
Does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.

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Inconsiderate ratings? Options
Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2012 10:12:53 PM
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It has become apparent due to multiple incidences that someone within our community feels the need to rate multiple squads that he comes across a 1, regardless of whether it's a competitive or casual squad and regardless of whether the squad actually deserves it, and does not provide any reason for his ratings. (For example, I created three squads yesterday. In the time that they were up on the front page under the "Recent Squads" category, they each received a single rating of one, presumably from the same user). I can handle criticism just fine; if my squad is awful, I want to know so I can improve it (unless of course it's clearly not intended to be a competitive squad and rather something I threw together more or less for fun, because squad building is fun regardless of whether the squad turns out to be any good). What really irks me is when someone indiscriminately rates squads a 1 and has no apparent reason for doing so. It's annoying, inconsiderate, and downright rude. I know I'm not the only one to which this has happened, and I'm sure I speak for all people who have had run-ins with this user.

I would like to ask whoever is doing this to first stop, secondly to come forward and provide some reasoning for why you are doing so, and lastly to apologize. It is getting old, and nobody likes it. Thank you.

If anyone else has anything to add to this, please do so.
Darth Cerberus
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:37:48 AM
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I feel for ya SuperYoda, as I have been hit by this multiple times. I am not sure if its cowardice, or just someone who does not have a grasp of how the game is played, or if it is just a person who likes to spread discontent among everyone else because they are unhappy with their own life. At any rate, I have discontinued using the squad builder here (It hasn't been updated with the new V-set stuff anyway), and now I just do it on my own PDF file. I now let my records with said squads do the talking for me, as opposed to worrying what other people think. Sure, I don't get positive feedback or help in what to do better, but with the exception of a couple squads I wasn't getting it anyways. In the old squads that I got 1 bombs, I left comments back like this example:
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:54:26 AM
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Unfortunately, with a system such as this, you'll always have individuals who do this sort of thing out of pure meanness, or to leapfrog their own weak squads to a higher rating position to receive accolades they don't deserve. This is why I don't put any stock in these ratings...when I want to design something, or look at new designs, I search by creator names before anything else, basing my search on the tournament-hardened reputations of players. To be honest, even without the cowardly 1-bombers, these ratings aren't reliable anyways. The one time I created a squad that peaked briefly at #1, it was a squad I didn't take seriously and never should have been rated so high. Most of my squads now are private, and I discuss them with other players in person or test them on Vassal.

I wish it could be regulated, but I don't see how. I am just grateful we have a site where we can construct squads, look up character stats and abilities, and then discuss things in forums. My advice would be not to pay any attention to the ratings when looking for validation of your squads, but rather input from players who have earned their reputations through actual play...something that the 1-bomber cowards will never achieve.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 4:46:44 AM
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Easiest way: take the ratings tool away. It is clearly being abused. Leave the feedback box (the most important element).
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 4:51:43 AM
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another thing we could possibly do is make it so that if it is a rating of under 5 u must leave a comment as to why
Bubba Fett
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:56:07 PM
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1. I don't think the rating on anything are accurate.
2. The skill of the player is what really determines the strength of the squad. Whoever is rating things like junk obviously doesn't have the skill to play against even some casual squads.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 3:01:39 PM
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Thread moved.

It really is simple. It is someone being a troll. Welcome to the internet.

A couple things:

We are not going to moderate ratings. We cannot moderate peoples true thoughts. I assure you, when I rate, I rate lower than most. And I don't always leave feedback, most times because the squad poster didn't leave any of their own.

Which leads to point #2. Forcing ratings to have feedback is not going to happen. Will you feel better if someone leaves a note that says "This sucks" or "......."? And the important factor, will you ignore such trolling? Anyone who has started these threads, the answer for them is going to be no. Which leads to fights, which leads to more work for mods. For something as subjective as ratings, I do not want to get involved, and Shinja has far more important things to work on.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:19:37 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
We are not going to moderate ratings... For something as subjective as ratings, I do not want to get involved, and Shinja has far more important things to work on.

I never suggested that. I'm aware of the fact that ratings are the last thing on the moderators' minds. I never thought forcing comments was a good idea either. That being said, no comment on a squad might be preferable to a comment of "this sucks" but, at least if commenting was forced, we'd know who the jerks were and could deal with it that way.

At any rate, I was unaware of the fact that posts like this had been made in the past. I only hoped to make others aware of the issue and hopefully send a message to whoever was doing this. I understand that something like this is inevitable on the Internet, but that doesn't mean that nothing can be done about it... and the sarcasm could be done without.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:03:23 PM
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SuperYodaMan wrote:
Sithborg wrote:
We are not going to moderate ratings... For something as subjective as ratings, I do not want to get involved, and Shinja has far more important things to work on.

I never suggested that. I'm aware of the fact that ratings are the last thing on the moderators' minds. I never thought forcing comments was a good idea either. That being said, no comment on a squad might be preferable to a comment of "this sucks" but, at least if commenting was forced, we'd know who the jerks were and could deal with it that way.

And how would you "deal with it"? Like I said, it creates a situation where the mods have to get involved.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:10:50 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
Thread moved.

It really is simple. It is someone being a troll. Welcome to the internet.

A couple things:

We are not going to moderate ratings. We cannot moderate peoples true thoughts. I assure you, when I rate, I rate lower than most. And I don't always leave feedback, most times because the squad poster didn't leave any of their own.

Which leads to point #2. Forcing ratings to have feedback is not going to happen. Will you feel better if someone leaves a note that says "This sucks" or "......."? And the important factor, will you ignore such trolling? Anyone who has started these threads, the answer for them is going to be no. Which leads to fights, which leads to more work for mods. For something as subjective as ratings, I do not want to get involved, and Shinja has far more important things to work on.


this issue is been brought up way to much.
every few months, in on thread or another, it seems.

perhaps I "sounded" rude, but my patience for this issue is at an end.
I just feel the whole ratings issue complaints are counterproductive.
when a member complains about receiving a 1 on their squad, it gives the "1 bombing troll"exactly the response
they are hoping for.

Since I joined Bloo on 4-14-08, first as darth jak, the complaints have been raised, often.
Sithborg's above response, has been the kind of answer given every time.

anyone who knows me, would know that no insults were intended.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:24:22 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
It really is simple. It is someone being a troll. Welcome to the internet.

+1 to SB.

@ SYM, don't sweat the little things, one of my creations recently got firebombed to which my response was to simply to laugh. I treat my squad building like a storyboard, some ideas/efforts are better than others but when you stumble across that "Eureka" moment (in a rum induced haze) you will be one with the Force.

If I were to rate a squad a "1", I would provide the requisite constructive criticism to the creator.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:29:26 PM
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jak wrote:
when a member complains about receiving a 1 on their squad, it gives the "1 bombing troll"exactly the response they are hoping for.

+1, the term we're looking for here is "planned ignoring."

My friend your initial response did seem a bit harsh. Its time for a a group hugg! Razz
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:40:15 PM
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Darth_Jim wrote:
Unfortunately, with a system such as this, you'll always have individuals who do this sort of thing out of pure meanness, or to leapfrog their own weak squads to a higher rating position to receive accolades they don't deserve

+1, well said.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012 10:36:32 PM
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@Sithborg - Personally. Comments wouldn't even have to be forced. The ratings could just be changed so that they aren't anonymous (i.e. a username is attached to each rating so people can see who's rating what and personally contact the other user for feedback if they so desire). Again, I'm not saying it's a good idea, and I'm not saying we should do it. All I'm saying is that it's a potential solution and, beyond the corresponding change in the site code, the moderators needn't and wouldn't have anything to do with it.

@jak - No, I don't know you personally. I apologize for the backlash. However, whether you meant to be insulting or not, the comment about "noobs" complaining about getting a 1 was still unnecessary, or at least was poorly thought-out. Post count and time on the community may mean absolutely nothing, but when you see "Advanced Bloo Milk Memeber" and 300+ post count next to someone's username, it's a pretty good indication that they aren't a "noob" and that if they post something like this, it's supposed to be well-intentioned. I haven't encountered a thread like this before, and I wasn't about to dig through months of forum posts (because the search feature is still broken... :-/ ) to make sure it wasn't a repeat issue. I'm sorry if you're upset by me bringing it up again.

@NADER - Like I said, it's not the rating itself that perturbs me. I'm well aware of the fact that a majority of my squads are no good. Some of them aren't supposed to be. Squad building is fun that way. What perturbs me is that people firebomb squads and leave no reason for doing so if they truly feel the squad is deserving of a 1 and when people do so indiscriminantly and get enjoyment out of doing so. And yes, I know everyone else probably feels the same way. Thanks for the non-condescending tone, by the way.

This is all fine. I get it. It's unavoidable, but it's wrong and it's annoying, so I felt like something should be said. I didn't expect it bother so many people if I said anything about it. No, I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I did. Personally, I think complaining about people "complaining" is just as bad as "complaining" in the first place. I just get the feeling now that people are painting me to be more of the "bad guy" than this troll is just for drawing attention to the fact that there's a problem, and I don't appreciate it. Said people can just as easily ignore this. Conversations are self-perpetuating; don't leave a comment and the conversation has a hard time continuing. This is a public forum. People can navigate to and read whatever threads they so choose to. I'm not forcing anyone to read or comment on this. If one feels like leaving a comment, then one tacitly consents to participating in the discussion. Otherwise, one can choose to ignore it and not let it bother him. I apologize for getting so defensive over this issue, but I've had situations like this occur before, so I have a tendency to push back if I feel like I'm being pushed for no reason apparent to me.

All this said, I wouldn't mind if the thread is locked and/or deleted. It obviously has done nothing but perturb people for no apparent reason, and nothing constructive is coming out of this "discussion."
juice man
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 3:24:08 AM
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jak wrote:
when a member complains about receiving a 1 on their squad, it gives the "1 bombing troll"exactly the response they are hoping for.

My friend your initial response did seem a bit harsh. Its time for a a group hugg! Razz

Thought so too. Couldn't think of a nice way to post it though. Just remember what KT said at jak's - after Kokomo.
Posted: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:49:27 AM
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Scared "back to the pile!!"- Stan
Posted: Friday, December 28, 2012 7:34:29 AM
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I think it'll balance out in the end. Eventually, all squads an pieces will have a "1" rating from this guy, and they will be accurate with relativity to this site ;)
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