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Galactic Escalation Tournament Squads, Pairings, and Results Thread (Round 4) (Fall 2024) Options
Posted: Thursday, November 14, 2024 9:14:13 PM
Rank: Destroyer Droid
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Well played! I really messed myself up, and I wasn't thinking about positioning, but I suppose they call that a Skill Issue. Great game, and good luck to the playoff folks!
Posted: Friday, November 15, 2024 6:03:03 AM
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Mando (3pt) defeats N3rdSl4y3r (1pt): (368-177)

I won map and took Ravaged Base

Early morning game and can't remeber exact order of what all happened, but here is the gist of it. Lots of crazy save rolls for palpatine and Baylon, but eventually my shooters started to roll some crits and Din made enough beskar saves and evades to live long enough to do more than he should have. Vindicated go extra attack from the Technician and that was what ultimately helped me win cause Vindicated got some really nice crits in vs Shin and i needed to take her out. i got a nice Whistling Birds attack on 4 of his guys and that was huge. Venku came in and did 30 to Baylon with Tribe Intervention, but took 30 dmg back with Djem So + Cunning, but Venku was able to was able to finish off Baylon later. Venku's CE worked great with the Mando Tactician allowing me to use Venku's CE in the second 3rd round to take out Palpatine who was adjacent to Din and had 60 hp left. I had a kelborn who was almost dead by the end and Venku was near death. His guys who could roll against Mira's greandes made all their saves, but the Great Mothers took 40 dmg automatically, which enabled Kelborn to finish them off.

Good game and well played by N3rd!
Posted: Friday, November 15, 2024 1:34:50 PM
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thereisnotry defeats DarthMaim 260-232 (2-1) on Frigid Outpost

Mel won the map roll so we played on his map. I set up on the right side. Mel's Revan won initiative for him the entire game. My Gnost Dural stole Malak's CE that gives Ambush and Determined to Revan/Bastilla (quite handy!).

Round 1: He moved some of his people forward, but most of them hid behind a wall near his starting area. I advanced my people. I intentionally made some fodder-walls at certain chokepoints to prevent a big deep-strike Thought Bomb in round 1...but that didn't matter, since Revan just moved a little bit. No action this round.

Round 2: I advanced further, putting Satele into the gambit room. A fierce battle of scrub-spinning ensued. Good Revan moved around to the bottom hallway on my side to open the door, then Jace killed an uggie that had blasted the door at the end of the hallway on the left side of gambit. Soon afterward Atton locked that door because I was worried about Evil Revan dropping off Bane for a big LS assault vs the Good Revan. At the end of the round, Zannah moved forward to open the bottom door of the main room. Then Revan ran in to drop of Bane, who used the Starforge to make a free LS Assault, killing Satele and denying me gambit, while giving it to him.

Round 3: Carth used Surprise Move to position himself or a no-cover barrage vs Zannah (once the door was gone). Mel went first and blasted the door at the bottom of Gambit because he was afraid that I'd lock him out of gambit. I moved Atton around to the staging area just outside the gambit room (this neutralized his Override from the bottom door, which then opened because Good Revan was beside it). I sacc'ed the XT-6 to give a turn to the Senator, who gave a cannon shot to Carth. And then Carth triple-twinned (no cover) vs Zannah, needing 4s to hit. At the end of it all, after facing 8 shots from Carth (for a potential of 330 total damage), Zannah had taken 80dmg and Carth had taken one of his own shots back in the face, no thanks to LS Combat Expert. Mel then ran both Zannah and Bane back to safety with the rest of his squad. We engaged in a fierce battle of spinning scrubs, and then Jace killed the Uggie that had blasted the door at the start of the round. At the end of the round after more spinning I could see that Mel was preparing to drop a Thought Bomb somewhere, so I charged my Revan forward to Repulse on 4 of his guys...2 scrubs died, and then Bane and Kasim both used LS Protection to take minimal damage. Bastilla let ABM stop, since I could see that there would be very little action the next round. I was now all out. The ghost ran forward to put Jace within the Dark Aura effect. Revan then ran 20 (taking 20dmg on the aoo) and deposited Kaan within 6 of both Jace and Carth. Jace failed his save, and Carth only had 40hp, so both of them died. Kasim attacked my Revan but missed.

Round 4: Kasim attacked Revan again for 40dmg with Adv Attack. Bastilla turned ABM on again. Revan activated and gave up an aoo, which Kasim hit for another 30dmg. My Revan (now 70hp) then Ambushed Bane, doing no damage (miss and 2 LS Def saves). He then Repulsed for another 40dmg to a bunch of people again...3 scrubs, Kasim (down to 70 because he used Protection) the 30hp Zannah (used Bubble to survive at 10hp), and Bane (down to 70hp). Exar moved up to mess with my Revan's saves. Bane assaulted, but Good Revan rolled some miraculous Determined saves and took 0 dmg! I did not expect that. Atton ran forward 12, then the Senator cannon'd him, to hit Kasim for 50dmg (failed soresu, and no fp to spend for rr). Zannah assaulted my Revan, hitting for a full 60dmg this time, and then Bandon gripped my Revan to death. Gnost Dural used Master Speed to charge in and kill Kasim, then at the end of his turn he used Quick Learner to use Jedi Archivist again, this time stealing evil Revan's swap CE...then (still at the end of his turn) he swapped himself out for the Exile, who spent a FP to dispel the ghost and then step back a bit. Evil Revan charged forward, swapping for Malak, who used Starforge Echo to zap the Exile...but the Exile used Force Defense to deny it. Malak then stepped back to safety. My people moved forward a bit more, taking over the gambit room more fully.

Round 5: Bane was in a precarious position, with my Atton ready to jump out and triple him for 40s, so Bane retreated behind the wall with the rest of his brave compatriots. More fierce combat of spinning pieces. I ran my Exile forward to be near his people for a sweet Repulse next round. I also put T3 up there, to throw Targeting on Bane. Revan based the Exile and swapped for Bane who made a LS Assault via the Starforge, but the Exile used Force Defense again (there goes my plan for a sweet Repulse next round...). Then Gnost Dural airlifted Atton into position for a triple attack on Bane, who finally died. Rule of Two gave all of Bane's force powers to Bandon. Atton locked himself in the Barracks just above that area. Bastilla moved forward again and let ABM switch off (2fp now).

Round 6: Revan attacked the Exile, doing 80dmg and then swapping for Malak who used the single-target Sith Lightning to finish off the Exile (that didn't turn out as I had hoped!). T3 flamed a scrub and Bandon and Malak and Revan, then tried to run away to safety. My Senator tried to get away from T3, but didn't go far enough. Malak chased down T3 and zapped him to death, and then Bandon moved up to Grip the Senator to death. When Mel (down to just 4 people now) was out, I activated ABM one last time, then moved Gnost Dural into position and swapped for Atton, who put a smooth 80dmg onto Bandon (failed LS Defense and Determined attempts, even with a fprr), bringing him down to 10hp...Atton stepped into gambit. Then Kana moved up to zap Bandon to death. The timer ran out at this point, The score would've been 233-232 for me with gambit, but the kill on Bandon just sealed the deal.

I afterward did some calculations, and if there had been time for another round, Mel certainly would've killed Gnost Dural, but even with that I still would've been up on points (260-257) and safely waiting for him to charge at me in gambit (if he could even reach it after killing Gnost Dural), so I still would've won. And depending on where he would've left his pieces for that maneuver, I would've even been able to put some shots and a zap onto either Zannah or Revan, for another potential kill.

This was a very, very difficult matchup for me, and then Carth's severe underperformance and Good Revan's disappointing Repulses made it even more difficult. I was never able to finish off Zannah, but she didn't really contribute any offense after she retreated (she ended the match at 10hp). I think I made a mistake by moving the Exile forward in Round 5, because I should've anticipated that Mel's squad had the means to deal with her and deplete her fp before she'd get the chance to activate. All of the LS Protection and Bubble shenanigans (Bane, Zannah, Kasim) made for some very tanky Sith! Thanks for playing, Mel. This one was tight.
Posted: Saturday, November 16, 2024 9:17:25 AM
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Joined: 8/26/2020
Posts: 102
Overley28 (361) defeats Spry (128) on Starport district [3-0]

Spry won map so I set up on right.
R1: A lot of positioning here. I moved and uggie too far who got shot and then Thrawn used his swap to get Taxto a line at Ven Zallow for a double twin for 40. He hit 3 of 4 attacks but Nomi was next to Zallow so between evade and defender and fprr no shots got through.

R2: Taxto takes 2 more shots and misses then moves. Bastila turns on ABM. I use an XT to move an uggie to a door so Mira can shoot and take out Korlo on Speeder. Some more movement before Mira uses senators cannon to shoot baylon and hit once. Juhani then uses LS throw and force attuned who missed the first 2 and then crit with deadly and vicious to finish off baylon who missed both shien saves w/ fprr with 70 hp left. Revan moves and finishes Taxto. Spry moved thrawn up to swap Galen into a position to get to the senator Mira and an uggie. I tried to block some movement with my uggie but Joak got a nice line across the map to kill the uggie so Galen could move and repulse killing senator and uggie with mira low.

R3: Spry wins with thrawn and uses galen to finish mira. I charge with Thon to kill Joak and forget about presumed dead so dont actually finish him off. Revan moves and attacks thrawn and then repulses to kill thrawn and mas. Saberan crits on Revan then Joak crits on revan. One got defensed there. Revan left at 40 hp.

R4: I have a chance to win init with no thrawn, spry rolls a 4 and i roll a 2 lol. Spry tries to finish Revan with a twin but 1 is defensed leaving him at 20 hp. Revan is able to finish kir kanos and shin with force attuned before Lumiya finish him. Thon finishes Joak. Zallow Juhani and T3 team up to finish off Galen to push me over the points.

Overall good and exciting game. A lot of high rolling this game it felt. Thanks for playing Spry. Fun as always.
Posted: Monday, November 18, 2024 6:45:32 AM
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Round 4 is complete! had some wild finishes in this round and the standings for the top 3 are set. Had some crazy tie breaker math to be done in the Core Worlds as each of the 4-6th had all beaten each other at least 1 time, so it went to overall score to break the tie and determine 4th, 5th and 6th. Thank you everyone who participated this tournament! We had some amazing games, really creative squads, and top notch talent all around! ThumpUp

Round 4 game #2 results:

Outer Rim Division

thereisnotry (2pts) defeats DarthMaim (1pts) : (260-232)

Mando (3pts) defeats N3rdSl4y3r (1pts) : (368-177)

Overley28 (3pts) defeats spryguy1981 (0pts) : (361-128)

Core Worlds Division

gandalfthegreatestwizard (3pts) defeats NoffyD (1pts) : (430-257)

urbanjedi (3pts) defeats Lightsaber (1pts) : (355-340)

UrbanShmi (3pts) defeats Hi-Fives (1pts) : (375-328)

Tourney: Galactic Escalation Fall 2024
Leaderboard after round 4 game#2 completion.

Outer Rim Division

1: 13 Points: Overley28 - WWLWW
2: 11 Points: thereisnotry - LWWWW
3: 9 Points: DarthMaim - WLLWW
4: 7 Points: Mando - LWLLW
5: 7 Points: spryguy1981 - WLWLL
6. 4 Points: N3rdSl4y3r - LLWLL

Core Worlds Division

1: 12 Points: gandalf - WWLWW
2: 11 Points: urbanjedi - WWLLW
3: 8 Points: NoffyD - WLLWL
4. 7 Points: Lightsaber - LLWWL (1,015 total score over all 5 games)
5. 7 Points : Hi-Fives - LWWLL (864 total score over all 5 games)
6. 7 Points: urbanshmi - LLWLW (710 total score over all 5 games)
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