I went to my local comic shop over the weekend and showed a few people how to play. They enjoyed the game and asked about getting started and how much it would be since the game is out of print. I explained that if you have some of the lower priced pieced of major characters, that you can use them as proxies for other characters. Such us a $2 Vader can proxy for all vaders so long as you print the card.
With that: I'm looking for some of you sellers to come up with a few $20 packs that would include:
1. At least one dbl sided map
2. 2 or 4 of the major charaters in the star wars minis world that have lots of proxies. IE. Vader, Luke, Palps, Han, Obi, Chewie, etc...
3. enough supporting cast to make building easy and fun. Maybe a few faction specific followers or light commanders and fringe pieces that might fit well with random casual builds
4. At least one uggie.
If you don't want to post here, you can reach me via bloomail and if bloomail isn't working, my email is:
Hopefully with your help I can get a few more people into our favorite game!!