

Sith Ulic's Renewal War Droid Strafers 199/200
Darth Percocet - 3/2/2010 2:28:00 AM (Created: 3/1/2010 11:26:00 PM)
Average Rating: 7.90 (10) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
CotF 19 Sith 61 Ulic Qel-Droma 160 23 16 20 CE CE CE
BH 54 Mandalorians 51 Basilisk War Droid 100 18 10 30 CE
KotOR 43 Fringe 23 Jolee Bindo 80 19 9 20 CE CE
KotOR 56 Mandalorians 23 Mandalorian Captain 50 18 8 20 CE CE
IE 33 Fringe 15 Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer 30 12 0 0 CE
CW 1 Sith 11 Darth Sidious Hologram 20 20 -- -- CE CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 11
Total HP: 540
Avg. Defense: 17.69
Avg. Attack: 3.13

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Ulic's Renewal War Droid Strafers--
61 Ulic Qel-Droma
51 Basilisk War Droid
23 Jolee Bindo
23 Mandalorian Captain
15 Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer
11 Darth Sidious Hologram
12 Mouse Droid x4
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reserves:
(Lobot, CLO) 10 ASP-7
(Lobot, CLO) 10 Rodian Trader
(Lobot, CLO) 6 Mouse Droid x2
(Lobot, CLO) 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(199pts. 11 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Darth Percocet's Comment:
fun squad i know not competitive, nice acts.Finished acts.theres only 1 door control figs(Ugg) Bindo Grants War Droid +2att & +2 Def & with renenwal he can reroll missed fails or move 2 extra on Strafe & got twin. Bindo getting Renewal also now can go out to fight & take shots cuz of deflect now.Mando Captain is a good shooter in his own right as well.Ulic also another beast too & hard to kill with his def & great attack also has renewal now. So it could do

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