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SWM Vassal Mod UPDATE: version 2.0 Options
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2023 7:57:46 AM
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great video explanation Trevor! this update is fantastic! Really great improvement to the game to track scores
Posted: Wednesday, August 2, 2023 6:43:42 PM
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Version 25 is now available (use the link in the first post of this thread)
When you load this new version of the mod, these are the first words you should see in the Vassal info window:
"- SWM Skirmish Game version 25"

This adds the rest of the content from V-Set 25 (remember that just the first 1/3 of the set was released back in March of this year).

As with other updates, I have a few things to briefly describe for you as you start using the new version:

--I added a new marker to the “Markers” tab. During a recent match, my opponent asked, “What round is it?” and we weren’t entirely sure. That gave me an idea for a very minor addition to the mod that might be helpful to some players: the new Round Counter marker! You can use it to keep track of the current round as you play, if you’re so inclined. You can adjust it fairly intuitively by highlighting it and using the arrow keys on your keyboard, or else by using the r-click interface. The sound of a ship flyby will play when you advance the counter, and a report will be added to the main chat window. An added bonus is that when you advance the counter to the next round, all of the minis on the board will have their “mark moved” indicators removed, exactly as if you had pressed the little black button at the top of the screen (so it saves you a step and is therefore no extra work than would normally be required at the end of a round). If people decide to use it and keep it up to date while playing, I imagine that this will be helpful in a few different ways: (1) it’ll be nice when going through a logfile because you’ll never have to guess what round it is, (2) it’s handy for helping players to remember what round they’re in during the game, and (3) during a tournament, a T.O. who pops into a room can easily see what round it is without having to stop and ask the players. It’s pretty minor and totally optional, but I’ve found it helpful during my games so far. Enjoy!

--Two of the new characters (Pit Droid and Gatekeeper Droid) have the Special Ability: “Retractable Form.” This allows them to avoid incoming damage for the rest of the round. I figured that this was different enough that it deserved a special feature. Therefore, if you have one of those characters highlighted, you can press ALT-A (just like you would to toggle ABM on Bastilla JM or other characters with abilities like that)…when you do this, the mini’s image will shrink down to represent that the droid has activated its Retractable Form SA. You can then press CTRL-A again to return it to normal. Of course, you can also do this via the r-click interface.

--I re-drew the green lines on the Mushroom Planet map because it’s on the Restricted Maplist this year and those lines were extremely difficult to make out. They’re still not great in some places (simply because of the color palette) but at least they’re a little bit clearer now.

--I'm very grateful for the input from a number of different players over the last few months, who have pointed out bugs or errors to me. As a result, there are many minor bug fixes which are probably too many for me to remember (for example, I most recently added a copy of the Jedi Holocron to the NR faction, etc). I generally tend to make the fix immediately once someone mentions it to me, and then I forget about it a few days after that. Please continue to let me know when you find errors or bugs, and I'll be sure to fix them asap.

So now Vassal is all caught up until the end of V-Set 25. I hope you enjoy it!
Posted: Thursday, August 3, 2023 6:44:33 AM
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thanks for all your hard work on this Trevor!ThumpUp
Posted: Saturday, August 5, 2023 7:30:26 AM
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Thanks again for your continued work on updating and improving Vassal, Trevor.
Posted: Monday, February 12, 2024 10:28:26 AM
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Version 26a is now available (use the link in the first post of this thread)
When you load this new version of the mod, these are the first words you should see in the Vassal info window:
"- SWM Skirmish Game version 26a"

This adds the new content from V-Set 26a (remember that this is just the first third of the set, and the rest of V-Set 26 will be released at GenCon this summer).

--I've updated the maps shown at the top of the list that comes up when you start a New Game, so that they reflect the current Restricted Maplist. (The other maps have returned to their original locations in the list below that.)

--I've had to add a significant amount of lines and even graphics to the Great Library map, because FlyingArrow helpfully pointed out to me that the version of this map on Vassal was actually missing several of the lines that are on the printed version of the map; I did this via copy-and-paste and so the art for these sections doesn't look amazing, but it is 100% correct and functional from a gameplay perspective. Big thanks to TJ for the heads-up!

--I've also had to add many terrain lines to the Pirates Moon SW map; for some reason the version of that map on Vassal was missing a bunch of lines...but it's all good and correct now.

I hope you enjoy it!

PS: In order to make this version of the Vassal Mod work, you will first need to download an update to the Vassal Engine itself (that's the foundational program that the SWM Vassal mod works on). You won't be able to use this new updated version of the mod if you don't first download and install an update to the Vassal Engine. Here's how it works:

You need to download the newest version of the Vassal Engine, which is 3.7.8.
--follow this link ^^
--click the blue button: "Get Vassal for [Windows/Mac]"
--the file ("VASSAL -3.7.8....") will download to the normal place where downloads go on your computer
--double-click that file to install it and then follow the normal installation process. If your firewall warns you that this is potentially dangerous, just install it anyway (I had to click the More Info link and then "Run Anyway," but your computer may be slightly different)

It doesn't matter which one you download or install first...but you will need to have both installed before you can play with the new 26a stuff.
Posted: Sunday, August 4, 2024 5:35:54 PM
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Jordan and I have just returned home from GenCon, and so I've now uploaded the new version of the Vassal mod.

--Obviously, this update includes all the pieces from V-Set 26. Please let me know via BM if you find any bugs or errors.
--There are two new markers/tokens ("Implicate: Rebel" and "Snare Rifle"), which will be helpful for keeping track of who is a Rebel or who is Snared for the rest of a round. As with all other such tokens, these can be accessed by either (1) using the Units/Markers menu, or by (2) r-clicking on the characters that apply these effects.

Enjoy! There are some great new pieces in this set.
Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025 4:34:13 PM
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The new and updated version of the SWM Vassal mod is ready for download! (see the first page of this thread). Unfortunately, you'll probably need to update your Vassal engine (not just the SWM mod) for this to work.

Added the new pieces from V-Set 27.

I’ve added a six new features to this update, so this will be a long write-up. Some of these have come as requests or suggestions from players, or they’re things that have occurred to me as I’ve been playing a game. You don’t need to use any of these new features, but I think you’ll find that they all help to make the game work more smoothly and easily. I’ll start with the simplest changes and gradually move to the more complicated ones:

--1. Have you ever wished that there was a key you could press to Undo, rather than having to click the Undo button on the toolbar? Your dreams have come true: press "PgUp" to trigger the Undo function. My purpose with this minor tweak is to hopefully make the user interface just a little bit smoother; please let me know if this makes things more complicated or annoying, because it’s easy to change it back if people would prefer that.

--2. I’ve added a “Mount” indicator for the two minis which have that ability (Master Thon and the Vong Scout on Swoop Analog). Highlight the mini and select the “Mount” command near the bottom of the popup window or else press CTRL-O (…mOunt). In both cases this will add a visual indicator to the mini, and it will also add the “(mounted)” indicator to the info report as you move the mini around the map.

--3. I've added a "Force Repulse area" command to EVERY mini in the game that has a Force Repulse ability. You access it by r-clicking on the mini and then selecting it from the popup menu, or else highlighting the mini and pressing CTRL-SHIFT-R. (This is different from the CTRL-A command, which shows the Range 6 ring for all characters.)

--4. Here’s a very minor adjustment that points to a bigger change: the Purple dice is now Red. No functionality has changed, whatsoever, except for the color. Why? Because the bad guys use Red lightsabers. Huh? Let me explain….
-Someone requested that we could make random lightsaber sounds on Vassal, because it would make melee fights much more entertaining. Challenge accepted! It took me several months of brainstorming on-and-off, but I eventually discovered a solution that works smoothly. Not only did I add lightsaber sounds (5 different ones), but I also added sounds of blasters being fired (5 different ones).
-In the Markers tab you can now find markers that say “Lightsabers!” and “Blasters!” You can drag them onto the map and move/delete them as normal. Each one of these markers has 2 lightsabers (blue and red) or 2 blasters (Han’s and Stormtroopers’) on it, respectively. If you want to play a sound, simply L-click on one of the blasters or lightsabers, and a sound will play and the image of the blaster/lightsaber will randomize. And not only that, but this will also ROLL THE DICE for you! For both of these tokens, the left-most lightsaber/blaster will roll the Blue die, and the right-most one will roll the red die. The dice rolling mechanism is precisely and exactly the same as it has always been…now you just have extra ways to access the same old dice rolling functions, that’s all.
-Are these new markers necessary for you to use? Definitely not! Not a single thing has changed about the vassal mod with regard to this (other than the color of the Purple die becoming Red)…however, they are kinda fun!
-Please be considerate. If your opponent is getting annoyed by all of the sound effects, then it would be polite to stop using them…unless you’re already losing badly.

--5. Some characters create new characters when they defeat an enemy character—the classic such character is the Rakghoul. Now, you can r-click on a Rakghoul character and select the “Create a new Rakghoul” option, which will do exactly that. The new mini will be placed in an offset position, in order to make it clear which mini is the newly created one. This newly created mini will have its Cost set to 0 (since new Raks or Zombies created this way do not score points) and will also have its Reinforcement Stripe activated (so that it’s a bit easier to recognize which ones are worth points and which aren’t). You can also highlight the mini and press the hotkey command for this (in most cases it’s ALT-C). For characters that have a choice (such as with the Advanced Rakghoul Disease special ability), all of the available choices will be listed on the r-click window, and some of them will have an alternate hotkey command.
-I’ve also done this for characters with effects or CEs (such as Merrin’s Chant of Resurrection) that create certain characters when an ally is defeated.
-Currently, this feature has been applied to the following characters:
• Rakghoul, Virulent Rakghoul, Rakghoul Warrior
• Merrin, Old Daka, Nightsister Zombie
-Please, if you notice a character that should have this feature but doesn’t yet, let me know and I’ll add it asap.

--6. This change is the most significant: I’ve added several new markers to the Vassal mod that represent abilities or effects that last until the end of the round. Three of them (bolded in this list) are new to this update, though their effects are not new to the game:
Cloaked reminder
• Implicate: Rebel
• Snare Rifle
-Each of these markers functions the same as any other marker: you can create them by r-clicking on the mini that creates them (ie, r-click on Greedo GC or Greedo BH to create a Snare Rifle marker, or on See-Threepio when his “3720 to 1” SA is triggered, just like you would on an Uggie to create a Door Blasted Open marker). None of these until-end-of-round markers have any direct effect on the mod itself, but rather they are simply visual reminders of things that are relevant to the game state. However, these effects only last until the end of the current round, rather than for the rest of the match (such as with a Door Blasted Open marker). Therefore, I’ve added a special function that will automatically remove each of these markers from the map when you advance the “Round Counter” token…simply increase the Round number (via the r-click interface or else by highlighting the token and pressing the “Up” or “Right” arrow key on your keyboard). This is handy because it will prevent you from accidentally forgetting to remove a Targeting marker (for example) which could’ve otherwise caused confusion during the following round if it were accidentally left on the board.
-This feature will only delete the markers that I’ve listed above, while the other markers (such as Burning or Mined) will remain on the map as normal.
-I’ve gone through the entire list of minis and added these special markers to all of the minis that should have them. It was particularly tricky with the “Cannon’d” markers, since those are not usually applied due to a specific Special Ability, but instead via a Commander Effect. So please let me know if you notice that I’ve missed the ability to add one of these markers.
-Note: For the temporary effects that are applied via a CE, I’ve only applied this feature to the mini of the Commander who creates the effect, and not to every possible piece that could benefit from it (wow, that would be complicated! lol). So for example, since it’s the Jawa Warlord who provides the Cannon Shot CE, you’ll need to select the Jawa Warlord to create the marker, even if it’s a different Jawa character that is making the free attack…just drag the new marker onto the Jawa who made the attack.
-For clarification, here is the wording that applies to the “Cannon’d” marker, from the “Official Balance Committee Rulings for 2023” thread:
*The multi-cannon shot or “double-tap”
A character can only be affected once per round by any abilities and commander effects from allies that grant an immediate attack or turn.
e.g. Boba Fett can get a cannon shot once from 1 Bothan Noble in a round. A second Bothan Noble would need to cannon a different character that round.

-Please, again, if you notice a character that should have this feature but doesn’t yet, let me know and I’ll add it asap.
Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025 4:58:37 PM
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Thanks tint for your hard work on this mod!
Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025 7:05:04 PM
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thanks, Trevor, for consistently working to make Vassal more user-friendly.

too late for this particular update, but since there are two different maps named Korriban on Vassal (one of which is on this year's restricted list), I suggest renaming Matt Francella's one to Dark Lord's Tomb- that's its "official" name according to his Kickstarter announcement of the reprint and his Facebook post about it.
Posted: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 7:54:46 AM
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gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:
thanks, Trevor, for consistently working to make Vassal more user-friendly.

too late for this particular update, but since there are two different maps named Korriban on Vassal (one of which is on this year's restricted list), I suggest renaming Matt Francella's one to Dark Lord's Tomb- that's its "official" name according to his Kickstarter announcement of the reprint and his Facebook post about it.

Good observation!

I think I'll just add the "Dark Lord's Tomb" wording alongside the Korriban name, until we get a new version of Kezzamachine's excellent Maplist pdf, which currently has that map listed simply as "Korriban."

My reasoning is that people can use the CTRL-F function to search for "Korriban" on that document and they'll find the (useless) WotC map and then also the one that they're actually looking for, which is the Korriban/Dark Lord's Tomb map. Searching for "Dark Lord's Tomb" on that pdf produces no results. Hopefully Kez will be willing to adjust the name when he makes the next update.
Posted: Sunday, February 23, 2025 7:51:51 PM
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How quickly does the mod get updated to include the (brutal) new V27 pieces? I've gotten a new computer and am debating whether to download all now or wait until the update.
Posted: Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:25:00 PM
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It should be ready for you. Tint said it's on the first page of this thread
Posted: Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:45:06 PM
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It's in the current update.

The last few sets Bloomilk, the pdf, and Vassal have released basically together.
Posted: Monday, February 24, 2025 3:47:03 AM
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I've noticed that when you try to save your team composition in the players I, II, III or IV tabs that you can't actually save your squad on them now. There must be something wrong with the code because the pieces don't stack and you can't save it at all. Has anyone else had this issue? My friend and I were on Vassal on Friday and I was trying to show him the ropes on how to use Vassal and we both had this issue. I restarted my Vassal, my computer and even selected different player numbers, but this problem still persisted. We ended up just placing our squads out on the map and I saved the game, that way we can just get straight into our match this week.
Posted: Monday, February 24, 2025 5:14:05 AM
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Mando wrote:
I've noticed that when you try to save your team composition in the players I, II, III or IV tabs that you can't actually save your squad on them now. There must be something wrong with the code because the pieces don't stack and you can't save it at all. Has anyone else had this issue? My friend and I were on Vassal on Friday and I was trying to show him the ropes on how to use Vassal and we both had this issue. I restarted my Vassal, my computer and even selected different player numbers, but this problem still persisted. We ended up just placing our squads out on the map and I saved the game, that way we can just get straight into our match this week.

Mine works ok
Posted: Monday, February 24, 2025 8:59:17 AM
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Mando wrote:
I've noticed that when you try to save your team composition in the players I, II, III or IV tabs that you can't actually save your squad on them now. There must be something wrong with the code because the pieces don't stack and you can't save it at all. Has anyone else had this issue? My friend and I were on Vassal on Friday and I was trying to show him the ropes on how to use Vassal and we both had this issue. I restarted my Vassal, my computer and even selected different player numbers, but this problem still persisted. We ended up just placing our squads out on the map and I saved the game, that way we can just get straight into our match this week.

I'm sorry that this is happening! Ugh. I've tried to replicate this problem for myself but I can't do it.

So I wonder if perhaps you just need to delete your SWM mod and re-download it?

I assume that your Vassal engine itself is up to date? (should be Vassal Engine version 3.7.15)
Posted: Monday, February 24, 2025 9:59:42 AM
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thereisnotry wrote:
Mando wrote:
I've noticed that when you try to save your team composition in the players I, II, III or IV tabs that you can't actually save your squad on them now. There must be something wrong with the code because the pieces don't stack and you can't save it at all. Has anyone else had this issue? My friend and I were on Vassal on Friday and I was trying to show him the ropes on how to use Vassal and we both had this issue. I restarted my Vassal, my computer and even selected different player numbers, but this problem still persisted. We ended up just placing our squads out on the map and I saved the game, that way we can just get straight into our match this week.

I'm sorry that this is happening! Ugh. I've tried to replicate this problem for myself but I can't do it.

So I wonder if perhaps you just need to delete your SWM mod and re-download it?

I assume that your Vassal engine itself is up to date? (should be Vassal Engine version 3.7.15)

i looks like it is working now. I just tried opening Vassal again this morning and everything looks normal. not sure what the glitch was but it seems to have resolved. i had just downloaded the new Vassal engine and the mod on the day we tried it out. anyways, i'm glad it is working now. Could have been the old mod hadn't gotten deleted....usually i just download the new one and open it up on vassal so it always loads up and replaces the older mod and nothing gets affected.
Posted: Monday, February 24, 2025 2:32:23 PM
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Mando wrote:
I've noticed that when you try to save your team composition in the players I, II, III or IV tabs that you can't actually save your squad on them now. There must be something wrong with the code because the pieces don't stack and you can't save it at all. Has anyone else had this issue? My friend and I were on Vassal on Friday and I was trying to show him the ropes on how to use Vassal and we both had this issue. I restarted my Vassal, my computer and even selected different player numbers, but this problem still persisted. We ended up just placing our squads out on the map and I saved the game, that way we can just get straight into our match this week.

I had this problem yesterday, when I was player 1 and tried to save my squad in the player 4 box. I managed to solve it by saving my squad in my own player box - maybe that was the problem? (it took me a good 5-10 mins to realise what I was doing wrong!)
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