For starters here is the original Youngling squad I call "Here come the Children": I think the squad can be fun and is murder to strafers all those Younglings are getting to me. I wonder what the thought are on pulling five of the Younglings and then trading the ARC Sniper for Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter? Giving up the Younglings really hurts the activation count but what do you think about the change in shooters? The change gives me an extra +2 attack with Zuckuss because he benefits from Qui-Gon's command effect along with a potential +4 from Bounty Hunter but the loss of Sniper means my Younglings giving +4 cover to my opponents more often and I either lose Deadeye for 30 damage or Mobile (via Amidala) although that loss it tempered by picking up Intuition.
I want to say the shooter quality really doesn't change that much except Zuckuss is a lot more surviable (better hp/defense) but is that plus Snare Rifle going to make up for the loss of activations?