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Imperial Vader 501st Mobile Swarm 199/200
Darth Percocet - 5/14/2010 8:01:00 PM (Created: 5/14/2010 1:15:00 AM)
Average Rating: 8.20 (20) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
MotF 21 Imperial 46 Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice 130 19 12 20 CE CE CE
IE 24 Imperial 32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo) 70 18 11 10 CE CE
UH 21 Fringe 23 Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab 60 18 9 10 CE CE
RS 26 Imperial 21 General Veers 70 16 6 10 CE CE
DT 17 Imperial 10 501st Legion Stormtrooper 20 16 8 20 CE
DT 17 Imperial 10 501st Legion Stormtrooper 20 16 8 20 CE
DT 17 Imperial 10 501st Legion Stormtrooper 20 16 8 20 CE
DT 17 Imperial 10 501st Legion Stormtrooper 20 16 8 20 CE
DT 17 Imperial 10 501st Legion Stormtrooper 20 16 8 20 CE
CotF 30 Imperial 8 Mas Amedda 30 14 3 10 CE
GaW 37 Fringe 8 R7 Astromech Droid 40 16 0 0 CE
IE 14 Imperial 5 Imperial Dignitary 10 12 0 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 14
Total HP: 530
Avg. Defense: 15.50
Avg. Attack: 5.79

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Vader 501st Mobile Swarm--
46 Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
23 Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab
21 General Veers
50 501st Legion Stormtrooper x5
8 Mas Amedda
8 R7 Astromech Droid
5 Imperial Dignitary
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(199pts. 14 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 1
Darth Percocet's Comment:
Mobile 501st with cunning & opp also swapping. Able to get in with squad assult & firepower & do some serious damage either way cunning or opp .. Lando for mobility & decent shoot too, ozzel for tempo & reserves bring in more 501st.Vader can hod his own & veers gives all them 501st accurate shot so your hittin anyone anywhere with them then mobile back to cover...lemme know wat u think & input is always wanted thanx

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