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Biggsy and I've been talking card design a bit and I mentioned I'd made some newer card design's for myself. I'm rather on the fence about them; they're not as "pretty" as Biggsy's or Matt's cards, but I went for a more austeur look and keep it simple, just wanted and opinion if I could for which design I should stick with ... New Design Comparison's Card on left, the newer WOTC design that's been my default template. Middle card, an idea I "borrowed" from Heroclix and modified to my taste. Card on Right, a totally new idea I came up with. I could go into long explanations of why I did certain things, but off the top of Bloo heads, opinions on which template's are better? .... or are Biggsy and Matt going in the better direction?
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I'd like the right one most if it wasn't black print on brown card I think. As is, my pick is the middle one.
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Hmmm, I like the default WotC original style personally, though your right-most option is reminiscent of the D&D style stat cards. With some translucent etching, or busying up the background, I think for clarity Id opt for the rightmost option. I understand that these are just prototypes yeah? If so, what does the front of the card look like? I enjoyed your Aurra Sing "for all seasons" custom stat card, with 3 aurras on the front side.  So, my vote is for the rightmost option. If you feel like experimenting, try to make the font size for the best statistic bigger and bolder, for ease of quick comparison. So, if Attack is the best value on the card, it is twice the size of the other stats, and bold. This would be good to jog the memorybanks, so consider the example; a CIS Battle droid would have 4pts cost bolded, as would its defense value. Maybe opt for concentric, venn diagram style stat spheres on the left side? They overlap and could be different colors or textures... haha  I'd also like to see some card design which takes into account that often players juxtapose the cards; like parts in a circuit. A tron-like edition may be fun to experiment with?
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Are you talking about my cards? I'm not Chris, I'm Matt. I did design some cards. I love the layouts, especially the second one, but they are a little flat graphically. what program do you use? you should tool around and see whayt you can do to liven them up a bit.
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Jedicartographer wrote:Are you talking about my cards? I'm not Chris, I'm Matt. I did design some cards. I love the layouts, especially the second one, but they are a little flat graphically. what program do you use? you should tool around and see whayt you can do to liven them up a bit. Apoligies, the member name gets me confused since he does maps too. I'm a simple man that uses Microsoft Paint and PowerPoint to do everything. The "liven" up part is part of the discussion, since I go for the Function part of cardmaking and not the "Pretty" look that you and Biggsy achieve. Very nice looking cards but since you've joined thte talk, do you consider your cards functional gamewise, or more collectible than anything? "flat graphically;" Is that a graphic arts term for two dimensional? I ask because I'm a history teacher with no background in art at all, but as they say, "I'm no artist but I know what I like ......"
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surf_rider56 wrote:Jedicartographer wrote:Are you talking about my cards? I'm not Chris, I'm Matt. I did design some cards. I love the layouts, especially the second one, but they are a little flat graphically. what program do you use? you should tool around and see whayt you can do to liven them up a bit. Apoligies, the member name gets me confused since he does maps too. I'm a simple man that uses Microsoft Paint and PowerPoint to do everything. The "liven" up part is part of the discussion, since I go for the Function part of cardmaking and not the "Pretty" look that you and Biggsy achieve. Very nice looking cards but since you've joined thte talk, do you consider your cards functional gamewise, or more collectible than anything? "flat graphically;" Is that a graphic arts term for two dimensional? I ask because I'm a history teacher with no background in art at all, but as they say, "I'm no artist but I know what I like ......" I actually have no training either, most of my abilities come from the constant barrage of art critique I got from these forums over the past 5 years!  At the time it infuriated me, but looking back I needed it to grow. If you aren't worried about the art, than my opinions really don't matter, as long as you are satisfied with them.  And you should be satisfied they are totally appropriate for the game. When I make anything custom (maps, minis, or cards), I always pretend that it’s something that I would sell and try to make money on. That’s why I designed my cards the way I did. I wanted something more than a stat card; I wanted something that was like a collector card. I think it makes the game a little more fun for me, and gives it a sense of authenticity, even though it’s really just for fun. THAT’S WHY I LOVE BIGSSEY’S CARDS!!! They really A far as the "functionality" of my cards, please forgive my ignorance, but I don't see how the card design has much bearing on anything. As long as they are easy to read, and the text is easy to understand (which is really more of an issue with the people who write the rules), I think the layout really doesn’t matter. I do like the layout of the center one because it mixes things up a bit. By "flat" I mean there are a lot of effects I uses with Photoshop (image filters, layers on layers, gradients, Etc.) If you are using Microsoft paint, obviously you have limited options as far as "spicing things up".
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I like the first one the most. I would use the second on with out much thought. I would rather not play marra if it was the 3rd one. I dont mean to sound, well mean. But that brown on brown is really a turn off. The other two are very cool though!
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Darthbane53 wrote:I like the first one the most. I would use the second on with out much thought. I would rather not play marra if it was the 3rd one. I dont mean to sound, well mean. But that brown on brown is really a turn off. The other two are very cool though! Interesting that people have commented so much on the brown; the reason I made it brown is because its the faction color ... no other reason. I thought it was sorta "solid colored" but hey, if you thought that was bad, you should see the Vong purple I used. I'm more into the functional type card. I'm willing to leave pretty to "real" artists, which I'm not. When I make a card, stats in so far as functional use are #1 and a decent enough pic #2. I always thought card design as such was a given. Listening to critique, I find it all facsinating on how people look at cards. It tells me that since I "stole" the middle card from Heroclix, my idea of an original card leaves something to be desired. I wonder if the Pic/Text area should've been a lighter shade of brown? I don't know if a white background off the pebbled area would cut it like I'd want .... hmmmm
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I personally like the one on the left the most. It has a sort of SWM feel to it... and it's unique.
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I like the left one the most, it is a little difficult to read, but not enough to prevent the usage of the card. P.S. Love you're card logo.
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Bob Chizo wrote:I like the left one the most, it is a little difficult to read, but not enough to prevent the usage of the card. P.S. Love you're card logo. Interesting that the vote seems pretty even, with the biggest complaint as such the rightmost color combo, which is actually a faction color; could've been shade of blue on blue for Seps or Imps, red on red for Rebels or the Republic, etc. Not that I've ever actually thought about changing, it was more of an intellectual exercise than anything. Maybe if I made cards on request for a friend I guess; personally, I'm happy with the default WOTC card. @Bob - you're the first person who noticed the "surf" logo. I've been thinking of adding a logo; everybody else has one! A surfer just seemed to fit the best. I've been thinking of revamping my cards which is a scary thought. Last count I had roughly 1300, plus another 150 or so sitting around in various stages of completion. I figure even if I junk a few hundred because they're outdated/useles/silly I still have over 1,000 that I've been meaning to proof read and organize into some sort of pdf grouping ... possibly if I ever do my own blog/website. .... a man can dream can't he PS - you thought brown was bad? I should show you the Old Republic and Mondo cards, they're mostly different shades of brown too ... and don't get me started on that purple Vong card ........
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Joined: 3/12/2009 Posts: 302 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
I like the layout on number 1 and 3 the most. The middle card looks good, but there's not room for much text is there? Surf you should totally try out photoshop, if you like fiddling with these kinds of things. It's totally confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it and learn more it can be quite fun! I taught myself how to use it, and it's what i used to make my cards. By the way, really nice touch with the surfer logo!! Love it
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Biggsy wrote:I like the layout on number 1 and 3 the most. The middle card looks good, but there's not room for much text is there? Surf you should totally try out photoshop, if you like fiddling with these kinds of things. It's totally confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it and learn more it can be quite fun! I taught myself how to use it, and it's what i used to make my cards. By the way, really nice touch with the surfer logo!! Love it  While all of us have been busy, including me, the last few weeks, I've been thinking (and waiting on a new computer!) and I just may stick to the traditional WOTC new look card. Others like you, Biggs and Matt have the time to create the cards (how long does a good card take you?) but for want of a better term, I "mass produce" cards and do 10-20 a week when I'm on a roll and have time ... course I haven't had time lately. I suspect it would take me weeks to get the hang of Photoshop ... if I had it Some are better at making works of art; I'll settle for being Chevy to your Ferrarri Biggsy  as long as I have a fair amount of quality to my cards in species, job types, SA's and FP's I can live with it. By the way, thanks for the thumbsup on the logo. I may start incorporating it in my new cards (I may even redo my older cards with it too ....
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Joined: 12/2/2009 Posts: 1,686 Location: New York, Albany Just south of Darth Maul's House
I'm kinda late to the party here but I thought I'd drop a comment.  In order of preference, I like the left card the best. My second choice would be the right one. Only thing is it's a little hard to read maybe a font color change there. The third one is nice in that you have a little more room for text.  They all look cool though surf nice job!
Rank: Rancor Groups: Member
Joined: 6/14/2012 Posts: 33
I approve of the formatting on the rightmost card, but you might want to the move the fringe symbol over to the upper-left corner; it really crowds the text. Also, I would use a noticeably light color for the textbox and liven up the background texture. If the design wasn't quite as plain, and the colors more appealing to the eye, I would choose it over the other two cards any day.
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