Star Wars Miniverse (or SWMv for short), a podcast devoted to the magic of the SWM skirmish game, continues with a brand new show. In Episode 42, Mark and Tim recap their league play from the month of September, complete with a Battle Royale! They also discuss Impulsive Overwhelming Force and a couple new figures from Renegades and Rogues. Tim interviews Nateal from a fairly new podcast: Geek Fatale. Plus the popular Guess the Mini and Top Ten.
Click on "show notes" to get the links, files, etc for the items that are covered in that episode.
While you are at the web-site:
1. Remember that the WotC scenarios live on! Check out the Docking Bay 94 section of our website for all the Wizards scenarios plus many non-WotC scenarios.
2. check out the web-only goodies. There is some good stuff here that we don't talk about on the show.
3. Downloadable mp3 are also available of each episode. Just check the link for each individual show.
4. Subscribe to the show.
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swminiverse@gmail.comor leave us a voicemail: 608-622-SWMV (7968)