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Compare Characters
Character 1
Old Republic
New Republic
Yuuzhan Vong
55 - Darth Vader, Dark Jedi
60 - Darth Vader, Sith Lord
12 - Elite Snowtrooper
11 - Elite Stormtrooper
40 - Emperor Palpatine
21 - General Veers
11 - Grand Moff Tarkin
12 - Heavy Stormtrooper
14 - Imperial Officer
20 - Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand
8 - Probe Droid
11 - Royal Guard
8 - Scout Trooper
21 - Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike
7 - Snowtrooper
5 - Stormtrooper
14 - Stormtrooper Officer
15 - Sandtrooper on Dewback
39 - Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice
16 - Dark Side Adept
47 - Darth Vader
62 - Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord
54 - AT-ST
18 - Baron Fel
22 - Dark Side Marauder
25 - Dark Trooper Phase III
75 - Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter
37 - Grand Admiral Thrawn
17 - Nightsister Sith Witch
16 - Noghri
15 - Stormtrooper Commander
200 - AT-AT Imperial Walker
8 - Mas Amedda
15 - Coruscant Guard
12 - Dark Trooper Phase I
20 - Dark Trooper Phase II
50 - Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith
8 - Sandtrooper
18 - Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster
71 - Lord Vader
20 - Admiral Piett
53 - Darth Vader, Imperial Commander
11 - Death Star Gunner
6 - Death Star Trooper
22 - Imperial Governor Tarkin
17 - Storm Commando
14 - Stormtrooper on Repulsor Sled
54 - Blizzard Scout 1
17 - General Veers, Hologram
11 - Admiral Ozzel
11 - AT-AT Driver
14 - Dark Trooper
50 - Darth Vader, Unleashed
23 - Emperor's Shadow Guard
13 - Evo Trooper
16 - Felucian Stormtrooper Officer
21 - Gotal Imperial Assassin
6 - Imperial Navy Trooper
5 - Raxus Prime Trooper
12 - Star Destroyer Officer
42 - TIE Crawler
48 - Vader's Apprentice, Unleashed
58 - Wookiee Hunter AT-ST
33 - Antares Draco
57 - Emperor Roan Fel
22 - Imperial Knight
8 - Imperial Pilot
20 - Imperial Security Officer
10 - Jagged Fel
22 - Marasiah Fel
11 - Moff Morlish Veed
18 - Moff Nyna Calixte
23 - Noghri Commando
13 - Shadow Stormtrooper
55 - Darth Vader, Scourge of the Jedi
6 - RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid
31 - Arica
71 - Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force
33 - Emperor Palpatine on Throne
5 - Imperial Dignitary
12 - Moff Jerjerrod
12 - 181st Imperial Pilot
20 - Sandtrooper Officer
13 - Shock Trooper
14 - Snowtrooper Commander
32 - Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
12 - Elite AT-AT Driver
20 - Disciple of Ragnos
51 - Imperial Sentinel
9 - Reborn
20 - Emperor's Hand
11 - 501st Legion Stormtrooper
9 - Imperial Engineer
22 - Imperial Inquisitor
25 - Imperial Sovereign Protector
34 - Kir Kanos
12 - Major Maxmilian Veers
18 - Arden Lyn
46 - Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice
16 - Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
13 - Elite Scout Trooper
28 - Imperial Knight Master
51 - Joruus C'Baoth
20 - Noghri Warrior
18 - Rukh
14 - Scout Trooper Officer
18 - Alpha Squadron Pilot
65 - Darth Vader, Agent of Evil
39 - General Rom Mohc
28 - General Weir
21 - Purge Trooper
11 - Stormtrooper Advance Scout
144 - The Phantom Menace
152 - Darth Vader, Legend of the Dark Side
66 - Galen Marek
8 - Bothan Saboteur
40 - Carnor Jax
16 - Grand Admiral Rulf Yage
30 - Jerec
9 - Jedi-Sith Clones
27 - Nightsister Mother
16 - Security Officer Stormtrooper
23 - Security Sandtrooper on Dewback
15 - Flim
25 - Moff Disra
26 - Grodin Tierce's Clone
39 - Desann
27 - Imperial Knight Strike Team Leader
23 - Reborn Shadowtrooper
43 - Roan Fel, The True Emperor
100 - Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind
100 - Darth Vader, The Dark Lord
27 - Admiral Daala
11 - Admiral Motti
11 - Captain Needa
72 - Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith
12 - Snowtrooper Officer
29 - Spacetrooper
11 - Veteran Snowtrooper
26 - Ysanne Isard
47 - Blizzard Force AT-ST
18 - Davin Felth
28 - Daric LaRone
21 - Elite Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster
21 - Major General Veers
27 - Taxtro Grave
25 - Elite Reborn
22 - Stormtrooper Sniper
29 - Wrenga "Jix" Jixton
83 - Emperor Palpatine, Reborn
26 - Luuke Skywalker
22 - Colonel Dyer
10 - Imperial Missionary
14 - IT-O Interrogator Droid
23 - Imperial Governor
57 - Lord Hethrir
33 - Nightsister Shaman
18 - Viper Probe Droid
31 - Agent Kallus
49 - Count Denetrius Vidian
56 - The Inquisitor, Jedi Hunter
45 - Darth Vader of Lothal
25 - Head of State Jagged Fel
30 - Mara Jade, Hand of Judgment
10 - Stormtrooper TK-421
25 - Imperial Knight Armorer
23 - General Hux
26 - Kylo Ren
27 - Captain Phasma
33 - Fifth Brother
13 - First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper
6 - First Order Stormtrooper
27 - Korlo Brightwater on Speeder Bike
33 - Seventh Sister
21 - Supreme Leader Snoke, Hologram
15 - Sith Holocron
28 - Death Trooper
27 - Director Orson Krennic
26 - First Order Flametrooper
18 - Galen Erso
25 - Admiral Rae Sloane
27 - Elite Praetorian Guard
15 - First Order Officer
8 - RA–7 First Order Protocol Droid
63 - Rey and Kylo, Force Bonded Allies
42 - Supreme Leader Snoke
24 - 0-0-0 and BT-1
37 - Iden Versio, Inferno Squad Commando
16 - Sentinel Messenger Droid
20 - Khabarakh of Clan Khim'bar
10 - BB-9E
27 - Eli Vanto
24 - Elite Storm Commando
55 - Occupier TX-225 Assault Tank
40 - Gar Saxon
24 - Prophet of the Dark Side
26 - Captain Sarkli
22 - Commander Pyre
26 - Del Meeko, Inferno Squad Commando
27 - Soontir Fel, Commander of the 181st
15 - First Order Pilot on Treadspeeder
15 - Imperial Scanning Crew
13 - Jet Trooper
22 - Knight of Ren
27 - Wilhuff Tarkin
40 - General Pryde
38 - Supreme Leader Kylo Ren
22 - Death Squad Commander
31 - Ganner Krieg
27 - Turr Phennir
47 - Moff Gideon
18 - Joak Quiller
25 - Saberan Marcross
25 - The Client
39 - Darth Sidious, Sith Emperor
25 - Clone Commando Instructor
27 - Governor Arihnda Pryce
21 - Inferno Squad Commando
32 - Ninth Sister (Masana Tide)
23 - Third-Generation Dark Trooper
45 - Second Sister (Trilla Suduri)
35 - Darth Vader, The Emperor's Fist
34 - Morgan Elsbeth, Imperial Magistrate
35 - Third Sister (Reva)
17 - Imperial Field Commander
33 - Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith
17 - Purge Stormtrooper
9 - Shadow Scout
22 - Azlyn Rae
21 - Dedra Meero, ISB Supervisor
50 - Baylan Skoll, Imperial Mercenary
26 - Great Mothers
27 - Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn
15 - ISB Agent
13 - Night Trooper
20 - Purgetrooper with Electrohammer
31 - Reborn Master
30 - Shin Hati
11 - Captain Juno Eclipse
30 - Inferno Squad Pilot
Darth Vader
Hit Points:
Special Abilities:
Double Attack
Melee Attack
Force Powers:
Force 4
Force Burst
Sith Grip
Sith Rage
Commander Effect:
Very Rare
Average Rating:
6.90 (82)
Character 2
Old Republic
New Republic
Yuuzhan Vong
16 - Dark Jedi
29 - Dark Jedi Master
26 - Dark Side Enforcer
82 - Darth Bane
52 - Darth Malak
44 - Darth Nihilus
84 - Exar Kun
15 - Massassi Sith Mutant
36 - Sith Assault Droid
8 - Sith Trooper
19 - Sith Trooper Commander
61 - Ulic Qel-Droma
88 - Darth Revan
60 - Darth Caedus
76 - Darth Krayt
42 - Darth Nihl
56 - Darth Talon
53 - Lumiya, the Dark Lady
49 - Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
69 - Darth Sion
13 - Elite Sith Trooper
21 - Sith Assassin
5 - Sith Guard
49 - Sith Heavy Assault Droid
22 - Sith Marauder
10 - Sith Operative
20 - Sith Trooper Captain
11 - Darth Sidious Hologram
43 - Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice
63 - Darth Plagueis
57 - Darth Sidious, Sith Master
18 - Krath War Droid
64 - Naga Sadow
22 - Sith Apprentice
23 - Sith Lord
23 - Elite Sith Assassin
55 - Freedon Nadd
22 - Dark Jedi Assassin
27 - Darth Bandon
62 - Darth Revan, Sith Lord
14 - Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit
21 - Sith Acolyte
24 - Sith Inquisitor
36 - Atton "Jaq" Rand
23 - Elite Gunner
36 - Darth Traya
48 - Darth Zannah
16 - Gloom Walker
60 - Leviathan
36 - Lord Kaan
13 - Sith Wrangler
57 - Darth Maul, Sith Infiltrator
142 - Darth Bane in Orbalisk Armor
144 - The Phantom Menace
36 - Darth Maladi
42 - Dessel
38 - The Huntress
76 - Marka Ragnos
18 - Sith Alchemist
16 - Grand Admiral Rulf Yage
20 - DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe Droid
42 - Lomi Plo
17 - Marka Ragnos, Dark Force Spirit
30 - Sith Blademaster
19 - Sith General
20 - Sith Knight
4 - Sith Recruit
52 - Bastila Shan, Fallen Jedi
71 - Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger
68 - Karness Muur
114 - Lord Krayt
153 - Exar Kun, Dark Lord of the Sith
72 - Darth Malgus, The False Emperor
31 - Kaliyo Djannis
26 - Khem Val
37 - Mandalore the Lesser
54 - Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
28 - Darth Talon, Sith Assassin
20 - Darth Wyyrlok III
40 - Imperial Agent
49 - Juggernaut
53 - Darth Sion, Lord of Pain
14 - Tetan Shock Trooper
22 - Vestara Khai
32 - Shae Vizla
24 - Alema Rar
63 - Darth Bane, Sith'ari
45 - Darth Maul, Death Watch Overlord
18 - Gloom Walker Sniper
41 - Lord Scourge
45 - Sith Meditation Sphere
17 - Sorcerer Acolyte
25 - Darth Nihl, Hand of Krayt
34 - Dread Master
69 - Exar Kun, Dark Jedi
35 - Ommin, Sith Sorceror
11 - Freedon Nadd, Dark Force Spirit
30 - Krayt's Sith Trooper
9 - Keshiri Warrior
34 - Ludo Kressh
21 - Sith Pureblood
34 - Welk, Night Herald
10 - Imperial Missionary
18 - Crado, Jedi Apprentice
38 - Aleema Keto, Sith Sorceress
45 - Darth Desolous
13 - Gloom Walker Infiltrator
30 - Lost Tribe Isolationist
50 - Darth Cognus
12 - Krath Death Witch
18 - Naddist Cultist
20 - Queen Amanoa
40 - Warb Null
3 - XT-6 Droid
66 - Ajunta Pall
60 - Darth Plagueis, The Wise
17 - Fallen Jedi
16 - Sith Witch
20 - Skyborn Ranger on Uvak
46 - Sarasu Taalon
21 - Sith Saber
142 - Marka Ragnos, Ancient Sith Lord
40 - Darth Baras
15 - Sith Holocron
11 - Dark Disciple
49 - Darth Vader of Scarif
61 - Lord Vitiate, Sith Emperor
29 - Darth Vectivus
37 - Kas'im, Sith Blademaster
8 - Keshiri Temple Guard
36 - Set Harth, Dark Jedi
29 - Sheev Palpatine, Sith Apprentice
6 - Sith Ordnance Specialist
17 - Vongerella, Dark Jedi
35 - Darth Tenebrous
17 - Sith Sentinel Droid
37 - Darth Stryfe
7 - Gloom Walker Recruit
23 - Lucia, Gloom Walker Sniper
40 - Sith Battlelord
26 - Ahri Raas
18 - Dark Force Nexus
37 - Lord Nyax (Irek Ismaren)
24 - Prophet of the Dark Side
40 - Sith Assassin of Malachor V
44 - Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal
50 - Darth Bane, Sith Master
27 - Githany, Sith Lord
8 - Sith Eternal Trooper
11 - Sith Tyro
39 - Sith Eternal Emperor
29 - Lady Olaris Rhea
58 - Naga Sadow, Sith Lord
15 - Sith Eternal Lance Corporal
27 - General Vaklu, Defender of Onderon
54 - Darth Angral
39 - Gavar Khai
33 - Darth Wyyrlok, Emperor's Ward
31 - Spy of the One Sith
39 - Darth Sidious, Sith Emperor
23 - Ochi of Bestoon, Sith Assassin
28 - Sith Eternal Sergeant
42 - Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate
33 - Dark Acolyte Master
12 - D-O
48 - Darth Malak, Sith Lord
40 - Darth Vader of Coruscant
30 - Elite Sith Acolyte
15 - Undercover Spy
33 - Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith
23 - Kell Douro, Assassin of the One Sith
100 - Maul and Savage, Master and Apprentice
22 - Dromund Kaas Assassin
17 - Massassi Warrior
31 - Sith Academy Headmaster
30 - Mae, Sith Assassin
37 - The Stranger
Spy of the One Sith
Hit Points:
Special Abilities:
Twin Attack
Deadly Attack
Force Powers:
Force 1
Force Sense
Commander Effect:
Average Rating:
5.00 (1)
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