22nd Annual Egyptian Campaign 2009When: March 20-22 (22nd is the Star Wars Minis Tourney)
Where: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois located in the Student Center Ballroooms (across from the stadium).
Admissions: The weekend admission will be $21 ($7 per day) or you can preregister for $18 for the weekend. The Star Wars minis tournament will require 2 sealed IE boosters.
Other Events: The convention will also feature RPGA Tournaments, Special Guests, Game Auction, Painting Contest, Drawing Contest
Contact for more info:
Egyptian Campaign '09
c/o SIUC Strategic Games Society
Office of Student Development
Carbondale, IL 62901
EgyptianCampiagn@gmail.com http://www.egyptiancampaign.comThe Star Wars tournament will be run by
Jim Fraser from GenCon SWM. It will start at 9am March 22nd. You will need 2 sealed IE boosters. The first tournament will be 100 pts built from the two boosters. The group will break for a food break then come back and play a 200 pt regular DCI tournament.
Their will be several "stars" there from the official forums at WoC, as well as, a few GenCon past winners.