Rank: Ithorian Scout Groups: Member
Joined: 5/18/2020 Posts: 6
Thank y'all so much that have traded or purchased from me. I have updated the list. I will continue to update.
I don't know how the process works as far as trading and selling mini's here. I definitely don't want to say or do the wrong thing. With that being said....
I posted once before and no one responded, I wanted to try again before giving up. I have a lot of mini's I am interested in selling and in possibly trading for a few specific ones I would like to have. I have a lot, I thought I would just post my list and see if anyone is interested. I will say I am not looking to sell them off in bulk including all the R and VR. I would like to get rid of them, but I would like to not get treated unfairly in the process. So if your interest would be to just see how cheaply I would sell, that I am not interested in.
R Kit Fisto #32 sold R Depa Billaba #29 R Even Piell #29 sold VR Shaak Ti, Jedi Master #47 traded R Shaak Ti #24 sold R Kazdan Paratus #55 x 2 traded and sold R Barris Offee #17 sold R Stass Allie #22 R Jagged Fel #10 (sold) R Wedge Antilles, Red Two #13 sold R Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master #35 sold VR Darth Malek #52 sold R Marasiah Fel #22 sold R Captain Panaka #23 sold R Mas Amedda #8 sold VR Exar Kun #84 sold R Antares Draco #33 sold R R2-D2 with extended sensor #9 R Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith ? R Chewbacca, Rebel Hero #30 R Proxy #41 R Vader's Apprentice Redeemed #48(sold) VR Darth Nihilus #44 (traded) R Wat Tambor #35 R Jariah Syn R Han Solo, Galactic Hero #50 sold R Cade Skywalker, Padawan #20 R Supreme Chancellor Palpatine #37 sold R Kyle Katarn, Combat Instructor #46 sold VR Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster #54 sold R Calo Nord #31 (sold) R Boshek #11 sold Starter Obi-Wan Kenobi #38 Starter Count Dooku of Serenno #51 R Obi-Wan Kenobi #38 x 2 Starter General Obi-Wan Kenobi #55 sold R Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master #42 R General Grievious, Supreme Commander #43 x 2 R Chewbacca #24 sold VR Cade Skywalker, Bounty Hunter #61 sold R Garm Bel Iblis #45 sold VR Darth Talon #56 sold R Lumiya, The Dark Lady #53 sold R Oddball R Corran Horn #39 R Deena Shan #12 R 2-1B #17 sold R Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side #49 sold VR Ulic Qel-Droma #6 (sold) R General Dodonna #9 sold R Shado Vao #48 sold VR Han Solo of Hoth #33 sold R Canderous Ordo #48 sold R Deliah Blue #33 sold R C-3P0 and R2-D2 #18 sold VR Jolee Bindo #23 (sold) R Uggernaut #34 sold unfortunately the bottom right corner of card is a little bit bent, no crease but still bent sold R Octuptarra Droid #31 R Dwarf Spider Droid #15 sold R Geonosian Picador on Orray #13 sold slightly warped card sold R Medical Droid #12
That is all of my R and VR, I do have a few figures with no card though, they are
VR Bastila Shan ? (Sold) R Han Solo, Rebel Hero #35 R Depa Billaba #29 VR Nomi Sunrider #41(sold)
UC Huge Crab Droid #39 x 2 sold UC Golan Arms of .9 Anti-Infantry Battery #26 sold UC Hailfire Droid #36 sold UC Telosian Tank Droid #38 UC X-1 Viper Droid #46 UC Knobby White Spider #38 x 2 UC Commerce Guild Homing Spider Droid #32 x 2 sold UC Junk Golem #23 sold UC Rebel Troop Cart #15 x 2 ________________________________________________________________________
very small amount of New Republic, and the cards are all slightly warped.
UC New Republic Commander #19 x 2 sold C New Republic Trooper #10 x 2 sold UC Correllian Security Officer #22 x 2 sold C Young Jedi Knight #21 C Galactic Alliance Scout #13 x 4 C Galactic Alliance Trooper #11 x 4 ________________________________________________________________________
Old Republic, sadly, I am missing most of the cards.
C Wookie Elite Warrior #19 x 4 no card C Old Republic Scout #10 x 7 No cards C Old Republic Soldier #8 x 11 No cards UC Jedi Guardian #23 x 8, However, all of the tabbards are painted different colors, I played them together a lot, so I painted them to tell them apart. only one card. C Wookie Trooper #1 x 4 No cards UC Old Republic Commander #18 x 7 no card C Old Republic Recruit #5 x 5 No cards UC Jedi Consular #16 x2 No cards, +1 painted different color No card UC Jedi Sentinel #17 x 2 No cards C Old Republic Guard #5 x 2 No cards C Juggernaut War Droid #16 sold This is in the Old Republic set but I didn't think the Old Republic had war droids, so could be a misprint.
C Coruscant Guard #15 x 2 sold UC Shock Trooper #13 sold UC RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid sold UC Dark Side Marauder #22 C Imperial Navy Trooper #6 sold UC Noghri Commando #23 UC Imperial Knight #22 x 2 sold UC Emperor's Shadow Guard #23 sold UC Shadow Stormtrooper #13 sold UC Stormtrooper #5 UC Royal Guard #11 UC Star Destroyer Officer #12 sold C Sandtrooper #8 x 3 sold C Imperial Pilot #8 x 3 C Dark Trooper Phase I #12 x 2 UC Stormtrooper Commander #15 sold C Gotal Imperial Assassin #21 x 3 UC EVO Trooper #13 sold C Raxus Prime Trooper #5 x 4 UC AT-AT Driver #11 x 2 sold UC Dark Trooper #14 x 2 sold ________________________________________________________________________
UC Mandalorian Trooper #14 sold C Mandalorian Marauder #15 x 2 sold C Mandalorian Commando #13 sold UC Mandalorian Blademaster #18 slightly warped card sold UC Mandalorian Captain #23 x 2 sold UC Mandalorian Quartermaster #26 sold UC Mandalorian Gunslinger #17 x 3 sold UC Mandalorian Commander #28 sold UC Mandalorian Trooper #14 sold C Mandalorian Scout #19 x 3 sold C Mandalorian Soldier #16 sold ________________________________________________________________________
C Sith Operative #10 sold C Sith Guard #5 sold C Sith Trooper #8 x 10 UC Dark Jedi #16 x 2 UC Elite Sith Trooper #13 sold UC Sith Heavy Assault Droid #49 x 2 sold UC Sith Assault Droid #36 x 2 sold UC Dark Jedi Master #29 sold UC Sith Trooper Commander #19 UC Dark Side Enforcer #26 x 2 UC Massassi Sith Mutant #15 x 3 ________________________________________________________________________
C Geonosian Drone #3 x 2 sold C Heavy Super Battle Droid #14 x 2 sold C Super Battle Droid #5 x 6 5 good cards, 1 ragged card C Separtist Commando #10 x 2 UC Battle Droids #4 x 6 UC Dark Side Acolyte #16 x 2 sold UC Neimoidian Soldier #10 ragged card UC Geonosian Soldier #9 sold UC Geonosian Overseer #16 sold UC BodyGuard Droid #20 UC Battle Droid Sniper #10 sold UC IG-100 Magna Guard #16 x 2 sold UC Super Battle Droid Commander #19 x 3 UC Crab Droid #23 x 6 sold ? Security Battle Droid #8 x 2 sold
C Kashyyyk Trooper #9 x 7 C Polis Massa Medic #9 sold C Heavy Clone Trooper #13 sold C Wookie Scoundrel #11 C Saleucami Trooper #12 UC Wookie Scout #10 UC Republic Commando Training Sergeant #30 sold UC Senate Guard #13 sold UC Republic Commando- Boss #19 sold C Republic Commando- Scorch #16 x4 C Republic Commando- Fixer x8 S Clone Trooper Commander #13 x2 sold C Republic Commando- Sev #16 x3 UC Jedi Guardian #11 UC Republic Commando Training Sergeant #30 sold C Utapau Trooper #10 x6 UC Jedi Padawan #13 C Wookie Berserker #12 x2 C Clone Trooper #9 x2 UC Jedi Weapon Master #26 x2 sold C Gungan Artillerist #11 sold C Gungan Soldier #9 x3 sold ________________________________________________________________________
C Bith Rebel #5 one good card, one ok card C Mon Calamari Tech Specialist #4 sold C Mon Calamari Medis #8 x5 C Caamasi Noble #5 sold UC Rebel Trooper on Tauntan #13 UC Elite Rebel Commando #16 x4 UC Rebel Commando Strike Leader #18 C Rebel Commando #14 x4 C Dressellian Commando #14 x3 UC Rebel Commando Pathfinder #11 x2 S Rebel Captain #21 lightly worn card UC Hoth Trooper with Repeating Blaster Cannon #21 x2 sold UC Hoth Trooper Officer #17 sold UC Rebel Leader #18 UC Rebel Marksman #15 C Rebel Honor Guard #10 x3 C Veteran Rebel Commando #14 x9 UC Rebel Vanguard #11 sold UC Elite Hoth Trooper #12 C Elite Hoth Trooper #12 x2 sold C Elite Hoth Trooper #12 C Twi'lek Scout #7 x4 one different color UC Twi'lek Rebel Agent #9 sold C Verpine Tech #12 C Wookie Soldier #7 x2 C Wookie Warrior #13 sold C Wookie Freedom Fighter #14 UC Bothan Spy #7 sold UC Bothan Noble #17 x5 C Bothan Commando #16 x6 slightly warped cards UC Rebel Heavy Trooper #11 C Rebel Trooper #5 x9 UC Rebel /Trooper #5 C Rebel Trooper #5 C Rebel Trooper #5 ________________________________________________________________________
UC Boma #22 sold C Yuzzem #18 UC T1 Series Bulkloader Droid #21 UC Weequay Leader #13 x2 sold C Mustafarian Soldier #12 sold C Guard Droid #30 x7 C Shivvian Fringer #6 x2 UC Rodian Blaster-For Hire #13 C Human Force Adept #10 UC ASN Assassin Droid #27 x2 sold UC Shyrack #19 x2 sold UC Gotal Fringer #9 sold C Ewok Scout #6 UC Nelvaanian Warrior #9 sold C Duros Scoundrel #12 x4 C Aqualish Assassin #7 UC Mistryl Shadow Guard #24 sold C Duros Explorer #7 C Defel Spy #14 x2 sold C Human Scout #8 C Aqualish Warrior #12 sold C Arcona Smuggler #7 C Klatoonian Hunter #11 sold UC Corellian Pirate #10 C Quarren Bounty Hunter #11 sold C Human Blaster-For-Hire #5 x2 sold UC Shistavanen Pilot #12 sold C Gotal Mercenary #13 x3 C Jawa Scavenger #13 x2 C Jawa #5 C Jawa Scout #10 sold C Zabrak Fringer #11 sold C Trandoshan Mercenary #9 x3 C Ugnaught Demolitionist #3 x2 sold C Ugnaught Tech #7 sold UC Ugnaught Droid Destroyer #7 x2 sold UC Ugnaught Boss #15 C Klatooinian Hunter #11 x2 C Nikto Soldier #5 x3 sold UC Mercenary Commander #24 C Human Scoundrel #12 x2 C Bespin Guard #5 x3 C Czerka Scientist #13 sold C Weequay Thug #6 x2 sold C Human Soldier of Fortune #14 UC Rakghoul #16 sold C Chiss Mercenary #14 sold C Genoharadan Assassin #21 C Abyssin Black Sun Thug #8 x2 UC Mynock #5 sold UC Dug Fringer #11 sold C Nautolan Soldier #8 sold C Echani Handmaiden #23 sold C Kaminoan Ascetic #6 x2 sold UC Amanin Scout #13 x2 C Tusken Raider Sniper #8 sold C Tusken Raider Scout #11 sold C Utapaun Soldier #10 C Utapaun Warrior #14 sold C R5 Astromech Droid #8 x2 sold C Muun Tactics Broker #8 C Varactyl Wrangler x2 UC IG-86 Assassin Droid #17 sold UC Whiphid Tracker #15 sold C Duros Scout #7 sold C Cloud Car Pilot #8 UC Gundark #22 x4 UC Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike #10 sold C Gamorrean Guard #9 x2 sold C Human Bodyguard #11
That's all, any time it says one is a different color it is because it was painted.
These are the ones I would like to acquire.
21.Clone Strike Padme Amidala VR (I have now) 17 Clone Wars Republic Padme Amidala, Senator VR (I have now) 37 Legacy of the Force New Republic Mara Jade Skywalker VR 30. Rebel Storm Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand R 37 Alliance and Empire New Republic Mara Jade, Jedi R 35 LotF New Republic Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight VR (I have now) 25 Jedi Academy Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight R
Rank: Octuptarra Droid Groups: Member
Joined: 4/7/2008 Posts: 31 Location: Columbia Heights, MN
Which minis are you looking to acquire?
Rank: Ithorian Scout Groups: Member
Joined: 5/18/2020 Posts: 6
These are the ones I would like to acquire.
21.Clone Strike Padme Amidala VR (have now) 17 Clone Wars Republic Padme Amidala, Senator VR (have now) 37 Legacy of the Force New Republic Mara Jade Skywalker VR 30. Rebel Storm Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand R 37 Alliance and Empire New Republic Mara Jade, Jedi R 35 LotF New Republic Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight VR
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 7/13/2011 Posts: 201
I have these two 21.Clone Strike Padme Amidala VR 17 Clone Wars Republic Padme Amidala, Senator VR
Sent you a message!