Just working on some stuff...ignore for now!
SO FAR...1) Scoring per game is by adding defeated character points with gambit points for each player. (IF gambit is deemed necessary)
2) Winner of each game receives 200 extra points added to their total points.
3) Defeated character points and gambit points must be recorded for each player in every game.
4) This continues each round thru the semifinals. Adding all points together for a rolling total points. This is the player’s score thru the tournament.
5) For the finals, the winner gets 200 pts
per tier added to their total points. The person who lost gets 100 pts
per tier added to their total points. These are bonuses/prizes for getting to the final and will boost the player’s overall rankings.
Note: all scoring below does include gambit points. Just wanted to note that it’s not purely defeated points total.
PAST TOURNAMENTS...SNOWY REGIONALAs reported...Tourney: snowy regional: Round 1
TimmerB123 (3 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (0 pts) : (217 - 87)
DarthFrenchy (3 pts) defeated DarkDracul (1 pts) : (140 - 106)
Thereisnotry (3 pts) defeated Adamb0nd (1 pts) : (216 - 135)
Randy (3 pts) defeated Caedus (0 pts) : (200 - 50)
Tourney: snowy regional: Round 2
DarthFrenchy (2 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (0 pts) : (128 - 43)
Randy (3 pts) defeated Thereisnotry (1 pts) : (200 - 141)
DarkDracul (3 pts) defeated Adamb0nd (0 pts) : (200 - 58)
UrbanShmi (3 pts) defeated Caedus (0 pts) : (200 - 37)
Tourney: snowy regional: Round 3
DarthFrenchy (3 pts) defeated Randy (0 pts) : (200 - 20)
TimmerB123 (2 pts) defeated DarkDracul (1 pts) : (176 - 128)
Thereisnotry (3 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (0 pts) : (200 - 49)
Adamb0nd (3 pts) defeated Bye (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
Tourney: snowy regional
Leaderboard after 3 rounds.
1: 7 Points: DarthFrenchy - WWW
2: 7 Points: Thereisnotry - WLW
3: 6 Points: Randy - WWL
4: 5 Points: TimmerB123 - WLW
5: 5 Points: DarkDracul - LWL
6: 4 Points: Adamb0nd - LLW
7: 3 Points: UrbanShmi - LWL
8: 0 Points: Caedus - LL
Trevor vs Etienne in the finals.
Etienne wins it 200+-40ish.
If going strictly by defeated points... (+200pts for Win; Bye = 200pts)
Tourney: snowy regional: Round 1
TimmerB123 (417 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (87 pts) : (217 - 87)
DarthFrenchy (340 pts) defeated DarkDracul (106 pts) : (140 - 106)
Thereisnotry (416 pts) defeated Adamb0nd (135 pts) : (216 - 135)
Randy (400 pts) defeated Caedus (50 pts) : (200 - 50)
Tourney: snowy regional: Round 2
DarthFrenchy (328 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (43 pts) : (128 - 43)
Randy (400 pts) defeated Thereisnotry (141 pts) : (200 - 141)
DarkDracul (400 pts) defeated Adamb0nd (58 pts) : (200 - 58)
UrbanShmi (400 pts) defeated Caedus (37 pts) : (200 - 37)
Tourney: snowy regional: Round 3
DarthFrenchy (400 pts) defeated Randy (20 pts) : (200 - 20)
TimmerB123 (376 pts) defeated DarkDracul (128 pts) : (176 - 128)
Thereisnotry (400 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (49 pts) : (200 - 49)
Adamb0nd (200 pts) defeated Bye (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
Leaderboard after 3 rounds.
1: 1068 Points: DarthFrenchy - WWW
2: 957 Points: Thereisnotry - WLW
3: 836 Points: TimmerB123 - WLW
4: 820 Points: Randy - WWL
5: 634 Points: DarkDracul - LWL
6: 536 Points: UrbanShmi - LWL
7: 393 Points: Adamb0nd - LLW
8: 87 Points: Caedus - LL-
Note the change in positions 3 & 4...and 6 & 7.
Direct rewards for defeating more characters. (
And possibly controlling gambit...)
Trevor vs Etienne in the finals.
Etienne 400 wins it - Trevor 40(200+-40ish)
1: 1468 Points: DarthFrenchy - WWWW
2: 997 Points: Thereisnotry - WLWL
3: 836 Points: TimmerB123 - WLW
4: 820 Points: Randy - WWL
5: 634 Points: DarkDracul - LWL
6: 536 Points: UrbanShmi - LWL
7: 393 Points: Adamb0nd - LLW
8: 87 Points: Caedus - LL-
DECEMBER VASSAL REGIONALAs reported...Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 1
thereisnotry (3 pts) defeated DarkDracul (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
urbanjedi (2 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (1 pts) : (101 - 100)
TimmerB123 (3 pts) defeated adamb0nd (0 pts) : (221 - 72)
Randy (3 pts) defeated Mando (0 pts) : (200 - 80)
Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 2
thereisnotry (3 pts) defeated Randy (1 pts) : (207 - 159)
urbanjedi (2 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (0 pts) : (133 - 0)
DarkDracul (2 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (1 pt) : (139 - 120)
adamb0nd (3 pts) defeated Mando (0 pts) : (200 - 58)
Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 3
thereisnotry (3 pts) defeated urbanjedi (1 pts) : (219 - 175)
Randy (2 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (1 pts) : (147 - 120)
DarkDracul (3 pts) defeated adamb0nd (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
UrbanShmi (3 pts) defeated Mando (1 pts) : (200 - 109)
Leaderboard after 3 rounds.
1: 9 Points: thereisnotry - WWW
2: 6 Points: Randy - WLW
3: 5 Points: DarkDracul - LWW
4: 5 Points: urbanjedi - WWL
5: 5 Points: UrbanShmi - LLW
6: 4 Points: TimmerB123 - WLL
7: 3 Points: adamb0nd - LWL
8: 1 Points: Mando - LLL
thereisnotry (3-0, 9pts) vs Randy (3-1, 6pts)
thereisnotry 217 - Randy 195
If going strictly by defeated points... (+200pts for Win; Bye = 200pts)
Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 1
thereisnotry (400 pts) defeated DarkDracul (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
urbanjedi (301 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (100 pts) : (101 - 100)
TimmerB123 (421 pts) defeated adamb0nd (72 pts) : (221 - 72)
Randy (400 pts) defeated Mando (80 pts) : (200 - 80)
Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 2
thereisnotry (407 pts) defeated Randy (159 pts) : (207 - 159)
urbanjedi (333 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (0 pts) : (133 - 0)
DarkDracul (339 pts) defeated UrbanShmi (120 pt) : (139 - 120)
adamb0nd (400 pts) defeated Mando (58 pts) : (200 - 58)
Tourney: 2020 December Vassal Regional: Round 3
thereisnotry (419 pts) defeated urbanjedi (175 pts) : (219 - 175)
Randy (347 pts) defeated TimmerB123 (120 pts) : (147 - 120)
DarkDracul (400 pts) defeated adamb0nd (0 pts) : (200 - 0)
UrbanShmi (400 pts) defeated Mando (100 pts) : (200 - 109)
Leaderboard after 3 rounds.
1: 1226 Points: thereisnotry - WWW
2: 906 Points: Randy - WLW
3: 809 Points: urbanjedi - WWL
4: 739 Points: DarkDracul - LWW
5: 620 Points: UrbanShmi - LLW
6: 541 Points: TimmerB123 - WLL
7: 472 Points: adamb0nd - LWL
8: 238 Points: Mando - LLL
Note the change in positions 3 & 4.
thereisnotry (427 pts) defeats Randy (195 pts) : (217 - 195)
1: 1653 Points: thereisnotry - WWWW
2: 1101 Points: Randy - WLWL
3: 809 Points: urbanjedi - WWL
4: 739 Points: DarkDracul - LWW
5: 620 Points: UrbanShmi - LLW
6: 541 Points: TimmerB123 - WLL
7: 472 Points: adamb0nd - LWL
8: 238 Points: Mando - LLL
thereisnotry (DS) vs DarthBainCapital (LS) - thereisnotry wins 3-0 (213-65)
adamb0nd (LS) vs TimmerB123 (DS) - TimmerB123 wins 2-0 (139-89)
UrbanShmi vs Bye - Laura wins 3-0 (200-0)
...After Round 1:
thereisnotry 3 (1-0)
UrbanShmi 3 (1-0)
TimmerB123 2 (1-0)
DarthBainCapital 0 (0-1)
adamb0nd 0 (0-1)
Round 2
thereisnotry vs UrbanShmi - thereisnotry wins 3-1 (203-118)
TimmerB123 vs DarthBainCapital - TimmerB123 wins 3-0 (200-36)
adamb0nd vs Bye - adamb0nd wins 3-0 (200-0)
...After Round 2:
thereisnotry 6 (2-0)
TimmerB123 5 (2-0)
UrbanShmi 4 (1-1)
adamb0nd 3 (1-1)
DarthBainCapital 0 (0-2)
Round 3
thereisnotry vs TimmerB123 - thereisnotry wins 3-1 (200-141)
UrbanShmi vs adamb0nd - adamb0nd wins 3-0 (200-59)
DarthBainCapital vs Bye - DarthBainCapital wins 3-0 (200-0)
...After Round 3:
thereisnotry 9 (3-0)
TimmerB123 6 (2-1)
adamb0nd 6 (2-1)
UrbanShmi 4 (1-2)
DarthBainCapital 3 (1-2)
thereisnotry (DS) vs TimmerB123 (LS) - TimmerB123 wins 3-0 (227-81)
If going strictly by defeated points... (+200pts for Win; Bye = 200pts)
Round 1
thereisnotry (DS) vs DarthBainCapital (LS) - thereisnotry wins 413-65 (213-65)
adamb0nd (LS) vs TimmerB123 (DS) - TimmerB123 wins 339-89 (139-89)
UrbanShmi vs Bye - Laura wins 200-0 (200-0)
...After Round 1:
thereisnotry 413 (1-0)
TimmerB123 339 (1-0)
UrbanShmi 200 (1-0)
adamb0nd 89 (0-1)
DarthBainCapital 65 (0-1)
Round 2
thereisnotry vs UrbanShmi - thereisnotry wins 403-118 (203-118)
TimmerB123 vs DarthBainCapital - TimmerB123 wins 400-36 (200-36)
adamb0nd vs Bye - adamb0nd wins 200-0 (200-0)
...After Round 2:
thereisnotry 816 (2-0)
TimmerB123 739 (2-0)
UrbanShmi 318 (1-1)
adamb0nd 289 (1-1)
DarthBainCapital 101 (0-2)
Round 3
thereisnotry vs TimmerB123 - thereisnotry wins 400-141 (200-141)
UrbanShmi vs adamb0nd - adamb0nd wins 400-59 (200-59)
DarthBainCapital vs Bye - DarthBainCapital wins 200-0 (200-0)
...After Round 3:
thereisnotry 1216 (3-0)
TimmerB123 880 (2-1)
adamb0nd 689 (2-1)
UrbanShmi 377 (1-2)
DarthBainCapital 301 (1-2)
thereisnotry (DS) vs TimmerB123 (LS) - TimmerB123 wins 427-81 (227-81)
Final rankings...
TimmerB123 1307 (3-1)
thereisnotry 1297 (3-1)
adamb0nd 689 (2-1)
UrbanShmi 377 (1-2)
DarthBainCapital 301 (1-2)
Round 1:
1. thereisnotry (Fringe is the Way) vs TimmerB123 (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) (3-0 213-42)
2. FlyingArrow (Por que no los dos?) vs DarthBainCapital (Momentous) (3-0 230-93)
3. UrbanShmi (Sister Swap) vs Mando (Cloaked Blades) (1-2 114-125)
Round 2:
4. FlyingArrow (Fringe is the Way) vs thereisnotry (Por que no los dos?) (1-3 173-229)
5. Mando (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) vs TimmerB123 (Cloaked Blades) (3-0 205-38)
6. DarthBainCapital (Sister Swap) vs UrbanShmi (Momentous) (2-0 99-28)
Round 3:
7. thereisnotry (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) vs Mando (Por que no los dos?) (3-1 224-107)
8. UrbanShmi (Fringe is the Way) vs FlyingArrow (Momentous) (1-3 165-202)
9. TimmerB123 (Sister Swap) vs DarthBainCapital (Cloaked Blades) (2-0 155-33)
Player standings:
thereisnotry 9 WWW
FlyingArrow 7 WLW
Mando 6 WWL
TimmerB123 2 LLW
DarthBainCapital 2 LWL
UrbanShmi 2 LLL
Round 1:
1. thereisnotry (Fringe is the Way) vs TimmerB123 (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) 413-42 (213-42)
2. FlyingArrow (Por que no los dos?) vs DarthBainCapital (Momentous) 430-93 (230-93)
3. UrbanShmi (Sister Swap) vs Mando (Cloaked Blades) 114-325 (114-125)
Round 2:
4. FlyingArrow (Fringe is the Way) vs thereisnotry (Por que no los dos?) 173-429 (173-229)
5. Mando (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) vs TimmerB123 (Cloaked Blades) 405-38 (205-38)
6. DarthBainCapital (Sister Swap) vs UrbanShmi (Momentous) 299-28 (99-28)
Round 3:
7. thereisnotry (Maul's Malevolent Machinations) vs Mando (Por que no los dos?) 424-107 (224-107)
8. UrbanShmi (Fringe is the Way) vs FlyingArrow (Momentous) 165-402 (165-202)
9. TimmerB123 (Sister Swap) vs DarthBainCapital (Cloaked Blades) 355-33 (155-33)
Player standings:
thereisnotry 1266 WWW
FlyingArrow 1005 WLW
Mando 837 WWL
TimmerB123 435 LLW
DarthBainCapital 425 LWL
UrbanShmi 307 LLL
TIM'S BIRTHDAY "REGIONAL"As reported...Round 1
TimmerB123 (3) over thereisnotry (1) 200-105
UrbanShmi (3) over Randy (1) 202-103
Spryguy1981 (3) over Pntkd2 (1) 203-133
DarkDracul (2) over Darth_Jim (1) 178-138
Round 2
TimmerB123 (3) over UrbanShmi (0) 230-99
Spryguy1981 (3) vs DarkDracul (0) 235-65
thereisnotry (3) over Randy (0) 200-5
Pntkd2 (3) over Darth_Jim (0) 220-62
Round 3
Spryguy1981 (3) over TimmerB123 (1)
thereisnotry (3) over Pntkd2 (0) 200-63
UrbanShmi (2) vs DarkDracul (1) 174-130
Darth_Jim (3) over Randy (1) 219-184
Semi Finals
UrbanShmi (2) over Spryguy1981 (0) 75-35
TimmerB123 (3) over thereisnotry (1) 230-131
TIMMERB123 (3) over UrbanShmi (0) 200-42
Points only...Round 1
TimmerB123 (400) over thereisnotry (105) 200-105
UrbanShmi (402) over Randy (103) 202-103
Spryguy1981 (403) over Pntkd2 (133) 203-133
DarkDracul (378) over Darth_Jim (138) 178-138
Round 2
TimmerB123 (430) over UrbanShmi (99) 230-99
Spryguy1981 (435) vs DarkDracul (65) 235-65
thereisnotry (400) over Randy (5) 200-5
Pntkd2 (420) over Darth_Jim (62) 220-62
Round 3
Spryguy1981 (400) over TimmerB123 (101) ?-? guessing 200-101
thereisnotry (400) over Pntkd2 (63) 200-63
UrbanShmi (374) vs DarkDracul (130) 174-130
Darth_Jim (419) over Randy (184) 219-184
Standings after Round 3
1. Spryguy1981 1238 WWW
2. TimmerB123 931 WWL
3. thereisnotry 905 LWW
4. UrbanShmi 875 WLW
5. Darth_Jim 619 LLW
6. Pntkd2 616 LWL
7. DarkDracul 573 WLL
8. Randy 292 LLL
Semi Finals (Round 4)
UrbanShmi (275) over Spryguy1981 (35) 75-35
TimmerB123 (430) over thereisnotry (131) 230-131
Standings after Round 4
1. TimmerB123 1361 WWLW
2. Spryguy1981 1273 WWWL
3. UrbanShmi 1150 WLWW
4. thereisnotry 1036 LWWL
5. Darth_Jim 619 LLW
6. Pntkd2 616 LWL
7. DarkDracul 573 WLL
8. Randy 292 LLL
Finals (Round 5)
TIMMERB123 (400) over UrbanShmi (42) 200-42
Player standings: *
1. TimmerB123 1761 WWLWW
2. Spryguy1981 1273 WWWL
3. UrbanShmi 1192 WLWWL
4. thereisnotry 1036 LWWL
5. Darth_Jim 619 LLW
6. Pntkd2 616 LWL
7. DarkDracul 573 WLL
8. Randy 292 LLL
So...UrbanShmi moves to 3rd place even though she was in the finals. Hmm...
This brings up the fact that being in the final round should give a bonus even though they lost. I believe 100 pts per tier played should be enough to eliminate any weird standings issues...and not be too much to allow the final’s “loser” to overtake the winner in overall standings. (review to see if it's enough). Therefore US above would get 500 pts for being in the finals...so her total would be 1692 pts.
Note for the above, Tim would get 1000 pts for winning (instead of the 200 as above) with the adjusted rule of final's winners receive 200 pts
per tier played. (5 tiers x 200 pts = 1000 pts added to total defeated & gambit points)
Tim’s total would be 2361 pts.
*Above numbers show only the winners only getting 200 pts per game.
IN PROGRESS... (looking at next tournament)