This was originally posted on wotc, but figured I'd post it here to get other perspectives and suggestions:
So for a while I've been trying to figure out a way to incorporate Battlefront (BF) and minis. I have seen other people's attempts, but this is what I came up with:
(and please, as you read through this, give me feedback, because I don't think it's quite ready yet)
This scenario is for 2 players, although it may be quicker to have 4 players playing each "half" of the map simultaneously. It is to be played on the Mos Eisley Meltdown maps linked together, with "Cantina" then "Food Market" on top, then "Office" and "Hangar" on bottom (sorry I don't remember the technical names for them.)
The squads are Rebels vs Empire.
Rebels: Wookiee Warrior, Rebel Marksman, Rebel Vanguard, Bothan Noble, Veteran Rebel Commando (with hp set to 10 rather than 50), Elite Rebel Trooper. Also 2 Rebel Snowspeeders and 2 Commando on Speeder Bikes will be in play, to be discussed later.
Empire:Stormtrooper, Scout Trooper, Shock Trooper, Shadow Stormtrooper, Dark Trooper, Imperial Officer. Also 2 AT-ST's (with hp set to 60) and 2 Scout Trooper on Speeder Bikes in play.
Each team starts with 20 minis, to be spread among their 3 Command Posts (CP's).
The CP's are as follows: Cantina (main), Office, and Warehouse for 1 side. Hangar (main), Port Authority, and Trading Post for the other side. We use map sleeves, so I drew 6X6 boxes centered in those buildings to represent spawning points. The Food Market starts out as a "Neutral" CP. (I used a 5X5 square in the Food Market)
-side note, I specifically didn't go with a set points level because I wanted more of a feel of BF rather than a limitation that SWM plays with. We were able to die and respawn as, say a Wookiee Warrior without having to recalculate points or anything. After play-testing, I may put a limit on the number (probably only 4) of any certain type of mini on the board.
Now, here is where it can get confusing if you're not paying attention. I based this scenario on phases more than rounds. I know it's counter-intuitive for minis players to think in terms of phases, but that's how I set this up. There are still rounds for activation purposes, but many of the respawning and CP-taking rules are based on phases, so you MUST keep good track of each phase.
Command Posts:
When a player completes 2 phases with a mini in the enemy's CP, that CP is now considered Neutral.
Example: Player A ends his phase by moving a Stormtrooper into Player B's CP. Player B then takes his phase (2 activations). Player A then takes and ends his phase (2 activations). If the Stormtrooper (or other Player A mini) is still in Player B's CP, that CP is now considered Neutral.
In order to control a Neutral CP, you must end 5 Phases with only mini(s) from your squad inside the 6X6 area of the CP. If minis from both sides are inside the 6X6 area, that CP is still considered Neutral.
Units can only spawn from CP's controlled by your squad.
Respawning minis:
It is important to keep track of kills and dead minis. I used a sheet of paper with a 2X4 grid drawn on it. 1st column was "Dead", then "Phase 1", then "Phase 2", then "Respawn". The top row was for previously activated minis (they re-spawn in the same state) and the bottom row was for unactivated minis that died.
Typically minis will die on the opponent's phase. Once a mini is defeated, place it on the sheet under the "Dead" column in the proper row.
-side note, you don't have to re-spawn the same mini, so you may want to substitute the mini that you do want to spawn at this point. It just turns out easier that way.
Then, after you have completed your next phase, move the "Dead" minis into the "Phase 1" column. Move them to the "Phase 2" column after you have completed your next phase. Then after you complete your 3rd phase, move them to the "Respawn" column. At the beginning of your next phase, you may re-spawn them on any CP you own in the same condition (activated or not) that they were when they died.
-side note: if the round ends while you have minis on your Dead Sheet, all minis become unactivated, so move them down to the "unactivated" row on your sheet.
Keep track of total kills somehow. We play-tested 50 kills, but after 2 hours, we were only at 24, so we stopped there. (Rebels won 25-24).
Originally, my plan was for a mini that had 4 kills, it would upgrade to +4 attack and +10 damage, but after play-testing, no mini achieved such status. So, we could lower that number to either 3 or 2 (quite a few had those numbers) in order to get the bonus. We used Force Point counters as kill counters for each mini.
Also, if a character with missiles gets 7 missile kills,(the most we had was 4 I think, so we could lower that number as well) it gains Guided Missile-Replaces attacks: Missiles 10, ignoring line of sight.
_OR_ if a vehicle rolls a 1 for a missiles save, the attacker gains Guided Missile as well.
Also, (and this one didn't happen, or else we weren't keeping track) if a character has 2 kills and takes a CP, it gains +3 Defense.
Minis inside vehicles do not earn bonuses, and they do not count for taking CP's.
There will be 2 AT-ST's and 2 Snowspeeders that spawn to the "back" side of the respective side's main base. Speeder bikes will spawn to the "back" side of the "Office" building and the "Trading Post".
In order for a mini to embark inside a vehicle, it must START its turn adjacent to the vehicle. Take that mini off of the board. You may then take a turn in the vehicle as that mini's turn.
Only 1 mini may pilot a speeder bike at a time.
2 minis may embark inside a Snowspeeder or AT-ST. If they do:
-the vehicle gains Missiles 30
-the vehicle may attack once normally, and then again using Missiles 30 (or vice versa). This counts as 2 separate activations.
Any mini may disembark the vehicle at the end of the vehicle's turn. If there was only 1 mini inside the vehicle, it is now a neautral vehicle and may be controlled by either side. Neutral vehicles may be attacked. If there were 2 minis inside the vehicle when 1 disembarked, the vehicle is still controlled by the acting player, but it loses Missiles 30.
If a vehicle rolls a 1 for a Missiles save, the hit was a critical hit. It does double damage, and the attacker gains Guided Missile (explained above.)
Once a vehicle is defeated, the mini is placed on the Dead sheet in the Dead column, and the vehicle must wait until the player has completed 7 phases ( 5 for speeder bikes) before it can re-spawn a new vehicle in the starting area. If the enemy has taken the main base, or if the main base is Neutral, then no new vehicles can be re-spawned.
Place R5 Astromech Droids near the vehicle starting areas. Also place however many Med and Gonk Droids around the battlefield as you wish (or own. :) Whenever a mini ends its turn adjacent to a Med Droid or R5 droid, it is automatically healed (or Industrial Repaired) 10. You do not need to activate the droid in order to be healed. Minis who start their turns adjacent to the gonk droid gain Extra Attack.
Here are some pics that i took:

So, what do you guys think?