Rank: Ewok Groups: Member
Joined: 9/2/2012 Posts: 2
Never really made use of the forum, but it feels nice to get back to the roots of the internet.
I just have 2 suggestions, one large scale and one minor:
The Larger quality of life suggestion is, if there could be a check mark option to exclude V-Sets when using the character search. While I understand V-Sets enhance the game, some players like playing only official sets mitigates what every game is susceptible to, power creep. It just would be nifty to not have to select all the official sets when doing a character search.
The minor suggestion: Looking up on the final Official WotC FAQs PDF, while I accept that Garm Bel Iblis can use his ability to add the Antarian Ranger and YH Ossus Guardian due to their Affinity, essentially being any of the factions within the affinity when chosen.
-Side Rant (This surprised me because I would think the target would have to be printed as New Republic to be the target of his effect. I was under the impression that while those 2 characters can be in a New Republic squad, they would have to be New Republic or Rebel in order for Garm Bel Iblis to target them)
Anywho, when squad building and switch from the main squad to Garm's reinforcements, Antarian Rangers and Yhuuzhan Vong Ossus Guardian are not available as options. If they could be added I would appreciate it.
Whoever keeps this website steady thank you for all the seen and unseen work
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Joined: 2/4/2009 Posts: 304
I may not post much anymore but seeing this I just want to second an "exclude V-sets" feature on the search function. Yes, it's possible to just select all of the non-V-sets but that is a lot of boxes to individually check off.
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Joined: 4/30/2017 Posts: 982 Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Both good suggestions, but neither one is possible, unfortunately. To change things like this requires access to see and edit bloomilk's source code behind the search function and the squadbuilder, which only the site owner shinja has. But he isn't updating the site anymore and nothing is likely to change that. As StevenO says the poor excuse for a workaround is to select all the WOTC sets in the search function. Another workaround would be to add all characters to your collection and then select "only show characters in my collection" when searching.
All that we, the "acting" site admins, can do is moderate the forums/comments and add or edit characters.
Rank: Ewok Groups: Member
Joined: 2/12/2025 Posts: 1
I back Ginsu on this but I understand it's impossible. Maybe we should crowdfund a kickstarter to pay Shinja to update it. People spend enough on eBay and and I sometimes give to the Donate button, what if we raised a lump sum?
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Joined: 2/20/2012 Posts: 186
I have added all of the WOTC characters to my inventory. When I do a search I select only characters in my collection and that gives me all the WOTC characters.
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A simple way to not have the V-set mini's show up in squad building it to restrict your builds by collection. In your collection, you have control over what sets you have mini's from and you can give yourself 1 of everything in the WotC sets and non in the V-sets. That way each time you make a squad, you won't see anything but the WotC mini's. The tools are there to do what you want, it just takes a little effort. I use this personally in a new fun long term game format I'm testing out with a friend of mine on Vassal called Galactic Legacy. In it, you play through all the sets in order they came out just like if you had started playing the game brand new when it first came out. We started with Rebel Storm and we are doing Dark side vs Lightside, where each of us stays with one side throughout the whole format. Every week you add then next set that came out from WotC and can add pieces from that set to the previous ones. Restricting our squad building by collection has been key to getting squads built in this format and it works great!
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Joined: 9/2/2012 Posts: 2
gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:Both good suggestions, but neither one is possible, unfortunately. To change things like this requires access to see and edit bloomilk's source code behind the search function and the squadbuilder, which only the site owner shinja has. But he isn't updating the site anymore and nothing is likely to change that. As StevenO says the poor excuse for a workaround is to select all the WOTC sets in the search function. Another workaround would be to add all characters to your collection and then select "only show characters in my collection" when searching.
All that we, the "acting" site admins, can do is moderate the forums/comments and add or edit characters. If Shinja is not updating the site anymore, can he pass it to someone who will? Mando wrote:A simple way to not have the V-set mini's show up in squad building it to restrict your builds by collection. In your collection, you have control over what sets you have mini's from and you can give yourself 1 of everything in the WotC sets and non in the V-sets. That way each time you make a squad, you won't see anything but the WotC mini's. The tools are there to do what you want, it just takes a little effort. I use this personally in a new fun long term game format I'm testing out with a friend of mine on Vassal called Galactic Legacy. In it, you play through all the sets in order they came out just like if you had started playing the game brand new when it first came out. We started with Rebel Storm and we are doing Dark side vs Lightside, where each of us stays with one side throughout the whole format. Every week you add then next set that came out from WotC and can add pieces from that set to the previous ones. Restricting our squad building by collection has been key to getting squads built in this format and it works great! Unfortunately, I do use mine as a legitimate checklist for minis owned so my only option is to hit all the check marks. I was going to try vassal, but I really like the IRL experience.
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Joined: 4/30/2017 Posts: 982 Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand
IRL play is definitely still more enjoyable, but with all the quality of life changes Trevor has made, the Vassal mod is super smooth. It's worth a look if you aren't getting as many in-person games as you'd like. Ginsu117 wrote:If Shinja is not updating the site anymore, can he pass it to someone who will? As far as I understand it, shinja doesn't even answer emails etc regarding bloomilk, except for silently making the odd fix when the site goes down. Even if shinja was willing to hand over bloomilk, I don't know if we'd be wise to attempt any changes without his guidance and I don't think he wants to put the time into it.
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 4/29/2008 Posts: 1,817 Location: Canada
gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:IRL play is definitely still more enjoyable, but with all the quality of life changes Trevor has made, the Vassal mod is super smooth. It's worth a look if you aren't getting as many in-person games as you'd like. In order to get the most out of these quality of life changes, I'd suggest watching the 3 videos that I've linked to the first post of the "SWM Vassal Mod UPDATE: version 2.0" thread that is stickied in the General forum.
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Joined: 5/26/2009 Posts: 8,444
gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:IRL play is definitely still more enjoyable, but with all the quality of life changes Trevor has made, the Vassal mod is super smooth. It's worth a look if you aren't getting as many in-person games as you'd like. Ginsu117 wrote:If Shinja is not updating the site anymore, can he pass it to someone who will? As far as I understand it, shinja doesn't even answer emails etc regarding bloomilk, except for silently making the odd fix when the site goes down. Even if shinja was willing to hand over bloomilk, I don't know if we'd be wise to attempt any changes without his guidance and I don't think he wants to put the time into it. I have emailed shinja periodically over the years. He does respond... occasionally. Most of the time, he doesn't. When he does respond, he's friendly. Friendly enough that it seems that the other times he may not have even noticed my messages. (It's been at least a couple of years since I tried to contact him, though.) Donating seems to get his attention more than regular messages, but I don't think that's because he wants/needs the money. Just that the donation will show up in a bank account and be noticed more readily. But even that might not work. Here's my guess, not really based on anything that he's said. He keeps this active for two reasons. First, as a support for a game he once loved. Second, as a "fallback" resume line. This is a site that he built on his own, and it has supported a community for many years. If it ever turns out that this particular website could be a good project for him to point to as a demonstration of what he's done, he wants to still have control of it. If that does happen, he might even give it a big overhaul for the better. It'll probably never happen, but I also wouldn't expect him to ever hand the reins over to anyone else. I also wouldn't expect him to pull the plug. Again, just a guess - not based on anything he said.
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