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Reposting via Ray Becker (dvader831) from SWMGamers facebook page: North American Champs Top 8 in order: David Weeks (weeks) Bill Russell (billiv15) Matt Peterson (MtMagus) Ricky Heck (sephiroth99is) Ian Gordon (Jester007) Matt Spry (spryguy1981) Jason Kiernan (urbanjedi) Trevor Peyton (thereisnotry) Congrats guys! Good luck tomorrow.
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Well, most are people I'm not surprised to see. Still a good mix. Good job guys.
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Just as a quick little fix, my last name is actually spelt Gordon (like the NASCAR driver w/ no relation).
Let me just say thank you to everyone who has kept this game going. There have been (and still are) some tough spots here and there, but as a community I think we're doing wonderful. I hope to see more people at Nationals next year. Thanks again and cheers!
Sincerely, Ian
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what squads did the top 8 play?
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Sabers n Guns
Yoda on Kybuck General Skywalker Captain Rex Captain Panaka R2-D2, Astromech Droid Mas Ameda Spaarti Clone Trooper Rodian Brute x6 Uggie x2
Map:Smugglers Base.
Dropped Dash and Lobot for Rex and swap fodder. Rex gives me the early round shooting I knew I would need. He can also close a game 100% better then dash can (he closed down 4 of my 6 wins in Swiss with early round shooting). I went 6-0 in Swiss and lost in the simis to the champ.
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My good old 2 year old Yodabuck Maximum squad. Yoda on Kybuck General Skywalker Dash Rendar Captain Panaka R2-AM Mas Lobot Ugo Gran
Map was Jedi Temple.
Went 5-2 overall, 5-1 in swiss finishing in second place because I lost to David in a mirror. Then lost to double lancer on Muunalist in a very close game to Urbanjedi in the first round of single elimination. All and all, a very good set of games, and perhaps the strongest field of players top to bottom we have ever had at the Championship.
I beat the following squads. Mando Scout/ Echani Squad Solo Charge - locked Mara in a turbolift :) Bastilla, Cad Bane, Dash, Hoojix tank squad - really cool surprising squad by Rueben Lost to David's Yodabuck/Rex Imperial Handmaidens Ian's Battle Masters Lost to Urbanjedi's double lancer squad.
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billiv15 wrote:My good old 2 year old Yodabuck Maximum squad. Yoda on Kybuck General Skywalker Dash Rendar Captain Panaka R2-AM Mas Lobot Ugo Gran
What were your typical reinforcements?
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FlyingArrow wrote:
What were your typical reinforcements?
It varied. Against the double lancer I used Gammorean Bodygaurd and Salacious Crumb, against Solo Charge and a couple of others I brought 4 rodian brutes and an R7, against David I tried bringing in a Human BG, Salacious and a Gran (was a bad choice lol). Against the Mando Scout/Handmaiden squad I brought in a Twilick BG and 2 Rodians and a Gran. I think against Ian I brought the 4 Rodians and the R7 as well, although it might have been slightly different as I don't really remember. I also played the squad in the Mystery Map tournament (needed some practice) and I played against a Vong bomb squad where I brought a gran and a Rakghoul. In that game, I ended the game with 11 Raks on the table :). The only set I brought more than once was the 4 Brutes and the R7, but even that was a total of 3 games. Every other game I used something a little different depending on the match up and the possible maps I would be playing on.
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Did anyone do well with a Republic Master Kota squad in the main championship? Apologies for the random question, but I want to know, because I have a bet on with another member of my playgroup.
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TheHutts wrote:Did anyone do well with a Republic Master Kota squad in the main championship? Apologies for the random question, but I want to know, because I have a bet on with another member of my playgroup. I hope you gave him 1000 to 1 odds on that bet!
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I haven't seen Kota played in any play reports in a very long time...
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My squad name was Bastila's Battlemasters:
Bastila Shan, Jedi Master Jedi Battlemasters x3 Jedi Seer Lobot Old Republic Senator R7 Astromech Droid Mouse Droids x2 Ugnaught Demolitionist
Map: Theed Reinforcements: Human BG w/ either 2 uggies and 1 mouse or 1 uggy and 2 mice.
Sincerely, Jester007
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congrats on the WIN! Bastila changes everything
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Hey this is Ricky and I was playing the Rebel squad (Rebel Wobble).
Han Smuggler Princess Leia Luke RC Lobot Double disruptive One ERC, some mouse droids and a bunch of brutes
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for Jester007: any tryouts with Atton in for a JBM? (just curious, as that was a variation I was thinking about)
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sephiroth99is wrote: Double disruptive
What's the second Disruptive? Crix and... R2PO/Juno/Deena?
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Juno, I believe.
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imyurhukaberry wrote:for Jester007: any tryouts with Atton in for a JBM? (just curious, as that was a variation I was thinking about) I did do some experimentations with Atton from KOTOR, but it just wasn't working out for me. I like his Double w/ Cunning and Jedi Hunter and giving him Twin from a Czerka, but he's just too fragile. He doesn't have Evade or Mobile or anything to protect himself other than maybe bodyguarding him. The new Atton though w/ the Klatoonian Captain may be the thing your looking for. The Captain will give him Speed 8 and Evade. The new Atton may not have the damage output of the older one, but the surrvivability will make up for that late game. Sincerely, Jester007
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