This is now officially my favorite thread here at Bloo Milk. I've been gone for a month and a half. Busy at home and such, I just read through every single post and laughed so hard I was crying with tear's in my eye's. The back of my head hurt's from laughing.
First I have to give out my
SquelchDog's Top Ten list. With my comments. Kinda like David Lettermans Top Ten.
Lobotnik wrote:CrunchBite wrote:
When you notice that Barack Obama's first name can be rearranged to spell "Ackbar" and his economic recovery plan was called "TARP", and you begin shouting IT'S A TARP! whenever you see the president on television.
I am not American, but if I were that might have been enough to get me to vote for him, if everything else was equal!
When you know many of your favourite quotes in both of your languages!
"Obi Wan hat dir nie erzaehlt was wirklich mit deinem Vater passiert ist."
"Er hat mir genug erzaehlt. Er hat mir gasagt, dass Sie ihn umgebracht haben."
"Nein! Ich bin dein Vater!"
"Nein! Das ist nicht wahr! Das ist nicht wahr, niemals!"
It's so good in German, worth learning the language for, just to enjoy Star Wars even more!
Loved this one since I know some German and I met my wife over there when I was stationed there in the 90's.
celticindian wrote:
When you've spent more on your SW Minins collection than you did on the car you now drive. (guilty)
lol This one had me wiping the tears from my eye's from laughing. Mostly because I am guilty of this as well.
At least I know for sure I'm not the only one. Thanks celticindian!
TheStarkiller wrote:When your father gave a sermon a few months after your birth using a bunch of star wars references, and his parish starts to think you weren't named after the Gospel.
hothie wrote:You know you're addicted to Star Wars when:
you look around your house and realize that you've personally funded Katie Lucas's college education, and are on your way to funding Jett's, and you're scrambling to find money for your OWN kids' education...
Guilty of this one too. Thanks hothie!
trappedslider wrote:Darth O wrote:when, to get your SWM fix, you teach your 9 year old sister to play....... and she WINS!!!
When you have a SWM fix.....
I taught my brother to play and he still beat's me.
markedman247 wrote:You have a bumper sticker that reads: "WWVC" in regards to "Who would Vader Choke."
This just recently happened: When you make comparisons of you on the golf course in a sand trap to a Tusken Raider raising his Gaffi.
"Who would Vader Choke." Now that's funny! Laughing at this one started my head hurting.
trappedslider wrote:when you can name all of the main charcters and how they relate to each other,but can't name any of your kids when asked...
Again guilty as charged for me as well.
DarthReeves wrote:You nick-name a certain piece of your anatomy "Little Boba"
There will be a substantial award for..... yeah let's just stop there
LeftiesWillRule buy boosters of a set that you already have complete just because they're on clearance!
EvilYeti wrote:When your dog (Leia) has a litter of puppies and you name them Jaina, Aayla, Mirta, and Chewbacca.
And EvilYeti posted his and beat me to it. Our Boxer was named Leia as well. My German wife and step daughter spell it
Lea. And I would correct them every-time we took the Dog to the Vet's office. To which my wife would sigh and shake her head. As the Vet's receptionist would look at me with a wondering look on her face.
For some odd reason I’ve never thought to do the "hand" at the automatic door thing. But I'm going to start doing it. lol
The first Dog my wife and I owned together as a couple we named "Leia." :) We decided a couple of years ago that when Leia became, "One with the Force." (Which happened this year unfortunately.) All the rest of our pet's, cat's and rabbit's included. Would all be named after Star Wars characters. :) Our next two girl pet's will be named Aayla and Ashoka.