We certainly don't want these puzzles to NOT be fun to work on, but at the same time, they should take some time to complete. This will be a bigger factor with V8 and beyond (smaller sets) where spoilers will have to be doled out more sparingly.
The suckiest (time-consuming) part of working on these is keeping track of what characters are left. I have yet to come up with a tool for that though I do have something to generate the clue. Perhaps a more programming savvy member can figure that out. There used to be a helper tool on this site, but the code for it is lost.
These aren't easy when they are full stat cards. They aren't meant to be. But we get that the difficulty needs to be balanced with feedback/hints so people will stay engaged, and we'll keep that in mind.
I have a couple ideas for different types of spoiler puzzles. If any of you have suggestions, I'd love to hear 'em.