Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 7/19/2011 Posts: 211
just thought of an idea for some vset cards, possibly objects that can be placed on the board to give players say abilities or cover in places where there was no cover before.
-they have hitpoints and can be targeted like normal. -they grant cover in areas of the map that may have been wide open before. -possibly grant abilities like a gonk droid a figure can plug into. -can benefit or penalize both players. -use figures that dont get used often. -makes board more 3D:)
Tie Crawler 5 points
hp 100 def 12 at 0 da 0
damage reduction 10 neutral Object (grants +4 cover, not controlled by player) Adjacent Pilots gain Evade
Medical droid 3 neutral adjacent characters gain regeneration 10
and so on. im sure other people have better ideas of neutral objects that could be fun in this game.