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FAQ Expansion Project Options
Posted: Monday, April 23, 2012 11:00:03 AM
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With the loss of the Holocron, it has gotten me thinking. I have all the rules resources from the Holocron, so I will still be able to reference those. However, what concerns me is that there are a few holes in the FAQ, and I'm finding myself searching the WOTC boards more than I'm comfortable with. The FAQ as is is still pretty good, but I'm concerned that we may lose important precendents on the WOTC boards, and most likely it will be without notice. There have also been a few times that I've had to go searching a few different abilities to get an answer. So, I'm going start expanding the FAQ. I want to be able to point to the FAQ for the vast majority of my rules answers, for whenever the stuff on the WOTC Rules forum vanishes.

And this is where I need help. I have a starting point, and I'm going to be reading the full FAQ and comparing Glossary entries to their FAQ entries. But I'm still one person, and quite honestly, my grasp of the rules may color some of what I feel is necessary. So this your chance to help and participate.

What I need from you is:

1. FAQ entries you feel could explain the ability more.
2. Interactions or rules that you feel aren't sufficient in the FAQ.
3. I would love links to Nickname's blue posts on WOTC that you feel should be in the FAQ.

Post all of them in this thread or the thread I'm startin on Gamers.

Some things to remember:
1. This is not a rewriting of the rules. Nothing is going to change. I am merely filling the holes that I see or others see to make it a much more complete rules resource.
2. Please double check the FAQ before you post something, it makes things a bit easier.
3. Posting your recomendations does not necessarily mean I will use them.
4. Right now, I'm focusing on just WOTC stuff. I will get to the Vset stuff eventually, but I'm more concerned with WOTC stuff because that is a bit more vast.

So please post away, I could use the help. Once I have the new stuff down, I will likely start talking to people about making a PDF to integrate it to the WOTC FAQ. My goal is to have the stuff I want to add done by the end of July, hopefully potentially making a version of the new Expanded FAQ done by Gencon.
Posted: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:08:48 PM
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Poisoned Blade should clarify what "1 adjacent target" means.

Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:11:33 AM
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Can you link to the FAQ? Im not sure where its housed at this time
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:30:13 AM
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adamb0nd wrote:
Can you link to the FAQ? Im not sure where its housed at this time
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:27:56 AM
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Forced movement

I looked through the document on movement, push, repulse, etc. I can find nothing in this the clarifies the difference between movement and forced movement, which, the two are very distinct things.
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 9:02:35 AM
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I learned something new... if you self defeat one of your own pieces (lightning, SD, muun tactics), and you are playing multiple opponents, the points are split between your enemies. I couldn't find reference to this in te FAQ. I did find a bloo-post from NickName that confirmed it... however, he didn't specify what to do in the case that your self-destroyed piece has an odd numbered cost:

Your opponents alway score points when your characters are defeated (except for Reinforcements.) If no specific enemy defeats the character then the points are split among all your enemies (which only matters in a multiplayer game.)
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 9:43:37 AM
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The (non)interaction of Strafe and Accelerate with regard to the old speeder bikes is mentioned in the FAQ entry for Strafe. It wouldn't hurt to add a simple FAQ entry under Accelerate as well:

Q. Can I use Strafe Attack with Accelerate.
A. No.
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:05:50 AM
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(You asked this question nearly 4 years ago, sithborg, could probably be updated for Mercenary as far as how they interact with Intuition as well as revans CE:

Okay, how would Revan's CE interact with a character with Mercenary? They wouldn't be able to make an attack, so would they be able to move?

The character is not allowed to attack at all (let alone from its starting space), so it would be allowed to move in this case.

Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:16:15 AM
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Activations & tempo control

I might expand upon this existing entry, stating that this even applies to the 1 character activation limit for the first activation of a round. At the time of its writing, there was only ever 2 activations per turn. The first player = 1 activation on turn 1 came later, and could use a bit of clarity.

Q: Grand Moff Tarkin's commander effect reads: "If this character has line of sight to an enemy at the start of a phase, you can activate up to 3 characters in that phase. (This can include Droid and Savage characters.)" Does this completely override the normal rule of 2 activations? That is, can you activate a single character during a phase, or even none?
A: Grand Moff Tarkin allows you to activate one, two, or three characters per phase instead of the normal two characters per phase.
Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2012 11:48:15 AM
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Mid movement attacks

It could be noted that mobile attack does not allow attacks from illegal possitions, but strafe does. For example, a character with flight and mobile could not fly over a pit and attack, then move back, while a character with strafe potentially could (a basalisk that moves over an opponent and a pit, for example.

Nicknames comment on the subject of attacking from illegal positions:
Mostly true, and true in this case and of Mobile Attack in general. But Strafe Attack specifically does allow for an attack from an illegal end-move position.
Posted: Friday, May 11, 2012 6:26:29 AM
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Penalties and crits

Cortosis: Never realized that the negative penalty from a failed cortosis save (-20 damage) is handled as all other bonuses. This should be obvious, but I wonder how many other players did not realize the interaction between this and critical hits. I assumed that the -20 meant that you did no damage on a crit ([D - 20] x 2 = 0 damage unless D > then 20), because i incorrectly assumed that this penalty somehow changed your base state. However, the penalty applies after the crit (Damage x 2 - 20). So, a character with at least 20 base damage would do 20 damage on a crit (20 x 2 - 20 = 20). I understand that this is basically covered in the damage rules (multiple first, apply bonuses later), but i think that because this is not dealing with a bonus, but rather a penalty, it wouldn't hurt to confirm this in the FAQ. Specially with the new mace, who I assumed cortosis shut down, but really only takes 20 damage off of his very high crit range.

Nickname (when asked how cortosis functions with crits):
Correct. But it's not because of the general math rule--it's because the SWM rules say bonuses (and presumably penalties) are not included in the double damage from a critical hit.
Posted: Friday, May 11, 2012 6:47:56 AM
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Clarification on stacking: I think a clarification on stacking could be made to better define what it included. The current definition states that, unless otherwise stated, abilities do not stack. However, I stacking is often viewed as adding abilities together for a greater bonus. However, thats misleading. For example, a character with LS Riposte and MoTF2 cannot riposte a single attack twice, because this apparently falls under the stacking rules. I was not aware that using an ability twice is considered stacking, and I think that this could be expanded on to make it clearer.
Posted: Friday, May 11, 2012 7:34:30 AM
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Flurry Attack

FAQ for Flurry Attack should specifically reference its interaction with Droid, Armored Spacesuit, and Resilient.
Posted: Monday, June 4, 2012 6:25:37 AM
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Extensive answers for Force Immunity. Under Force Immunity, many examples of powers that are not affected by Force Immunity.
Posted: Monday, June 4, 2012 1:35:22 PM
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Thank you, these are quite helpful.

A few things that I am looking at adding is a timing of the Pre-game, Pre-turn, and moving actions (possibly the priority of AoOs). And a guide for determining "acting player".
Posted: Friday, June 8, 2012 5:21:04 PM
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Rangefinder: Does this affect the person with Rangefinder or does it affect the adjacent characters? That is, if an Aqualish Technician activates Rangefinder, and then moves (or is moved) to another location, do the newly adjacent allies get the +4? Or is the +4 granted to the allies adjacent when it's activated, so that if he is moved away they still have the +4?
Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2012 5:13:53 PM
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A detailed description of what Stacking is and how it works would be very helpful. adamb0nd, are you certain that Force Abilities that do not give any bonuses to specific attacks or replace attacks cannot be used more than once with Master of the Force 2? As far as I can recall from my extensive readings of the old WOTC Jedi Archives, the basic ruling on stacking was that CE's that added to the same specific stat or if two bonuses to the same stat came from the same source, then it is considered stacking and the lower bonus or second bonus is considered void.

Does a conditional bonus to attack or other stat stack with a straight bonus to the same stat? For example, does a CE like Stormtrooper Officer's that reads "Trooper followers within 6 squares get +3 Attack if they do not move this turn" stack with a CE like Grand Admiral Thrawn's that grants a straight +3 to attack?
Posted: Monday, July 2, 2012 8:28:39 PM
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With real life suddenly getting pretty crazy, I don't think I will have this ready for GenCon. Still working on it though.
Posted: Saturday, July 7, 2012 4:23:40 PM
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FAQ should include the step-by-step of an attack as well as the step-by-step of setup.
Posted: Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:56:32 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
FAQ should include the step-by-step of an attack as well as the step-by-step of setup.

Attack sequence is covered in the Glossary in the Resolving Effects section. It is also posted here for reference:
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