Dalez Kardz and Komics will again be hosting the SWM Regional this year. The date is set as Sunday May 9th. Start time will be 10 am. We know it's a bit of a drive for some but it will be worth it. A full day playing SWM for a shot at a GenCon pass and other really awesome prizes.
Now I know not everyone is a "competitive" player. Thats fine. As players of SWM "competitive" or "casual," I think this is a fine opportunity for us all to join together and celebrate this game as it comes to the end of it's production. We can also use this as a forum for remembering why this game is special to us and getting to know other players, possibly even in our own community.
Haven't played in a while? Thinking of calling it quits? Let this be your last event, so that it will have real value and meaning as you say auri ' vou to this great game. After all what a mighty send off.
Bring your trades, try to fill those last few spots in your collection, the more players in store the more trade that will be available. Consider the possibilities of the great fun you can have win or lose being with just a small portion of the best gaming community in the world.
The address and telephone number for the store is;
Dale'z Kardz and Komicz
Phone (719) 528-5959
http://www.dalezkardz.comThe store is always clean, soda is 50 cents, and there is plenty of snacks and goodies. There is also a taco bell (it's the closest) and a couple of other FF resturants that are close by.
I look forward to seeing as many of you who can make it.
You can PM me for further info and I'll get it to you as rapidly as I can.