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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
General Grievous, Deadly Duelist        Satele Shan    Havoc Squad Heavy Trooper      You should recognize this guy from the Star Wars: The Old Republic's Hope trailer. Took me a looooong time to do, but I'm very proud of him. Here's hoping that he (and many other SWTOR characters) come to SWM soon via the V-sets. Shae Vizsla   Darth Malgus    I put him in that pose so if I ever make Ven Zallow, they can be in a saberlock. Quote:V-SetsDestiny of the Force Customs The Revanchist     Prepainted:  Old Republic Senator     I made the head out of epoxy before I had the set list for MotF. I still think my head looks better... Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit  I mixed transparent paint and black paint to make a semi-translucent black, but it doesnt' show up very well in this picture. Sith Inquisitor    Admiral Pellaeon    Poggle the Lesser    Lt. Page   Sora Bulq   Sora Bulq 2.0     A major improvement over my original attempt. I used a much better paint, added a shoto, and gave him wrist wrapping and robe coloring that accurately matched his comic-book depictions. Battle Droid Lieutenant  To give him a unique sculpt, I combined the head of a Battle Droid Sniper and the body of a Rocket Battle Droid (minus the jetpack). Jaster Mereel  Because I didn't feel like cutting up one of my gunslingers or Boba/Jango, I made the helmet out of epoxy. And for those of you who have never tried it, getting a character to hold a weapon (especially a rifle) in two hands ain't easy. Mandalorian Tactician   Mandalorian Bounty Hunter     Mandalorian Bounty Hunter I made the cape out of construction epoxy (as opposed to greenstuff) and tried to give it a ragged look (to much success, IMO) Mandalorian Counter-Intelligence Officer    This was originally designed as a Swamptrooper, another of my favorite customs. The concept is that he specializes in swampy terrain, and can go underwater when needed. Niles Ferrier   Yes, he does have a cigarra. Salacious Crumb     I made the little guy totally out of epoxy putty. The only mini I had to cut up was an R4 for the small base. Yuuzhan Vong Hunter Droid   Supreme Overlord Shimrra     OK, he was one of my big projects. I based this custom off a picture on Wookieepedia and a couple of facts: He's bigger than any other vong, his head is huge and covered in tattoos/scars, his arms are skinny, and he wears a robe made from preserved flesh. I tried to have it make sense for him to both be wearing a robe and have Voduun Crab Armor 6. Prepainted:   Renegades & Rogues:Master Kavar  I added the two lightsabers (the one in his left hand is a shoto) and repainted his clothes. Relatively easy compared to some of my others, yet still accurate. Wookiee Jedi    I'm so glad they made this mini in R&R, especially since I had this custom already made! General Weir  I put him on a square base to make him a proper Storm Commando. It looks pretty good too, if you ask me. Stormtrooper Advance Scout Version 1  Count Dooku, Separatist Leader  You have no idea how hard it is to sculpt a hand until you try. No idea..... Yuuzhan Vong Slayer   Battle of Theed:Rune Haako   Royal Handmaidens  VengeanceCaptain Ordo   Hapan Royal Guard   Arkanian Soldier   Nautolan Sith Lord     A Sith Lord from Krayt's Empire. I'm tenatively calling him Darth Vindicus. Mantellian Savrip    I can't stand how timid WotC made the Mantellian Savrip look, so I took it into my own hands to make him look more intimidating. Also, Mantellian Savrips have always been blue or green, never grey. Human Soldier   Whiphid Soldier   A Whiphid soldier I made for my brother. He wanted to play a Whiphid in our Scum and Villainy campaign, but he didn't want a bow-and-arrow, so I made this for him. The character is heading towards being a brawler, so the pose fits him perfectly. Wookiee Scoundrel    Was anyone else not satisfied with the Wookiee Scoundrel's fur? I wasn't so I fixed this guy right up. 181st Imperial Pilot    501st Stormtroopers    These 501st Stormtroopers look 200% better than WotC made them. I fixed my 6, and my brother's six, so in total I did a dozen of them.   Clone Commander Scot Uggie Bin Laden  He gives Ugnaughts Self-Destruct 10, after all. Muun Tactics Obama  May I present, Mr. President. Slade    Yeah, he's not a Star Wars character, but I made him out of a SWM, so he belongs here anyways. He was a pretty challenging custom because of the extensive epoxy use, and the difficulty of painting his mask. (It was surprisingly hard to carve a perfectly round head out of the kind of epoxy I was using back then.) Here are some of my older customs from about 3 years ago:       Green is my favorite color.    My 501st commander. I painted him to match the RotS 501st clone troopers. The Dark Times fig has a better pose, but not as good a paint job. At least now I can show this guy off in sanctioned play.   Yeah, I know you can see the yellow in the picture, but when you eyeball it its difficult to tell.  
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Joined: 1/20/2010 Posts: 162 Location: Bloomington, Indiana
You owe me a cookie, it was a male Imperial Knight. They look pretty nice! Good job, I couldn't do that kind of thing.
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Joined: 4/19/2010 Posts: 1,029
jlbm347 wrote:You owe me a cookie, it was a male Imperial Knight. They look pretty nice! Good job, I couldn't do that kind of thing. With the head of a Seperatist Commando.
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Joined: 6/18/2010 Posts: 198 Location: Alderaan (What's left of it. Stupid Imperials, it
jlbm347-you stole my cookiee! These are AWESOME  That Nautolan and the Wookiee look great! You get the Nautolan from the Nautolan soldier?
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
I took new pictures of all the customs, including a few new ones. I made sure to get the best possible lighting, even though it reveals errors you can't normally see.
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Joined: 6/30/2009 Posts: 1,389 Location: New Zealand ( kind of by Australia)
They all look epic! Nice work on the Wookiee as well....
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
*bump* New customs straight out of the SWTOR trailers!
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
Updated with Poggle the Lesser.
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Joined: 2/14/2009 Posts: 744 Location: Chicago
Shae Vizla and Malgus = class. I also really, really like the Swamp Trooper, both the concept and execution.
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Joined: 7/26/2010 Posts: 1,390 Location: Florida
LeftiesWillRule wrote:Updated with Poggle the Lesser. how did you do the beard thingy?
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Lily_Wan wrote:Shae Vizla and Malgus = class. I also really, really like the Swamp Trooper, both the concept and execution. Thanks for the compliment. And I decided to use the Swamp Trooper as my Mandalorian Counter-Intelligence Officer. Black ain't the only stealthy color. Darthbane53 wrote:LeftiesWillRule wrote:Updated with Poggle the Lesser. how did you do the beard thingy? Simple greenstuff. After I put the stuff on, the edge of the epoxy was too conspicious, so I trimmed down the areas where the meatbeard met his chin so the border was less obvious.
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Joined: 4/7/2008 Posts: 377 Location: Mexico D.F.
I really like the job that you do with the imperials and the sith, are awesome, greettings.
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Joined: 7/26/2010 Posts: 1,390 Location: Florida
What mini did you use to make malgus?
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
Darthbane53 wrote:What mini did you use to make malgus? Body = Neimoidian Warrior Head = Master Windu Mouthpiece = Darth Vader (from the starter set) Lightsaber = Elite Sith Assassin Hood = Jedi Watchman Cape, gauntlets, chestplate, lightsaber hilt addition, and collar = greenstuff
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Joined: 7/26/2010 Posts: 1,390 Location: Florida
Allright. Thanks so much dude. I allready took some inspiration from your poggel the lesser and now I hope I can make malgus! You have such awesom custom dudes dont stop making them!
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
updated with Salacious Crumb, YVH droid, Sora Bulq, Battle Droid Lieutenant, Clone Commander Scot, and Uggie Bin Laden.
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Joined: 10/17/2010 Posts: 3,682 Location: Beggers Canyon Tatooine
 nice work. thanx for sharing the photos
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Joined: 12/26/2008 Posts: 168
well done man! The Poggle looks spot on.
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Joined: 8/25/2008 Posts: 516 Location: Dover, DE (soon Cedarville OH)
maaaaajor update. Added The Revanchist, Exar Kun DFS, Sith Inquisitor, Sora Bulq 2.0, Lt. Page, Niles Ferrier Supreme Overlord Shimrra, and another humorus custom, Obama Muun.
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Joined: 7/26/2010 Posts: 1,390 Location: Florida
I dont see any of the new figs you said were on here 0.o.
Also wanted to add I have gotten no more inspiration then anywhere other then your figs =)
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