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For my ally is Bloo Milk. And a powerful ally it is.

Republic Final Temptation 200/200
jeremiah - 6/29/2010 10:37:00 PM (Created: 6/10/2010 11:44:00 AM)
Average Rating: 8.75 (64) Creator's Rating: 9/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
CW 20 Republic 51 Yoda on Kybuck 160 20 14 20 CE CE
CW 7 Republic 33 Captain Rex 70 16 12 20 CE CE
DT 26 Fringe 31 Dengar, Hired Killer 90 19 12 20 CE
DT 12 Republic 27 Ferus Olin 100 19 11 20 CE CE
KotOR 22 Republic 23 Captain Panaka 70 16 8 10 CE CE
RotS 17 Republic 9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid 30 17 8 0 CE
CotF 30 Republic 8 Mas Amedda 30 14 3 10 CE
MotF 10 Republic 5 Rodian Diplomat 20 13 0 0 CE
CS 52 Fringe 4 Gran Raider 10 13 2 10 CE
DT 31 Fringe 3 Rodian Brute 10 14 4 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 12
Total HP: 610
Avg. Defense: 15.42
Avg. Attack: 6.17

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Final Temptation--
51 Yoda on Kybuck
33 Captain Rex
31 Dengar, Hired Killer
27 Ferus Olin
23 Captain Panaka
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
8 Mas Amedda
5 Rodian Diplomat
4 Gran Raider
3 Rodian Brute
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 12 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 1
jeremiah's Comment:
Yobuck, Ferus and Rex start enemy characters, Dengar can finish them. Ferus can do up to 80dmg and BG YoBuck. If he turns, Dengar can finish him to gain 27pts.

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