Rank: AT-ST Groups: Member
Joined: 3/16/2009 Posts: 55
My one big BIG beef with the 40 minis/set strategy of WotC's is that there's a much larger chance of getting duplicate R/VRs via box buying, rather than cherry-picking online (something I can't do too much). Most recently, I've pulled a grand total of three Kyle Katarn, Combat Instructor from JA. I was able to trade one away to a friend who also collects, but still have one left over. I'm not really looking for specific rares in exchange, but here are a few items I'd be willing to accept trading for
Mercenary Commander+2x Mouse Droid+Evo Trooper or Jensaarai Defender+2x Youngling or Sandtrooper Officer+ARC Trooper
with regards to R/VR:
General Rieekan or Storm Commando (can never have too many of them :D )
any other options are more than openly listened to. Thanks for at least taking a look ^^