Hello Bloomilk family!! Here is a post I have been working on for a few weeks. I have been trying to analyze our needs moving forward and asking others for input in that regard. There is really a lot of room for growth and involvement, so here it goes :)
The SWMGamers are working on meeting the needs of the community and we need your help!!!
Currently we have multiple projects going on in various areas to help the community grow and provide the resources that are necessary to a thriving online community. Times are changing so we have to adept and keep moving forward. With that being said here is a list of areas we could use volunteers!!
Updating the Vassal ModWe just filled this position!!!
Social Media Admins: Currently our Facebook and Reddit pages are home to over 2,000 Unique users and hundreds are still active within those groups. It is the largest concentrations of players within the SWM community, even larger than the community that remains on Bloomilk. Although Bloomilks users are far more actively playing the game. It is our intention to reach out to the Social Media community and try to get them playing more often. To do that we need active Admins that can interact with the users and be promoting the game from a positive view point. If you are interested please let us know!!
Community Play Test LeadWe are in need of someone to communicate between the Play test committee and the community in order to help us reach the needed play tests for each piece. The responsibilities include communicating with each Community play tester, distributing stat blocks for play testing and posting play tests within the play test forums. If clarification is needed on the piece then you are the first line for clarification. If a play test is confusing or inconclusive it is your job to communicate with the play tester about their observations. Play testing is valuable to the design process and every little bit helps!!
Updating SWMGamers.com: We currently have a team of 4 working on creating a Brand New home for SWMGamers. Although we can't give a time table of when it will be finished as of yet there are some things we would like to have available on the new site. We need help building the website on wordpress, organizing resources to put on the website, running beta testing on each page and creating new content for the website. What follows are a list of need for the new website and the community.
1. Written Articles: Written Articles about everything from the importance of door control to even gambit control are needed to help players learn and get into an ever increasingly complicated game. We need your help to provide the resources to help new and old players alike.
2. YouTube Videos: This week I am going to be creating a SWMGamers Youtube channel and link it to our Facebook pages. We need tutorials, videos of games being played, strategy discussions and even vassal log files with or without commentary.
3. Play Reports: In depth play reports discussing the strategy that took place, your thought process and mistakes that were made by both sides really help players learn from each other.
4. Vassal Log Files:There is really no reason for us not to have a you-tube channel of vassal log files for people to go over. With todays technology it is also somewhat easy to
If you see a need in the community then we should all work together and try to fill that need. The game will only last as long as we have a community around it, and the community will only last as long as we have a game to play. We are going to have to work together in order to make a lot of this happen, but if people step up I think most of our goals are reachable. We do need people to step up though. We do not have enough SWMGamers Team members to fill every role and meet every need. So if you are interested in even a limited capacity please let us know and we can work around your limitations!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and may the Force be with you!!
PS. As I think of new needs I will continue to revise this list and bump if need be :)