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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:08:32 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
I kind of like the JA one more. I don't think I've seen either in person though, and maybe it looks bad up close, but I just like that he has a really big gun.

I hit the randomiser again ready for lunchtime's mini of the day, and it's going to be another Clone. Cursing

I have a BUNCH of the guys with the big gun, they look more like "heavy clone troopers" but if I can I tend to use the ones with the poncho for V-set pieces because I do think they look cool.
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 4:28:57 PM
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Elite Clone Trooper Commander, from The Clone Wars

15 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Order 66

Commander Effect
Followers with Order 66 within 6 squares get +4 Defense.

His CE is OK, although since it overlaps with GOWK's, it means he's competing with GOWK for playtime. They are completely different pieces, but it's still tough for the ECTC, since his CE only applies to a niche group of pieces and GOWK brings a LOT more to the table for his extra 40 points. The ECTC is a very weak attacker for his cost, and has low hit points. He may be 'Elite' compared to the regular Clone Trooper Commander (see page 8), but on the overall scheme of things he's a high 2/10 instead of a low 2/10.

Please randomizer, I've had enough Clones for a while....
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 4:36:34 PM
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Randomizer just flicked up a piece that doesn't require any in-depth analysis, so here's a bonus one.

Klatooinian Enforcer, from Clone Strike

Hit Points: 20
Defense: 13
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Advantageous Attack (+10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)

A strong contender for the worst piece in the entire game. I defy anyone to think of a good use for this thing. 1/10.
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 5:02:05 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Randomizer just flicked up a piece that doesn't require any in-depth analysis, so here's a bonus one.

Klatooinian Enforcer, from Clone Strike

Hit Points: 20
Defense: 13
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Advantageous Attack (+10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)

A strong contender for the worst piece in the entire game. I defy anyone to think of a good use for this thing. 1/10.

As a sculpt for the much better V-set Klatoonians! Because they are so lousy I got a bunch nice and cheap for just that purpose. And I like this sculpt better than the other lousy WotC Klatooinian

TheHutts wrote:
Elite Clone Trooper Commander, from The Clone Wars

15 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Order 66

Commander Effect
Followers with Order 66 within 6 squares get +4 Defense.

His CE is OK, although since it overlaps with GOWK's, it means he's competing with GOWK for playtime. They are completely different pieces, but it's still tough for the ECTC, since his CE only applies to a niche group of pieces and GOWK brings a LOT more to the table for his extra 40 points. The ECTC is a very weak attacker for his cost, and has low hit points. He may be 'Elite' compared to the regular Clone Trooper Commander (see page 8), but on the overall scheme of things he's a high 2/10 instead of a low 2/10.

Please randomizer, I've had enough Clones for a while....

I like Clones, but man WotC made a bunch of terrible ones. I'ved used this piece a bunch in some scenario play that FlyingArrow and I did, and his stats aren't too terrible for a cheaper non-unique commander, and his CE isn't BAD there are just so many better options (specifically as you mentioned GOWK. You know...imagine if he gave clones +4/+4 how incredible that would be.) His highlights are his natural 18 defense, but as a clone he has horrible HP (which I like thematically, in game its just rough.) Is he going to see much play, outside of scenario play? No. Though again, this is one of the better WotC Clone sculpts. Clones and Imperial Troopers got some REALLY bad sculpts at the end of the game cycle, so it is nice to see ones that actually look like clones and have some distinct paint which helps differentiate them from for V-set use.
juice man
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 6:10:58 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
I hit the randomiser again ready for lunchtime's mini of the day, and it's going to be another Clone. Cursing
Well, they did make a lot of copies....BigGrin
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:42:17 PM
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Bastila Shan, Jedi Master, from Destiny of the Force

33 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 19
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 3
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time she activates)
Advanced Battle Meditation (Force 3, replaces turn: Until the start of this character's next turn, this character gains the following Force ability: Allies get +10 Damage and enemy commander effects are suppressed.)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

I guess it was time to get a power piece after a bunch of filler today, and power pieces don't get much more powerful than this lady.

Canonically, Bastila Shan's Battle Meditation was a Force ability which considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies. WOTC represented this with the extremely underwhelming Battle Meditation; Force 2, replaces attacks: For the rest of the skirmish, this character gains the following commander effect: Allies who combine fire grant an additional +2 Attack, and enemy characters cannot combine fire.

Meanwhile, the Rebels were dominating the game - they won GenCon 2008, 2009, 2010, largely by massing commander effects like Rieekan, Dodonna, General Crix Madine, and especially Princess Leia's CE.

Opinions differ on Bastilla, but I think she was a brilliant solution to the two problems - that the original Battle Meditation and the Old Republic faction as a whole were underwhelming, and that squads with masses of commander effects that weren't affected by disruptive were dominating the game. Advanced Battle Meditation does now actually turn the tide of battle, turning off enemy commander effects and granting allies +10 damage. While it may seem overpowerful, it's helped tournament balance a great deal; the +10 damage is necessary since your 33 point piece is tied out the back meditating, and I think she's comparable in power to the similarly costed Thrawns that have anchored Imperial squads for years.

There are counters to her too - force immune Vong can just ignore her, making another previously underloved faction instantly more playable, while Imperials can work around her with a couple of pieces with Ysalamari force bubbles. Additionally, her ABM is interrupted if she takes damage, rolls a save, so deep strike squads can get to her and turn her off - I think it's worth posting the glossary definition here as there has been some confusion about it in the past:

Some characters have Force powers that remain in effect beyond that character's turn. These are called Force abilities. A Force ability remains active for the designated time. Force abilities cannot be cancelled unless the character is defeated, or at the moment the ability is activated (if a character with a Force canceling power like Force Absorb or Force Defense is within the required range at the time of activation). Force abilities that don't last until the end of the skirmish are negated prematurely if the character using it rolls a save, spends Force points, makes an attack, or is dealt damage. The ability immediately ends if the character joins an opponent's squad. Characters with Force Immunity ignore Force abilities.

She's certainly not so powerful that you can throw her in a squad and score an auto-win; lots of squads can deal with her just fine, but she does make life a lot harder for a lot of commander effect dominated squads.

Like her or loathe her - and personally I think she's really well done and wouldn't change a thing about her - she's a game changing power piece and gets an 11/10.
Darth O
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3:19:36 AM
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Bastila is one of my favourite V-set pieces. I'm in the "Love" crowd.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:52:10 AM
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I think she should have started with 2 force instead of 3, but overall a positive addition to the game.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 6:01:49 AM
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Remember, when she was made, we didnt know if we were going to ever see a v-set 2. She was a 1 stop quick fix, and while a few things could maybe have been tweeked with her, I think she does what she was meant to do; give the OR a fighting chance. I think she deserves the 100% rating.
juice man
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 8:00:59 AM
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adamb0nd wrote:
Remember, when she was made, we didnt know if we were going to ever see a v-set 2. She was a 1 stop quick fix, and while a few things could maybe have been tweeked with her, I think she does what she was meant to do; give the OR a fighting chance. I think she deserves the 100% rating.
No, she does not. She got a 110%. Which is what she is.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:49:48 AM
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juice man wrote:
adamb0nd wrote:
Remember, when she was made, we didnt know if we were going to ever see a v-set 2. She was a 1 stop quick fix, and while a few things could maybe have been tweeked with her, I think she does what she was meant to do; give the OR a fighting chance. I think she deserves the 100% rating.
No, she does not. She got a 110%. Which is what she is.

I understand why she was made. I understand how she was made. That doesn't stop me from disliking this piece. The game has had to adapt (Camaraderie, Hand Signals, etc) because of here. I think she was a good idea implemented too fast. A run before you can walk.

I don't fault the designers. I just disagree with the result.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:03:44 PM
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Han Solo on Tauntaun, from Alliance on Empire

27 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Heal 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from a living character)
Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)

Force Powers
Force 1

Do you know what squad went 6-0 in Swiss in GenCon Championships in 2010? It was this:

Phillip Carlisle, Throne Room
47 Luke's Landspeeder
27 Ferus Olin
27 Han Solo on Tauntaun
20 Princess Leia
17 Bothan Noble
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
8 Juno Eclipse
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Mouse Droid
3 Mouse Droid
3 Mouse Droid
3 Mouse Droid

The Rebels have a great bench of mid-range pieces like this - they got a lot of love from the WOTC designers, and got a lot of well thought out pieces. HanTaun doesn't get a whole lot of play, and it doesn't help that he's the same point cost as Han Smuggler who's a very popular option. But he's still a solid piece for his cost, with Mobile and 90 hit points meaning that he can stand up well as an independent piece, and although his damage output is only 30, he does have accurate shot and access to Rebel Cannon pieces. 8/10.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 2:31:30 PM
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what's also worth noting about this piece is he heals.

Himself or others. When Rebels typically lack the staying power that crucial 10 HP might make a difference. Unfortunately, because he will be at least a secondary attacker the option might not come about that often. However, if you can get the canon shot with him it might free up the healing option.

Couple him with a Bothan Noble and you have a decent amount of healing going on in a squad with a decent output potential.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3:19:19 PM
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Ewok Hang Glider, from Alliance and Empire

7 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 2
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Strafe Attack (As this character moves, it can attack each enemy whose space it enters; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space it has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)

The Ewok Hang Glider is certainly an interesting piece; one on hand it has awful stats and only 10 hit points, but obviously Flight and Strafe is an uber ability, especially on a disposable 7 point piece. The Hang Glider is a fringe follower, and an ewok, so it's subject to all sorts of commander effects, and as a medium base it's swappable as well. So the Hang Glider definitely has its own niche, as it's easily the cheapest strafer in the game. His best bet is maybe Talon Karrde Information Broker and Jabba Crime Lord getting him up to +10 for 30s on a strafing run, Talon Karrde can use him CE to position him at the start of the round, but he does need a Mouse Droid to get Jabba's CE, so it can be difficult to set up. Since he's a shooter with 10 damage, he's subject to Blaster Upgrade, so he even can get twin with a Czerka.

Anything involving this piece is going to be intrisically fiddly and difficult to set up, and I certainly wouldn't build a whole squad around this piece as it just rolls over and dies to stuff like a Lancer or a piece with Jedi Reflexes. But he does fill a very unique niche in the game and I think he's at the very least a decent option in for Ewok squads or an interesting reinforcement choice for Talon Kardde squads. Traditionally its been regarded as a bit of a junk Rare piece, but with the recent development of Fringe only and stronger Ewok squads, its stocks have risen considerably; it recently featured in the winning FrostyCon squad, albeit while Zygerrians still had Slave Driver. Even so, I still think it has the potential to make the odd tournament appearance, especially with swarm squads becoming more prevalent. 8/10.

Also, this is a breakdown of everything rated so far, broken down to WOTC and v-set. It mainly shows that the v-sets have cut out all the useless pieces (hardly any v-set pieces are getting ranked less than a 6), the graphs actually look comparable in the ratings 6 through 11. So based on the random cross-section of figures we've looked at so far, the main difference in power level between WOTC and v-sets is that v-sets don't have a whole lot of useless filler.

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:47:29 PM
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R2-D2 with Extended Sensor from Imperial Entanglements

Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
It's a Trap! (Enemies with Stealth within 6 squares lose Stealth)
Override (At the end of his turn, this character can designate 1 door that he can see as open or closed; it remains Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)

R2-D2 with Extended Sensor is obviously a really useful piece. As much as anything, it's a meta call as to whether this iteration makes squads regularly, since Rebels have access to a ton of great cheap override options in a similar price range - the ERC, Lobot, and the R7 are all great pieces as well. He's more fragile than the R7, since a Jawa Scavenger can one shot it with accurate, but It's A Trap and Recon are two really helpful extra abilities for a squad to have access to. Great piece which doesn't stand out that much, since it's in a faction chock full of useful cheap pieces, 9/10.
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:35:22 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
R2-D2 with Extended Sensor from Imperial Entanglements

Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
It's a Trap! (Enemies with Stealth within 6 squares lose Stealth)
Override (At the end of his turn, this character can designate 1 door that he can see as open or closed; it remains Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)

R2-D2 with Extended Sensor is obviously a really useful piece. As much as anything, it's a meta call as to whether this iteration makes squads regularly, since Rebels have access to a ton of great cheap override options in a similar price range - the ERC, Lobot, and the R7 are all great pieces as well. He's more fragile than the R7, since a Jawa Scavenger can one shot it with accurate, but It's A Trap and Recon are two really helpful extra abilities for a squad to have access to. Great piece which doesn't stand out that much, since it's in a faction chock full of useful cheap pieces, 9/10.

And don't forget:

Part if the 2009 World championship squad.
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2014 10:03:37 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Ewok Hang Glider, from Alliance and Empire

7 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 2
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Strafe Attack (As this character moves, it can attack each enemy whose space it enters; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space it has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)

The Ewok Hang Glider is certainly an interesting piece; one on hand it has awful stats and only 10 hit points, but obviously Flight and Strafe is an uber ability, especially on a disposable 7 point piece. The Hang Glider is a fringe follower, and an ewok, so it's subject to all sorts of commander effects, and as a medium base it's swappable as well. So the Hang Glider definitely has its own niche, as it's easily the cheapest strafer in the game. His best bet is maybe Talon Karrde Information Broker and Jabba Crime Lord getting him up to +10 for 30s on a strafing run, Talon Karrde can use him CE to position him at the start of the round, but he does need a Mouse Droid to get Jabba's CE, so it can be difficult to set up. Since he's a shooter with 10 damage, he's subject to Blaster Upgrade, so he even can get twin with a Czerka.

Anything involving this piece is going to be intrisically fiddly and difficult to set up, and I certainly wouldn't build a whole squad around this piece as it just rolls over and dies to stuff like a Lancer or a piece with Jedi Reflexes. But he does fill a very unique niche in the game and I think he's at the very least a decent option in for Ewok squads or an interesting reinforcement choice for Talon Kardde squads. Traditionally its been regarded as a bit of a junk Rare piece, but with the recent development of Fringe only and stronger Ewok squads, its stocks have risen considerably; it recently featured in the winning FrostyCon squad, albeit while Zygerrians still had Slave Driver. Even so, I still think it has the potential to make the odd tournament appearance, especially with swarm squads becoming more prevalent. 8/10.

Also, this is a breakdown of everything rated so far, broken down to WOTC and v-set. It mainly shows that the v-sets have cut out all the useless pieces (hardly any v-set pieces are getting ranked less than a 6), the graphs actually look comparable in the ratings 6 through 11. So based on the random cross-section of figures we've looked at so far, the main difference in power level between WOTC and v-sets is that v-sets don't have a whole lot of useless filler.

After playing the ewoks at frosty, there is certainly a spot for this guy even after the zyg got nerfed. Would look quite similar to an old school lancer squad with not quite as much range but while also gaining a gun (albiet a weak one). Certainly does poorly vs jedi-reflexes but for the most part, can certainly be in a competitive squad.
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:17:04 PM
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Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike, from Bounty Hunters

10 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Gang +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each other ally whose name contains Dark Hellion within 6 squares of that target)
Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
Speed 12 (Can move up to 12 squares and attack, or 24 squares without attacking)

With Speed 12 and Flight, the Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike is another piece that has a really big niche that has never been supplanted. The Sith especially have some good uses for this piece:
- Darth Caedus Sith Lord can send this piece in deep, and use it as the target for his Sith Battle Manipulation, to pull Cloaked pieces out of their hidey holes then shoot them. Sthlrd2 used this tactic in his winning Regional squad last year; it can be a great reinforcement choice for a Caedus squad.
- Traditionally it's also been used as a target for transfer essence pieces - this piece can go in deep, and then Exar Kun and Lord Krayt can transfer in and wreak havoc.
- As Timmerb123 points out below, it's also great swap fodder for large pieces, or a target to get Relay Orders up the board fast with the Squib Trader.
It's not a terrible fodder killer either, with +5 attack and Mobile, but its speed and flight means that the Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike can serve an invaluable purpose in some squads. 9/10.
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:24:14 PM
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Don't forget the swoop as swap fodder for larges. It is great to get a speeder bike deep on an imp squad, or Luke N Leia on Speeder in a K-3PO squad.

I also want to try the new elite Snowtrooper with Eweb/Swoop swap.

Finally, it also works nicely with a squib trader to get relay orders right where you need it or blow a door deep in enemy territory.
Posted: Friday, April 25, 2014 12:05:07 AM
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Imperial Pilot, from Legacy of the Force

8 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Gunner (Can combine fire with adjacent allies who have Mounted Weapon)
Industrial Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 character with Mounted Weapon)

Another day, another Imperial piece with Gunner. I just don't WOTC ever realised that it wasn't a very good ability, and if you do want a Gunner, the Elite AT-AT Driver at 12 points and 50 hit points is a much better option as a Gunner piece. The Ugnaught Tech is a cheaper Industrial Repair 10 piece. The v-sets have introduced some pilot boosts, but they don't really help this guy - the Cloud Car Pilot is stronger for the same cost, and the pilot options around 11-12 points are much stronger as well. So this piece is all but redundant - there are better gunners than him, better Industrial Repairers than him, and better Pilot scrubs than him. I guess he gets to a 2, since the combination of his SAs could make him fit in somewhere, but realistically there's always going to be a better option for any individual thing he can do. 2/10.
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