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Drafting League Rules and Announcements (Sign-Up is Closed) Options
Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:03:09 AM
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The Drafting League is limited to just 8 teams.

Figures will be assigned to teams via a draft so that each team obtains 40 figures in the draft. Each figure can only be selected by one team. The draft will be conducted via a very long thread where each team posts their selection in turn.

The first two rounds will be a snaking draft. If teams are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, then the draft order for the first two rounds will be A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-H-G-F-E-D-C-B-A. Each team has a 12 hour limit to draft in the first 2 rounds, at which time if they haven't made a selection they will automatically be assigned the highest-rated figure (according to BlooMilk ratings) that has not yet been selected.

In order to ensure that the draft keeps moving, there will not be a strict draft order after the first two rounds. After the first two rounds, a team may take a turn if the following is true: "The number of hours since the last turn in the draft PLUS the number of turns since my last turn is greater than or equal to 7." On normal turns, you make one selection. However, if you are away for a while and people jump ahead of you, you may have made fewer selections than other teams. Whenever it is your turn, you may either make one selection or make as many selections as necessary to make your team the same size as the largest team so far.

If people post at the same time selecting the same figures, first post listed wins. (This can only occur if one team is trying to "jump" ahead due to a delay in the draft.)

Example One: I take a turn at 2:00 and make one selection. Team B takes a turn at 2:30. Team C takes a turn at 2:35. At 7:35, 5 hours have passed since the last turn and there have been 2 turns since my last turn. 5+2 = 7, so I can jump in and take a turn at 7:35. If I'm not online either, Team B could jump in and take a turn at 8:35 (6 hours since the last turn in the draft + 1 turn since Team B's last turn.)

Example Two: Team H goes away for the weekend. Over the weekend, Teams A, B, and C take turns and they each draft several figures so that they each have 20 figures on their teams. Team H has only 15. When he returns, he can immediately take a turn and make 5 selections in one turn to catch up to the other teams.

This gives a strong advantage to people who can be online regularly. If that bothers you, please do not sign up. If you do not understand the rules for drafting, ask a question and do not sign up until you understand.

(Note: the rules were changed slightly at some point after round 25 to speed things up as most teams had most of what they wanted and the draft was taking longer than expected.)

You are responsible for knowing what figures were already selected. If it is found that you selected a figure that was already selected, then that figure will be removed from your team. You will be able to select a replacement figure on your next turn, but you will have to wait until your next turn to draft. If the mistake is not noticed until after the draft, you will be able to select from the unclaimed figures.

If you take a turn in the draft before you were allowed to (e.g. waiting 4 hours when you needed to wait 5 hours), you will lose the figure you selected but the turn will count as a turn for the purposes of counting when teams may make another selection.

If you can correct the error by editing or deleting your post before another team makes a selection you can avoid the penalty, but do not make any changes once another team makes a selection.

FREE AGENTS: You may not drop figures after you select them and may not trade with other teams. The only way to add figures after the draft is if you accidentally select a figure another team already selected or if you drop out of the draft early. If you voluntarily draft fewer than the allowed 40 figures, you may add more figures from unclaimed figures after the draft to get your team up to 40 figures (plus the 6 default figures).

EVERY TURN should have this format:
Turn #XX
Selection(s): (Figure name or names)
Team size: (Number of figures picked so far, including the figures picked this turn)
(A turns since my last turn, B hours waiting)

Additionally, all teams will automatically be supplied with 2 ugnaught demolitionists, 2 R7s, and 2 mouse droids. (One of each of these figures is also available in the draft.)

If there is a dispute about turn order, timing, or who took which piece, I (FlyingArrow) will hopefully be able to provide a ruling quickly. If I'm away from BlooMilk for a while, simply post your turns as you believe they should be posted. When I return, I'll make a ruling. If anyone made an illegal turn, selections on those turns will be canceled and those pieces will be available for drafting. If you believe someone made an illegal turn and they took a piece you wanted (i.e. taking a turn before they were allowed to), you may draft the piece they selected. When I return, if their turn was illegal then their selection will be canceled and you will receive the piece. If their turn was legal, then your selection will be canceled (since you tried to take a piece that was already legally selected). In either case, a make-up piece can be selected at the team's next turn to even out the team sizes.

Create three 200-point squads using your team of 46 figures: one Light-side (plus fringe) squad, one Dark-side (plus fringe) squad, one squad with no faction restrictions. Each figure can only be used on one squad. In other words, you’re partitioning your team into 3 squads, with some other pieces possibly left unused. You will use each squad once during the regular season and you will use each squad at most once during the playoffs.

The light-side factions are Old Republic, Republic, Rebels, New Republic.
The dark-side factions are Sith, Separatist, Imperial.
The neutral factions are Fringe, Mandalorian, Yuuzhan Vong.

Your light-side squad may contain any figures from light-side or neutral factions.
Your dark-side squad may contain any figures from dark-side or neutral factions.
Your Dream Team squad may contain figures from any factions.

Reserves and reinforcements must come from your team of 46 figures and must match the faction restrictions (light/dark) where applicable. Reserves/reinforcements are considered part of the squad and once used in that way may not be used in one of your other 2 squads.

So you CANNOT for example draft Lobot and a Bith Black Sun Vigo, and then use the Vigo in 2 squads - one as his normal squad and the other via reinforcements. You have to pick one or the other. The decision about reinforcements can wait until game time, and you may have multiple options for reinforcements if you have unused pieces. (This is likely if you draft more higher-cost figures.)

If your team roster has fewer than 46 pieces, you can select pieces from the undrafted pieces at game time. You may not, however, drop pieces from your roster to select others. The only way to have the extra space on your roster is if you drop out of the draft early.

Three Regular Season Games
1. 200 pt Light vs Light
2. 200 pt Dark vs Dark
3. 200 pt Dream Team (i.e. no-faction restrictions squad)

All games will be played on Vassal, unless you happen to know another league member and want to play in person.

Maps will come from the DCI Standard list. Other maps may be used only if approved by over half the league before the match. If you have a map you want to use, request approval in this thread. It will be considered approved if at least 4 other players give consent.

Games will be played with a 80-minute time limit or to 200 points, whichever comes first. The 80-minute time limit begins with the first initiative roll. After 80 minutes, the current round will be finished and the winner will be determined. The time limit may be longer or shorter than 80-minutes by mutual agreement if agreed upon before the match begins.

Have one person report the game results including score and squads for both sides. Report the results in the Schedule, Standings, and Results thread. Note that the score and the squads are both needed - the squads to verify that the squads are legal and the scores because point differential is the tiebreaker in the standings.

The schedule for both the regular season and playoffs will be posted in a separate Schedule, Standings, and Results thread.

Each round of the regular season and playoffs will be at most two weeks. It is up to you to get your game played within the two week window. Once all of the games for one round have been reported, the next round immediately begins. You can also play matches early if you wish. You don't have to wait for a round to officially begin - you just have to be sure you get your matches in on time or risk forfeiting games.

If a game is not played by the end of the two weeks, the penalty will be either:
* Double loss (200-0 loss for each team)
* One team forfeits to the other (200-0 loss for the loser, 200-150 win for the winner)

If neither team offers to forfeit, I may determine which team forfeits, if any. Appeals may be made to R5Don4, who has agreed to serve as an arbiter if there is a dispute.

If you fail to play two games, or if you are inactive (no posts to the League threads and no contact with other players) for two weeks without giving notice beforehand, your team may be taken from you and given to a new player.

Teams' records and point differential will be used to determine seeding for playoffs. All teams advance to the playoffs. In each playoff game, at gametime you may choose which of your three squads to use, but you can only use each squad one time during the playoffs. (You are choosing from the same 3 squads that you used in the regular season.) So if you advance you have to switch to a different squad the next round. With 8 teams, there will only be 3 rounds of playoffs, so you won't need to use a squad twice.

Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 4:19:37 PM
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Joined: 4/4/2008
Posts: 439
Ok, I will select your figures.
Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:39:30 PM
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Joined: 10/3/2009
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I'd like to sign up--missed out on the booster leagues, but this one sounds like a ton of fun--this is actually how my friends and I used to force ourselves to try out some different strategies back in the universe days (our draft rules were slightly different, but the basic principle was the same).
Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:59:07 PM
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Ill sign up as well BMBL is almost over and ill need my minis fix.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 12:30:23 AM
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I would like to join the league. How do I join?
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 12:43:05 AM
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gold34 wrote:
I would like to join the league. How do I join?

You just did.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:10:25 AM
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I like those draft rules. I'll play.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:41:19 AM
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any idea what day the draft will be?
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:55:16 AM
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curler88j wrote:
any idea what day the draft will be?

It will probably take more than one day. For the first two rounds, teams will have a 12-hour clock. If everyone takes the max (not likely) that could be 8 days for the first two rounds. More likely, the first two rounds will be done in about 2 or 3 days. The first two rounds will start as soon as the league fills up.

I know people are often offline over the weekend, so if round 2 ends between 5pm EDT on Friday and 11am EDT on Monday, we'll have a "no jumping" rule in effect until 11am EDT on Monday. In other words, for that weekend you will only be able to pick if this is true: "There have been 7 picks since my last pick."

If round 2 finishes during the week, though, we'll go straight into round 3 as described above, without a temporary "no jumping" rule.

Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 3:00:45 AM
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right i was more wondering when it would start but with a 12 hour clock ill have enough time to be online in time.

Count me in!
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 3:32:13 AM
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me and my friend discussed it, and me (creme_brule) and lilninja93 would like to join =) if there's only one slot left, ill join =)
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 3:40:06 AM
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Sorry lilninja, creme brule took the last slot. Maybe he'll let you help him. We now have our 8. I'll set up the draft thread shortly.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 3:52:13 AM
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Team owners in order of signing up:


I'm going to use to select the draft order, selecting numbers from 1 to 8 corresponding to the order of sign up, and ignoring any duplicate numbers that come up.

First draft pick to team number... 7 - curler88j
Second draft pick to team number... 1 - FlyingArrow
Third draft pick to team number... 8 - creme_brule
Fourth draft pick to team number... 2 - empirejeff
Fifth draft pick to team number... 3 - buttcabbage
Sixth draft pick to team number... 6 - Echo24
Seventh draft pick to team number... 5 - gold34
Eight draft pick to team number... 4 - Weeks

The first two rounds will be a snaking draft, so this is the order for the first 16 picks:

1. curler88j
2. FlyingArrow
3. creme_brule
4. empirejeff
5. buttcabbage
6. Echo24
7. gold34
8. Weeks
9. Weeks
10. gold34
11. Echo24
12. buttcabbage
13. empirejeff
14. creme_brule
15. FlyingArrow
16. curler88j

The draft thread is here:
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4:24:09 AM
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Please be sure to re-read the rules above. I've added in penalties for taking figures that are not available and for taking figures that a pick when you are not eligible to.

Also, no one asked, but reprints do not constitute a new figure for the purpose of the draft. So, for example, there is only one "Stormtrooper" available in the draft.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 5:28:34 AM
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I'll make decisions/clarifications as situations arise or as I think of them. If there's ambiguity where one interpretation could benefit me, the interpretation will go against me.


Reserves and reinforcements must come from your team of 46 figures and must match the faction restrictions (light/dark) where applicable. Reserves/reinforcements are considered part of the squad and once used in that way may not be used in one of your other 2 squads.

So you CANNOT for example draft Lobot and a Bith Black Sun Vigo, and then use the Vigo in 2 squads - one as his normal squad and the other via reinforcements. You have to pick one or the other. The decision about reinforcements can wait until game time, and you may have multiple options for reinforcements if you have unused pieces. (This is likely if you draft more higher-cost figures.)
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 5:38:28 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I'll make decisions/clarifications as situations arise or as I think of them. If there's ambiguity where one interpretation could benefit me, the interpretation will go against me.


Reserves and reinforcements must come from your team of 46 figures and must match the faction restrictions (light/dark) where applicable. Reserves/reinforcements are considered part of the squad and once used in that way may not be used in one of your other 2 squads.

So you CANNOT for example draft Lobot and a Bith Black Sun Vigo, and then use the Vigo in 2 squads - one as his normal squad and the other via reinforcements. You have to pick one or the other. The decision about reinforcements can wait until game time, and you may have multiple options for reinforcements if you have unused pieces. (This is likely if you draft more higher-cost figures.)

i need vlarification. How many of one character are you allowed to draft, and how many are u allowed to use oin your squad?
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 5:39:26 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I'll make decisions/clarifications as situations arise or as I think of them. If there's ambiguity where one interpretation could benefit me, the interpretation will go against me.


Reserves and reinforcements must come from your team of 46 figures and must match the faction restrictions (light/dark) where applicable. Reserves/reinforcements are considered part of the squad and once used in that way may not be used in one of your other 2 squads.

So you CANNOT for example draft Lobot and a Bith Black Sun Vigo, and then use the Vigo in 2 squads - one as his normal squad and the other via reinforcements. You have to pick one or the other. The decision about reinforcements can wait until game time, and you may have multiple options for reinforcements if you have unused pieces. (This is likely if you draft more higher-cost figures.)

i need vlarification. How many of one character are you allowed to draft, and how many are u allowed to use oin your squad?
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 6:33:06 AM
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creme_brule wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
I'll make decisions/clarifications as situations arise or as I think of them. If there's ambiguity where one interpretation could benefit me, the interpretation will go against me.


Reserves and reinforcements must come from your team of 46 figures and must match the faction restrictions (light/dark) where applicable. Reserves/reinforcements are considered part of the squad and once used in that way may not be used in one of your other 2 squads.

So you CANNOT for example draft Lobot and a Bith Black Sun Vigo, and then use the Vigo in 2 squads - one as his normal squad and the other via reinforcements. You have to pick one or the other. The decision about reinforcements can wait until game time, and you may have multiple options for reinforcements if you have unused pieces. (This is likely if you draft more higher-cost figures.)

i need vlarification. How many of one character are you allowed to draft, and how many are u allowed to use oin your squad?

You can only select one copy of each figure. Additionally, each figure may only be selected by one team. So no one else can select Cad Bane or Mas Amedda since they have already been selected as the first two picks. (This works just like a sports draft - a player cannot play for more than one team.)

This also applies to non-unique figures. Only one team can select a Rodian Black Sun Vigo, for example. Reprints do not permit a team to select another copy of the figure. So only one team can select a Stormtrooper, even though there were multiple reprints.

It's like we're all sitting down with all 791 different Star Wars Minis figures - one copy of each distinct figure (but without any reprints). Once one person takes a figure nobody else can. With 8 teams of 40 figures each, we'll be taking 320 of the 791 different figures in total.

However, in addition to the 40 figures that each team will draft, each team is provided with 2 Ugnaught Demolitionists, 2 Mouse Droids, and 2 R7 Astromech Droids. (One copy of each is also available in the draft, so a team may end up with 3 copies of these figures.) That gives a total of 46 figures on your team.

With those 46 figures (or a subset of those figures) you will construct 3 squads: one with light-side factions, one with dark-side factions, and one with no faction restrictions. Each of your 46 figures can only be on one of those 3 squads.
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 8:33:32 AM
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200pt squads right?
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 8:43:09 AM
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I realized that based on my terminology there could be confusion about how to compute when you can take a turn. I removed the word "pick" and substituted "turn" and "selection" in the rules. Nothing has changed, but hopefully it is clearer. A turn may contain multiple selections if you are catching up, but it only counts as one turn for the purposes of determining who may take the next turn and at what time.

New text from the rules above:
In order to ensure that the draft keeps moving, there will not be a strict draft order after the first two rounds. After the first two rounds, a team may take a turn if the following is true: "The number of hours since the last turn in the draft PLUS the number of turns since my last turn is greater than or equal to 7." On normal turns, you make one selection. However, if you are away for a while and people jump ahead of you, you may have made fewer selections than other teams. Whenever it is your turn, you may either make one selection or make as many selections as necessary to make your team the same size as the largest team so far.

If people post at the same time selecting the same figures, first post listed wins. (This can only occur if one team is trying to "jump" ahead due to a delay in the draft.)

Example One: I take a turn at 2:00 and make one selection. Team B takes a turn at 2:30. Team C takes a turn at 2:35. At 7:35, 5 hours have passed since the last turn and there have been 2 turns since my last turn. 5+2 = 7, so I can jump in and take a turn at 7:35. If I'm not online either, Team B could jump in and take a turn at 8:35 (6 hours since the last turn in the draft + 1 turn since Team B's last turn.)

Example Two: Team H goes away for the weekend. Over the weekend, Teams A, B, and C take turns and they each draft several figures so that they each have 20 figures on their teams. Team H has only 15. When he returns, he can immediately take a turn and make 5 selections in one turn to catch up to the other teams.
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