Yo dudes.
We're 11 days away from the First Ever New Zealand SWM Tournament and that means that in just over a week and a half, I'll be entering in 20 names to the SWMGPA Rankings! And, as this will be a National tournament, it will get Tier 1 status which will mean that your points ceiling goes from 200 to 300.
US Regionals and National Tournaments are currently the only ones that get access to this higher ceiling, so if you were involved in a Regional and want your stats put up, talk to your tournament organiser.
Also, if you play games around your LGS, you can get them ranked and into the system. If you're not sure what to do, PM me!
You can see your rankings at:
http://swm.shift.net.nz/ or
http://swm.trogdor.shift-tech.net/ (if the first one doesn't work). So far the Top 20 is thus:
#1 200pts - hinkbert (Pennsylvania (USA))
#2 167pts - DarthSteven
#3 162pts - rythimecheck
#4 147pts - Randy (Indiana (USA))
#5 143pts - Owen
#6 133pts - bevj21 (Taranaki (NZL))
#7 133pts - random_mike_17
#8 127pts - TheHutts (Lower Hutt (NZL))
#9 125pts - Darth Jim (Pennsylvania (USA))
#10 124pts - Luke
#11 124pts - GalacticFunk
#12 122pts - Logan1
#13 121pts - Chargers
#14 107pts - KMcNaney24
#15 105pts - Dr Daman (Lower Hutt (NZL))
#16 100pts - PhilnLil
#17 95pts - kezzamachine (Lower Hutt (NZL))
#18 95pts - TylerS
#19 93pts - bubbles101otto
#20 93pts - WacoBlaze (Indiana (USA))
Congrats Hinkbert!